113,567 research outputs found

    Aplicación de metadatos Dublin Core a los principales módulos CAD de CATIA V5

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    CATIA, Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application, is one of the most important commercial software used for Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) in the aerospace and automotive sectors. This study analyzes the main features for Information Visualization, Information Retrieval and Information Organization of the main CAD workbenches in CATIA V5. Finally, the study proposes an application of the Dublin Core metadata scheme for the description of the main CAD objects, including a simple way to define the scheme and export the records within the system

    A multidisciplinary and collaborative problem solving architecture for high-level computer aided process planning in discrete manufacturing

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    Student Number : 0111474R - PhD thesis - School of Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built EnvironmentOne of the most daunting challenges in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is bridging the gap between Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP). Past research into CAPP, considered one of the most important and most complicated computer aided systems, resulted in a wealth of knowledge but unresolved problems still exist. The actual CAPP systems are considered large, complex, and monolithic, with limited extensibility, low-level of integration with other applications, and high development and maintenance costs. Consequently, this thesis develops a new framework that focuses on a CAPP architecture for problem solving that manages complexity through simplicity, and applies principles and strategies used in manufacturing enterprise management, automation, robotics, and software engineering, that finally leads to a system of systems which is human-centric, architectural-centric, process-centric, and in line with the IT (Information Technology) infrastructure trends. Thereafter, the framework is used to develop a number of software applications that apply object-oriented programming as a new way of thinking about solving CAPP problems and as a promising alternative to other techniques. Then, the capabilities of the new approach are demonstrated through the use of examples. The thesis ends with conclusions about the new CAPP approach, and finally highlights its theoretical and practical implications

    Computer Aided Reverse Engineering with Renishaw Digitizer for Digitization and Mazak for Model Fabrication

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    Application of reverse engineering (RE) is gaining its popularity in product design and manufacturing in recent years. It takes whatever methods, manual or computer-aided methods, to duplicate an existing object or system, either hardware or software. This report discovers about the process of exploring technical challenges to automatically generate computer-aided design (CAD) of an existing part using touch probe imaging techniques. This concept, computer-aided reverse engineering system has a potential for faster model duplication over traditional reverse engineering technologies. RENISHAW 3D Laser Digitizer was used to digitize the object and then the models were saved in IGES file format. CATIA CAD then has been used to create the solid model of the object, and finally the laminated object will be manufactured using MAZAK machine. In this project, a soccer boot has been reverse engineered. A prototype of the shoe was fabricated using the CNC codes that were obtained from UG NX3. The methodology of this process was presented, and this case study illustrated the RE approach. Technical challenges and future research directions in computer aided reverse engineering were identified. This approach has proved that, CAD Reverse Engineering increased the effectiveness in remodeling a product. These benefits include to reduce the time consume when generating the coordinates and also to get an accurate dimension of the object. It means that, complex contours of the shoe can be machined accurately by using this approach

    Mould design and manufacturing using computer technology : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Technology at Massey University

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    This thesis presents a research work carried out at the Institute of Technology and Engineering of Massey University. The overall goal of the project is to develop an integrated mould design and manufacturing system for teaching and research. The development involves establishing a computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, CNC machining, and injection moulding program for Technology and Engineering undergraduate and postgraduate students. An integrated CAD/CAM/CAE and CNC system has been established through this project. Four laboratory courses together with the tutorials have been developed and established. This design and manufacturing system and the corresponding laboratory courses provide a great support for Engineering Design and Manufacturing programmes. The laboratory courses give the opportunities to the students to gain the experience from concept design, through hands-on project, to the final physical product. The research work presented went through four stages. Before this project started, the Institute of Technology and Engineering (ITE) had a stand alone CNC milling machine, a CNC lathe, an injection moulding machine, a limited number of PCs and a few CAD licenses. The first stage was to develop an integrated CAD/CAM/CAE and CNC system based on the existing facilities in ITE and the limited funding provided by the fund of innovation and excellence in teaching. The second stage was focused on product design. It was realized that a product is needed for the development of this project. This product must have the features to demonstrate the applications of computer-aided technologies in product design, analysis and manufacturing. The product must also be a plastic component in order to smoothly integrate plastic injection moulding technologies within the programme. Stage three was to build and produce the die set of the product, which involves mould design and analysis, simulation, testing, tooling, and actual CNC machining. The final stage was to develop the laboratory courses, write the tutorials and produce a demonstration program. Four lab courses and the tutorials were developed, which cover CAD, CAM, CNC, and injection moulding. These labs provide students with hands-on and practical experience. The project has been successfully completed. The demonstration program is now used for ITE's open day and other occasions such as visitors from industries, high schools and other organisations. The four lab courses are now taken by 3rd and 4th year B.Eng and B.Tech students in the Institute of Technology and Engineering

