9 research outputs found

    Information Technology Utilization in Environmentally Friendly Higher Education

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    The awareness of an environmentally friendly learning process has been of concern lately. IT offers some applications that are able to provide better green education environment in higher education sectors. This research involves top social information technology applications, DropBox and WordPress. DropBox is the most popular cloud storage in the world. Meanwhile, WordPress is top content management systems at the moment. This research employs the utilization of those two applications in students assignments and presentation medium. The study observed 150 sophomore students in computer science faculty. The results show that, involving DropBox and WordPress in higher education learning activities able to significantly reduce paper and ink usage. The combination of those two top applications create a very handy and comfortable environment for students in higer education. This strategy reduce the consumption of papers and inks and are accepted well by most of the students.Comment: in Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference (BEST ICON 2018), Luminor Hotel Surabaya, 201

    Mobile-Based COVID-19 Vaccination Registration Application Prototype

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    Information technology-based applications have entered the era of mobile phones or smartphones such as those using the Android or iOS operating system. Mobile-based application development has become a trend for today's society. Especially during the global COVID-19 pandemic, almost all activities are carried out remotely through mobile-based applications. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, mass vaccines are given to the public. So that the process of administering the vaccine does not cause crowds, it is necessary to create a mobile-based application. So that the application can be further developed properly, it is necessary to make a prototype. The prototype consists of 5 (steps): 1) Quick plan, 2) Modeling Quick Design, 3) Construction of prototype, 4) Deployment Delivery & feedback, and 5) Communication. In this research, the InVision design tool is used which can help design prototypes for both mobile and web versions. InVision has been widely used in making prototypes and is used by many digital companies in the world. The results obtained are in the form of a prototype application for the registration of vaccine participants via mobile phones and also the web. The programmers will easily translate the prototype results into a mobile-based application for the benefit of mobile phone-based online vaccine registration.Comment: 8 page

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Logbook Operasional Dan Knowledge Management System Air Traffic Controller Pada Perum LPPNPI Cabang Palembang

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    Air Traffic Controller merupakan salah satu unit kerja pada Perum LPPNPI yang pembagian jam kerjanya dilaksanakan secara bergiliran (shifting). Setiap shift dinas akan melaporkan setiap kejadian yang terjadi pada shift mereka pada logbook operasional. Dalam pelaksanaannya, kegiatan pencatatan logbook masih dilakukan secara konvensional yaitu masih menggunakan dokumen logbook operasional yang dicetak. Pencatatan logbook yang konvensional menimbulkan kesulitan ketika melakukan pencarian informasi yang terjadi sudah lampau, diperlukan ketelitian dalam membuka tiap lembar halaman untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan. Disamping itu, proses berbagi pengetahuan (knowledge sharing) belum diimplementasikan secara maksimal sehingga pengetahuan personil (tacit knowledge) yang memiliki pengalaman penanganan kejadian tidak tersebarkan secara merata karena sulitnya rekan-rekan mencari tahu kegiatan yang terjadi ketika sudah lampau. Pencatatan logbook dengan sistem konvensional juga membutuhkan tempat penyimpanan, mengeluarkan biaya untuk mencetak dan juga memiliki resiko hilangnya informasi logbook dikarenakan hilangnya lembaran logbook, terkena cairan atau terbakar. Pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Knowledge Management System Life Cycle (KMSLC) oleh Awad dan Ghaziri, dimodelkan dengan sistem analisis Unified Modelling Language (UML) dan diimplementasikan dengan aplikasi berbasis web. Dengan aplikasi logbook operasional dan knowledge management system diharapkan membantu dan memudahkan personil dalam mendapatkan informasi secara cepat melalui pengetahuan yang sudah didokumentasika

    Computer science students simulation in capturing tacit knowledge by using NGT for reducing traffic jam

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    Buku Ajar Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Riset

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