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    Computer Vision and Image Understanding xxx

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    Abstract 12 A compact visual representation, called the 3D layered, adaptive-resolution, and multi-13 perspective panorama (LAMP), is proposed for representing large-scale 3D scenes with large 14 variations of depths and obvious occlusions. Two kinds of 3D LAMP representations are 15 proposed: the relief-like LAMP and the image-based LAMP. Both types of LAMPs con-16 cisely represent almost all the information from a long image sequence. Methods to con-17 struct LAMP representations from video sequences with dominant translation are 18 provided. The relief-like LAMP is basically a single extended multi-perspective panoramic 19 view image. Each pixel has a pair of texture and depth values, but each pixel may also have 20 multiple pairs of texture-depth values to represent occlusion in layers, in addition to adap-21 tive resolution changing with depth. The image-based LAMP, on the other hand, consists of 22 a set of multi-perspective layers, each of which has a pair of 2D texture and depth maps, 23 but with adaptive time-sampling scales depending on depths of scene points. Several exam-24 ples of 3D LAMP construction for real image sequences are given. The 3D LAMP is a con-25 cise and powerful representation for image-based rendering. 2

    Computer Vision and Image Understanding xxx

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    Abstract 13 This paper presents a panoramic virtual stereo vision approach to the problem of detecting 14 and localizing multiple moving objects (e.g., humans) in an indoor scene. Two panoramic 15 cameras, residing on different mobile platforms, compose a virtual stereo sensor with a flexible 16 baseline. A novel ''mutual calibration'' algorithm is proposed, where panoramic cameras on 17 two cooperative moving platforms are dynamically calibrated by looking at each other. A de-18 tailed numerical analysis of the error characteristics of the panoramic virtual stereo vision 19 (mutual calibration error, stereo matching error, and triangulation error) is given to derive 20 rules for optimal view planning. Experimental results are discussed for detecting and localizing 21 multiple humans in motion using two cooperative robot platforms. 2

    A semantic-based probabilistic approach for real-time video event recognition

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116, 9 (2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2012.04.005This paper presents an approach for real-time video event recognition that combines the accuracy and descriptive capabilities of, respectively, probabilistic and semantic approaches. Based on a state-of-art knowledge representation, we define a methodology for building recognition strategies from event descriptions that consider the uncertainty of the low-level analysis. Then, we efficiently organize such strategies for performing the recognition according to the temporal characteristics of events. In particular, we use Bayesian Networks and probabilistically-extended Petri Nets for recognizing, respectively, simple and complex events. For demonstrating the proposed approach, a framework has been implemented for recognizing human-object interactions in the video monitoring domain. The experimental results show that our approach improves the event recognition performance as compared to the widely used deterministic approach.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Administration agency CDTI (CENIT-VISION 2007- 1007), by the Spanish Government (TEC2011-25995 EventVideo), by the Consejería de Educación of the Comunidad de Madrid and by The European Social Fund
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