4 research outputs found

    Efeito da inclinação no desempenho de veículos pesados de passageiros

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    Mestrado em Engenharia MecânicaOs problemas relacionados com o consumo energético e emissões de poluentes relativos ao setor dos transportes representam seguramente uma preocupação ao nível Europeu. O preço do petróleo é outra preocupação crescente pelas empresas de transporte de passageiros, o que gera a necessidade de poupança de combustível. Para além de causarem prejuízos económicos significativos, a escolha incorreta de rotas poderá causar ineficiência energética. Para além disso, a inclinação acentuada do terreno pode ser um fator de maximização de consumos. Torna-se, assim, premente apostar no estudo da influência do declive das vias nos consumos e desempenho geral dos veículos pesados de passageiros, de forma a minimizar o seu impacte energético-ambiental. Assim, o principal objetivo desta Dissertação consiste em avaliar o impacte da orografia (inclinação) no consumo de combustíveis e emissões de uma empresa de transportes de passageiros (Horários do Funchal), naquela que é a capital da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Para este efeito foi utilizado uma metodologia baseada no conceito de Potência Específica do Veículo (“Vehicle Specific Power” - VSP) para aplicar uma relação entre dados da dinâmica do veículos e da inclinação do terreno – velocidade, inclinação e aceleração, recolhidos experimentalmente através de um GPS – e as emissões de poluentes. Esta metodologia tem amplo mérito pela sua eficácia em estudos anteriores, sendo muito útil na avaliação e gestão de empresas com natureza similar à Horários do Funchal. Os resultados obtidos revelam consumos significativamente superiores consoante a crescente inclinação dos percursos. Deve ser dito que num declive acentuado foram obtidas emissões de 2268 g CO2/km até 2432 g CO2/km, sendo que as emissões numa mesma distância sem inclinação variam entre 1423 g CO2/km e 1647 g CO2/km, portanto uma variação percentual nos percursos selecionados que oscila entre os 34% e os 70%. Ao realizar a análise noutra carreira, a comparação feita para percursos de declive inferior (para as mesmas distâncias) são de 1395 g/km e 1677 g/km de CO2, tendo como base um percurso referência (para inclinação nula os valores obtidos são de 1354 g CO2/km e 1487 g CO2/km, ou seja, variações percentuais que não ultrapassam os 17%). Estes desvios são significativos e podem resultar em implicações concretas na gestão da empresa, pois tendo esta informação é possível justificar custos acrescidos relacionados com o consumo de combustível.The problems related to energy consumption and pollutant emissions in the transportation sector are a major concern to the European authorities. The price of oil is unstable, which creates the need of fuel savings for passenger transport companies. One of the factors that influence pollutant emissions is the slope of the roads, which is sometimes a neglected factor but it is fundamental to minimize economic and environmental impact. Thus, the main objective of this dissertation is to assess the impact of topography (slope) in fuel consumption and emissions of the fleet of a passenger transportation company (Horários do Funchal), in the capital of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. For this purpose, a methodology based on the concept of Vehicle Specific Power (VSP) was used to apply a relationship between vehicle dynamics data and slope with pollutant emissions. This methodology has been effective in previous studies, and was useful in the evaluation and management of companies’ fleets. The results show significantly higher fuel consumption and emissions depending on the growing inclination of pathways. It must be said that on a steep grade, actual CO2 emissions of 2268 g / km - 2432 g / km are obtained, and the emissions in the same distance in a flat terrain are from 1423 g CO2/ km to 1647 g CO2/ km (the percentage variation goes from 34% to 70%, depending on the selected routes). The comparison made for routes with lower slope (for the same distances) are 1395 g CO2/ km and 1 677 g CO2/ km, comparing with a base scenario (with no slope, the emissions are 1354 g CO2/ km and 1487 g CO2/ km, e.g. percentage variations that do not exceed 17%). These deviations are significant and can result in concrete implications in company management, since with this information it is possible to justify increasing costs related to fuel consumption

    A Comparison of Emissions-Reduction Strategies to Improve Livability in Freight-Centric Communities

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    In 2009, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development entered into an interagency “Partnership for Sustainable Communities” to cooperatively increase transportation mode choices while reducing transportation costs, protecting the environment, and providing greater access to affordable housing through the incorporation of six principals of livability (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2014a). This study focuses on strategies to reduce vehicle emissions and improve livability along the Lamar Corridor in Memphis, Tennessee, a location that was designated by the U.S. Government in 2010 as an area to be targeted for livability improvements (Daniels & Meeks, 2010). The results of this study indicate that a common method to reduce emissions at freight terminals, a typical facility along the Lamar Corridor, may actually increase emissions along the corridor itself. Additionally, specific emphasis on the use of alternative fuels as a method to reduce emissions may be warranted

    Determining the Environmental Benefits of Adaptive Signal Control Systems using Simulation Models

