1,121 research outputs found

    Optimizing Energy Storage Participation in Emerging Power Markets

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    The growing amount of intermittent renewables in power generation creates challenges for real-time matching of supply and demand in the power grid. Emerging ancillary power markets provide new incentives to consumers (e.g., electrical vehicles, data centers, and others) to perform demand response to help stabilize the electricity grid. A promising class of potential demand response providers includes energy storage systems (ESSs). This paper evaluates the benefits of using various types of novel ESS technologies for a variety of emerging smart grid demand response programs, such as regulation services reserves (RSRs), contingency reserves, and peak shaving. We model, formulate and solve optimization problems to maximize the net profit of ESSs in providing each demand response. Our solution selects the optimal power and energy capacities of the ESS, determines the optimal reserve value to provide as well as the ESS real-time operational policy for program participation. Our results highlight that applying ultra-capacitors and flywheels in RSR has the potential to be up to 30 times more profitable than using common battery technologies such as LI and LA batteries for peak shaving.Comment: The full (longer and extended) version of the paper accepted in IGSC 201

    Optimizing energy storage participation in emerging power markets

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    The growing amount of intermittent renewables in power generation creates challenges for real-time matching of supply and demand in the power grid. Emerging ancillary power markets provide new incentives to consumers (e.g., electrical vehicles, data centers, and others) to perform demand response to help stabilize the electricity grid. A promising class of potential demand response providers includes energy storage systems (ESSs). This paper evaluates the benefits of using various types of novel ESS technologies for a variety of emerging smart grid demand response programs, such as regulation services reserves (RSRs), contingency reserves, and peak shaving. We model, formulate and solve optimization problems to maximize the net profit of ESSs in providing each demand response. Our solution selects the optimal power and energy capacities of the ESS, determines the optimal reserve value to provide as well as the ESS real-time operational policy for program participation. Our results highlight that applying ultra-capacitors and flywheels in RSR has the potential to be up to 30 times more profitable than using common battery technologies such as LI and LA batteries for peak shaving

    Parametric virtual concept design of heavy machinery: a case study application

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    Virtual prototyping enables the validation and optimization of machinery equivalent to physical testing, saving time and costs in the product development, especially in case of heavy machines with complex motions. However, virtual prototyping is usually deployed only at the end of the design process, when product architecture is already developed. The present paper discusses the introduction of virtual prototypes since conceptual design stage as Virtual Concepts in which coarse models of machinery design variants are simulated obtaining useful information, sometimes fundamental to support best design choices. Virtual Concept modeling and preliminary validation and its later integration to a Virtual Prototype are expressly investigated using Multi Body Dynamics software. A verification case study on a large vibrating screen demonstrates that dynamic Virtual Concepts enable easier and effective evaluations on the design variants and increase the design process predictability

    Computer–Aided Design of the Critical Speed of Shafts

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    A computer aided design software for the analysis of the critical speed of shaft, is developed and presented in this work. The software was designed using the principles of object oriented programming, and implemented with the Microsoft Visual Basic Language. The package was tested on a number of benchmark design problems. The solutions obtained were highly accurate. Also, the software exhibited very high efficiency. To improveon the method of presenting these solutions, graphical features were incorporated. This enhances the ability to visualize results

    Composite Flywheels Assessed Analytically by NDE and FEA

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    As an alternative to expensive and short-lived lead-acid batteries, composite flywheels are being developed to provide an uninterruptible power supply for advanced aerospace and industrial applications. Flywheels can help prevent irregularities in voltage caused by power spikes, sags, surges, burnout, and blackouts. Other applications include load-leveling systems for wind and solar power facilities, where energy output fluctuates with weather. Advanced composite materials are being considered for these components because they are significantly lighter than typical metallic alloys and have high specific strength and stiffness. However, much more research is needed before these materials can be fully utilized, because there is insufficient data concerning their fatigue characteristics and nonlinear behavior, especially at elevated temperatures. Moreover, these advanced types of structural composites pose greater challenges for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques than are encountered with typical monolithic engineering metals. This is particularly true for ceramic polymer and metal matrix composites, where structural properties are tailored during the processing stages. Current efforts involving the NDE group at the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field are focused on evaluating many important structural components, including the flywheel system. Glenn's in-house analytical and experimental capabilities are being applied to analyze data produced by computed tomography (CT) scans to help assess the damage and defects of high-temperature structural composite materials. Finite element analysis (FEA) has been used extensively to model the effects of static and dynamic loading on aerospace propulsion components. This technique allows the use of complicated loading schemes by breaking the complex part geometry into many smaller, geometrically simple elements