    Дослідження конструкторських і технологічних можливостей системи автоматизованого проектування Autodesk Inventor

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    Сьогодні одним з найбільш перспективних напрямів розвитку технологій розробки нових конструкцій і виробів є впровадження систем автоматизованого проектування (Computer-aided design, CAD). Такі системи дозволяють створювати і редагувати просторові моделі об’єктів практично необмеженої складності, а використання їх математичних моделей дозволяє виконувати прикладні розрахунки, ще більше скорочуючи витрати на розробку проектної документації. Окрім того, сучасні CAD системи зазвичай використовуються спільно з системами автоматизації інженерних розрахунків і аналізу (Computer-aided engineering, CAE), а дані з СAD систем передаються в системи автоматизованої розробки програм обробки деталей для верстатів з ЧПУ (Computer-aided manufacturing, СAM) або гнучких автоматизованих виробничих систем (Flexible manufacturing system, FMS)

    An investigation into artificial intelligence based generative computer process planning

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    The process planning function can be further optimized with the introduction of an intelligent software package such as an Artificial Intelligence based Generative Computer Process Planning System. An AI based CAPP system, also categorized as an expert system, provides the vital link between design and manufacture, a bridge of knowledge in the information chain of manufacturing engineering. With the increasing role of computers in the process planning function, planning has become easier, faster, and more efficient. This thesis provides an explanation of the process planning function and how artificial intelligence will improve it. Topics in AI techniques and procedures, knowledge engineering, Computer Aided Design, and Group Technology (GT) are discussed. Utilizing the topics presented, a complete interactive software system is presented to illustrate the flexibility of an AI based CAPP system

    Generation of tooth profile for roots rotor based on virtual linkage associated with Assur group

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    This article, for the first time, presents the generation of Roots rotor tooth profiles based on an Assur-group-associated virtual linkage method. Taking the original Roots rotor as an example, structure and geometry of the Roots rotor are introduced, and based on the principle of inversion, an equivalent virtual linkage is identified for generating dedendum tooth profile of the rotor. Using linkage decomposition associated with elemental Assur groups, algorithm for computing the tooth curve is constructed leading to the explicit expression of rotor profile and the corresponding numerical simulation, verifying the validity of the proposed approach. For demonstration purpose, the virtual linkage method is then extended to the generation of tooth profiles for the variants of Roots rotors with arc-cycloidal curves and arc-involute curves. Integrated with computer-aided design, computer-aided engineering and computer-aided manufacturing software platforms, as well as the three-dimensional printing technology, this article provides an efficient and intuitive approach for Roots rotor system design, analysis and development

    Reverse engineering : an evaluation of contact technology and application in manufacturing systems

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    There are many instances where one-of-a-kind parts, such as prototypes or custom-built parts, need to be reproduced. When a Computer Aided Design (CAD) of an existing part is not available, reverse engineering is involved in recreation of such part. Currently, geometric measurements from the surface of a prototype are extracted manually and sent to a CAD system. It is typically time consuming, tedious, and potentially a source of error. This study outlines a methodology, for the development of a CAD model, rapid prototype, and subsequently manufacturing of the part. The method developed uses a contact technique to extract 2-D or 3-D data from the surface of parts using a coordinate measurement machine. Procedures for processing the data into a polygon mesh representation and orthographic projections are detailed. CAD solid modelling to Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), which is an important step in manufacturing industries are described by CNC code generations and use of ethernet to send the machine code file to the CNC machine tool on the shopfloor

    IDEF3 formalization report

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    The Process Description Capture Method (IDEF3) is one of several Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) DEFinition methods developed by the Air Force to support systems engineering activities, and in particular, to support information systems development. These methods have evolved as a distillation of 'good practice' experience by information system developers and are designed to raise the performance level of the novice practitioner to one comparable with that of an expert. IDEF3 is meant to serve as a knowledge acquisition and requirements definition tool that structures the user's understanding of how a given process, event, or system works around process descriptions. A special purpose graphical language accompanying the method serves to highlight temporal precedence and causality relationships relative to the process or event being described