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    Adaptive Traffic Control Systems (ATCS) have recently been implemented across the world and are considered as a new tool to reduce traffic delays and stops in coordinated traffic signal systems, which are urgent problems regarding not only traffic flow efficiency, but also environmental issues. Excessive fuel consumption and vehicular emissions on urban streets can be reduced by maintaining optimal signal timings which reflect changes in traffic demand and distribution. It is hypothesized that there are environmental benefits to implementing ATCS as compared to traditional Time of Day (TOD) plans. This research develops a methodology to quantify these benefits and tests the methodology to establish the reduction in emissions for a signalized roadway corridor as a line source of emissions. The research also considers the linking between microsimulation models, emission models and dispersion models to estimate air quality benefits in a corridor at specific receptors. This testing of the methodology was conducted by using a high-fidelity SYNCHRO microsimulation model of an 8-intersection corridor on Route 19 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. This signal system was recently converted from a traditional TOD timing plan operation to an ATCS operation, using the InSync system. The simulation results comparison showed significant reductions in all emission categories estimated by SYNCHRO. This first step in showing the benefits in a corridor can then be used to determine actual emission reductions at specific locations. Using simulation results from SimTraffic for an optimized TOD timing plan and the InSync system actual operations, a methodology was then hypothesized to integrate simulation emission results of the ATCS benefits with emission and dispersion models to indicate emission benefits at specific receptors

    Valoración económica de los efectos en la salud humana debidos a las emisiones de contaminantes a la atmósfera generados por camiones

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    Las políticas públicas ambientales adoptadas por los gobiernos, en los últimos años, exigen disminuir la cantidad de los contaminantes atmosféricos, como los emitidos por las fuentes móviles incluyendo los del transporte de carga, ya que se han alcanzado altos niveles de emisiones, incumpliendo los valores máximos permitidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). En muchas ciudades, los problemas de calidad de aire son causados principalmente por las emisiones de los vehículos. El aumento vehicular, la congestión, la topografía, la malla vial, ha hecho cuestionar como se estima, que cantidad se estima y cuál es el comportamiento de las emisiones vehiculares. Un alto porcentaje de camiones son impulsados por motores diésel. Durante la combustión de estos se genera alto contenido de azufre, además la ausencia de tecnologías de control de emisión, la antigüedad y el peso de la carga afecta el rendimiento del motor, generando mayor esfuerzo y por consiguiente mayor consumo de combustible y así mayor nivel de emisión. Estas emisiones afectan la calidad del aire, y por ende la salud de las personas expuestas a ellas. Las emisiones de los camiones emiten material particulado, entre otros contaminantes, lo cual genera efectos negativos en la salud. La contaminación atmosférica generada por los vehículos para transporte puede ocasionar daños en el aparato respiratorio aumentando el riesgo de la mortalidad cardiopulmonar, la alteración de los lípidos de la mucosa bronquial, asma bronquial e incluso enfermedades cardiovasculares. El estudio considera el uso de modelo HBEFA para estimar la cantidad de emisiones según diferentes parámetros relacionados con la circulación como la operación de los vehículos, tales como, Euro, tipo de combustible, velocidad y pendiente. Los resultados obtenidos, la velocidad de circulación y la aceleración de los camiones afectan la cantidad de emisiones de contaminantes. Al cambiar el horario de circulación de camiones se obtiene una disminución de 14% en las emisiones y un beneficio económico del 34% debido a que se reducen los efectos en la saludAbstract: The public environmental policies adopted by the governments, in recent years, require the reduction of atmospheric pollutants, such as those emitted by mobile sources, including those of cargo transport, since high levels of emissions have been reached, failing to comply with the maximum values allowed by the World Health Organization (WHO). In many cities, air quality problems are mainly from vehicle emissions. The vehicular increase, the congestion, the topography, the road network, has been questioned as it is estimated, the estimated amount and the behavior of the vehicular emissions. A high percentage of trucks are driven by diesel engines, generating a high sulfur content, in addition the absence of emission control technologies, the age and weight of the load affects the performance of the engine, generating greater effort and consequently higher level of emission and fuel consumption. These emissions affect the quality of the air, and therefore the health of the people exposed to them. The emissions of the trucks emit particulate matter, among other pollutants, which generates bad effects on health. Air pollution generated by vehicles for transport can cause damage to the respiratory system increasing the risk of cardiopulmonary mortality, alteration of bronchial mucosa lipids, bronchial asthma and even cardiovascular diseases. The study considers the use of HBEFA model to estimate the amount of emissions according to different parameters related to circulation such as the operation of vehicles, such as, EURO, fuel type, speed and slope. The results obtained, the speed of circulation and the acceleration of the trucks affect the amount of pollutant emissions. By changing the hours of truck circulation, a 14% decrease in emissions is obtained and an economic benefit of 34% is also detained due to the reduction in health effects..Maestrí