    Design Principles of a flywheel Regenerative Braking System (f-RBS) for Formula SAE type racecar and system testing on a Virtual Test Rig modeled on MSC ADAMS

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    This thesis presents a flywheel based mechanical regenerative braking system (RBS) concept for a Formula SAE type race car application, to improve the performance and/or efficiency of the racecar. A mechanical system is chosen to eliminate losses related to energy conversion while capturing the rotational braking energy. The Flywheel-Regenerative Braking System (f-RBS) concept consists of a metal flywheel design of truncated cone geometry for the energy storage system (ESS) component and a V-belt CVT with a fixed gear for the transmission component of the RBS system. Racecar lap data and racecar specifications are used for designing/sizing the components. Mathematical models are developed for design, integration and operation of the f-RBS system. It was observed that a maximum of 27 % of energy requirements of the racecar can be supplied by the f-RBS. Also, a Virtual test rig model is created using MSC ADAMS, an advanced dynamics/virtual prototyping software, in order to test the whole f-RBS system for performance, as a preliminary alternative to experimental testing. Initial testing is performed to validate the regenerative braking principle employed, to establish the actual operating limits of the virtual test rig and for an initial analysis of performance improvement by utilization of the f-RBS system. From the results, it was inferred that using the f-RBS concept can have a significant impact in recycling wasteful the braking energy and provide additional energy to the racecar

    Design of Flywheel for Improved Energy Storage using Computer Aided Analysis

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    Today, most of the research efforts are being spent on improving energy storage capability of flywheels to deliver high power at transfer times, lasting longer than conventional battery powered technologies. Mainly, the performance of a flywheel can be attributed to three factors, i.e., material strength, geometry (cross-section) and rotational speed. While material strength directly determines kinetic energy level that could be produced safely combined (coupled) with rotor speed, this study solely focuses on exploring the effects of flywheel geometry on its energy storage/deliver capability per unit mass, further defined as Specific Energy. In this project I’m finding the maximum angular velocity that a flywheel can have. For this the maximum stress is equated to the yield stress. A c++ program is made to solve the maximum velocity as this involves a lot of calculations. Proposed computer aided analysis and optimization procedure results show that smart design of flywheel geometry could both have a significant effect on the Specific Energy performance and reduce the operational loads exerted on the shaft/bearings due to reduced mass at high rotational speeds. This paper specifically studies the most common five different geometries (i.e., straight/concave or convex shaped 2D

    Variable Vector Countermeasure Suit (V2Suit) for Space Habitation and Exploration

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    The Variable Vector Countermeasure Suit (V2Suit) for Space Habitation and Exploration is a visionary system concept that will revolutionize space missions by providing a platform for integrating sensors and actuators with daily astronaut intravehicular activities to improve human health and performance. The V2Suit uses control moment gyroscopes (CMGs) within a miniaturized module placed on body segments to provide a viscous resistance during movements _ a countermeasure to the sensorimotor and musculoskeletal adaptation performance decrements that manifest themselves while living and working in microgravity and during gravitational transitions during long-duration spaceflight, including post-flight recovery and rehabilitation. Through an integrated design, system initialization, and control systems approach the V2Suit is capable of generating this viscous resistance along an arbitrarily specified direction of down. When movements are made, for example, parallel to that down direction a resistance is applied, and when the movement is perpendicular to that direction no resistance is applied. The V2Suit proposes to be a countermeasure to this spaceflight-related adaptation and de-conditioning and the unique sensorimotor characteristics associated with living and working in 0-G, which are critical for future long-duration space missions. This NIAC Phase II project leveraged the study results from Phase I and focused on detailing several aspects of the V2Suit concept, including a wearable CMG architecture, control steering laws, human-system integration evaluations, developing a brassboard prototype unit as a proof-of-concept, as well as evaluating the concept in the context of future space exploration missions. A human mission to Mars, such as that outlined in the Mars Design Reference Architecture 5.0, provides a framework for determining the concept of operations and requirements for the V2Suit system. Mars DRA 5.0 includes approximately 180 day 0-G transits to- and from- Mars, as well as a 500 day stay on the surface (~3/8-G) (Figure 3). Accordingly, there are four gravitational transitions associated with this mission: 1-G to 0-G (Earth launch), 0-G to 3/8-G (Mars landing), 3/8-G to 0-G (Mars launch), and 0-G to 1-G (Earth landing). This reference mission provided the basis for developing high-level operational requirements to guide the subsequent study and design of the key V2Suit components