178 research outputs found

    An introduction to random matrix theory

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    These are lectures notes for a 4h30 mini-course held in Ulaanbaatar, National University of Mongolia, August 5-7th 2015, at the summer school "Stochastic Processes and Applications". It aims at presenting an introduction to basic results of random matrix theory and some of its motivations, targeted to a large panel of students coming from statistics, finance, etc. Only a small background in probability is required.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figure

    Planckian Axions in String Theory

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    We argue that super-Planckian diameters of axion fundamental domains can naturally arise in Calabi-Yau compactifications of string theory. In a theory with NN axions Ξi\theta^i, the fundamental domain is a polytope defined by the periodicities of the axions, via constraints of the form −π<QjiΞj<π-\pi<Q^{i}_{j} \theta^j<\pi. We compute the diameter of the fundamental domain in terms of the eigenvalues f12≀.˙.≀fN2f_1^2\le\...\le f_N^2 of the metric on field space, and also, crucially, the largest eigenvalue of (QQ⊀)−1(QQ^{\top})^{-1}. At large NN, QQ⊀QQ^{\top} approaches a Wishart matrix, due to universality, and we show that the diameter is at least NfNN f_{N}, exceeding the naive Pythagorean range by a factor >N>\sqrt{N}. This result is robust in the presence of P>NP>N constraints, while for P=NP=N the diameter is further enhanced by eigenvector delocalization to N3/2fNN^{3/2}f_N. We directly verify our results in explicit Calabi-Yau compactifications of type IIB string theory. In the classic example with h1,1=51h^{1,1}=51 where parametrically controlled moduli stabilization was demonstrated by Denef et al. in [1], the largest metric eigenvalue obeys fN≈0.013Mplf_N \approx 0.013 M_{pl}. The random matrix analysis then predicts, and we exhibit, axion diameters >Mpl>M_{pl} for the precise vacuum parameters found in [1]. Our results provide a framework for achieving large-field axion inflation in well-understood flux vacua.Comment: 42 pages, 4 figure

    Random matrix techniques in quantum information theory

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    The purpose of this review article is to present some of the latest developments using random techniques, and in particular, random matrix techniques in quantum information theory. Our review is a blend of a rather exhaustive review, combined with more detailed examples -- coming from research projects in which the authors were involved. We focus on two main topics, random quantum states and random quantum channels. We present results related to entropic quantities, entanglement of typical states, entanglement thresholds, the output set of quantum channels, and violations of the minimum output entropy of random channels

    Orthogonal polynomial ensembles in probability theory

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    We survey a number of models from physics, statistical mechanics, probability theory and combinatorics, which are each described in terms of an orthogonal polynomial ensemble. The most prominent example is apparently the Hermite ensemble, the eigenvalue distribution of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE), and other well-known ensembles known in random matrix theory like the Laguerre ensemble for the spectrum of Wishart matrices. In recent years, a number of further interesting models were found to lead to orthogonal polynomial ensembles, among which the corner growth model, directed last passage percolation, the PNG droplet, non-colliding random processes, the length of the longest increasing subsequence of a random permutation, and others. Much attention has been paid to universal classes of asymptotic behaviors of these models in the limit of large particle numbers, in particular the spacings between the particles and the fluctuation behavior of the largest particle. Computer simulations suggest that the connections go even farther and also comprise the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. The existing proofs require a substantial technical machinery and heavy tools from various parts of mathematics, in particular complex analysis, combinatorics and variational analysis. Particularly in the last decade, a number of fine results have been achieved, but it is obvious that a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the matter is still lacking. Hence, it seems an appropriate time to provide a surveying text on this research area.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/154957805100000177 in the Probability Surveys (http://www.i-journals.org/ps/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Comparison of Numerical Solvers for Differential Equations for Holonomic Gradient Method in Statistics

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    Definite integrals with parameters of holonomic functions satisfy holonomic systems of linear partial differential equations. When we restrict parameters to a one dimensional curve, the system becomes a linear ordinary differential equation (ODE) with respect to a curve in the parameter space. We can evaluate the integral by solving the linear ODE numerically. This approach to evaluate numerically definite integrals is called the holonomic gradient method (HGM) and it is useful to evaluate several normalizing constants in statistics. We will discuss and compare methods to solve linear ODE's to evaluate normalizing constants.Comment: 17 page

    Asymptotic behavior of random determinants in the Laguerre, Gram and Jacobi ensembles

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    We consider properties of determinants of some random symmetric matrices issued from multivariate statistics: Wishart/Laguerre ensemble (sample covariance matrices), Uniform Gram ensemble (sample correlation matrices) and Jacobi ensemble (MANOVA). If nn is the size of the sample, r≀nr\leq n the number of variates and Xn,rX_{n,r} such a matrix, a generalization of the Bartlett-type theorems gives a decomposition of det⁥Xn,r\det X_{n,r} into a product of rr independent gamma or beta random variables. For nn fixed, we study the evolution as rr grows, and then take the limit of large rr and nn with r/n=t≀1r/n = t \leq 1. We derive limit theorems for the sequence of {\it processes with independent increments} {n−1log⁥det⁥Xn,⌊nt⌋,t∈[0,T]}n\{n^{-1} \log \det X_{n, \lfloor nt\rfloor}, t \in [0, T]\}_n for T≀1T \leq 1.. Since the logarithm of the determinant is a linear statistic of the empirical spectral distribution, we connect the results for marginals (fixed tt) with those obtained by the spectral method. Actually, all the results hold true for ÎČ\beta models, if we define the determinant as the product of charges.Comment: 51 pages ; it replaces and extends arXiv:math/0607767 and arXiv:math/0509021 Third version: corrected constants in Theorem 3.
