34 research outputs found

    Computationally Sound Mechanized Proofs for Basic and Public-key Kerberos

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    We present a computationally sound mechanized analysis of Kerberos 5, both with and without its public-key extension PKINIT. We prove authentication and key secrecy properties using the prover CryptoVerif, which works directly in the computational model; these are the first mechanical proofs of a full industrial protocol at the computational level. We also generalize the notion of key usability and use CryptoVerif to prove that this definition is satisfied by keys in Kerberos

    A Survey of Symbolic Methods in Computational Analysis of Cryptographic Systems

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    Since the 1980s, two approaches have been developed for analyzing security protocols. One of the approaches relies on a computational model that considers issues of complexity and probability. This approach captures a strong notion of security, guaranteed against all probabilistic polynomial-time attacks. The other approach relies on a symbolic model of protocol executions in which cryptographic primitives are treated as black boxes. Since the seminal work of Dolev and Yao, it has been realized that this latter approach enables significantly simpler and often automated proofs. However, the guarantees that it offers have been quite unclear. For more than twenty years the two approaches have coexisted but evolved mostly independently. Recently, significant research efforts attempt to develop paradigms for cryptographic systems analysis that combines the best of both worlds. There are two broad directions that have been followed. {\em Computational soundness} aims to establish sufficient conditions under which results obtained using symbolic models imply security under computational models. The {\em direct approach} aims to apply the principles and the techniques developed in the context of symbolic models directly to computational ones. In this paper we survey existing results along both of these directions. Our goal is to provide a rather complete summary that could act as a quick reference for researchers who want to contribute to the field, want to make use of existing results, or just want to get a better picture of what results already exist

    Formal Computational Unlinkability Proofs of RFID Protocols

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    We set up a framework for the formal proofs of RFID protocols in the computational model. We rely on the so-called computationally complete symbolic attacker model. Our contributions are: i) To design (and prove sound) axioms reflecting the properties of hash functions (Collision-Resistance, PRF); ii) To formalize computational unlinkability in the model; iii) To illustrate the method, providing the first formal proofs of unlinkability of RFID protocols, in the computational model

    A Reduction-Based Proof for Authentication and Session Key Security in 3-Party Kerberos

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    Kerberos is one of the earliest network security protocols, providing authentication between clients and servers with the assistance of trusted servers. It remains widely used, notably as the default authentication protocol in Microsoft Active Directory (thus shipped with every major operating system), and is the ancestor of modern single sign-on protocols like OAuth and OpenID Connect. There have been many analyses of Kerberos in the symbolic (Dolev--Yao) model, which is more amenable to computer-aided verification tools than the computational model, but also idealizes messages and cryptographic primitives more. Reduction-based proofs in the computational model can provide assurance against a richer class of adversaries, and proofs with concrete probability analyses help in picking security parameters, but Kerberos has had no such analyses to date. We give a reduction-based security proof of Kerberos authentication and key establishment, focusing on the mandatory 3-party mode. We show that it is a secure authentication protocol under standard assumptions on its encryption scheme; our results can be lifted to apply to quantum adversaries as well. As has been the case for other real-world authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols, the standard AKE security notion of session key indistinguishability cannot be proven for Kerberos since the session key is used in the protocol itself, breaking indistinguishability. We provide two positive results despite this: we show that the standardized but optional sub-session mode of Kerberos does yield secure session keys, and that the hash of the main session key is also a secure session key under Krawczyk\u27s generalization of the authenticated and confidential channel establishment (ACCE) model

    Owl: Compositional Verification of Security Protocols via an Information-Flow Type System

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    Computationally sound protocol verification tools promise to deliver full-strength cryptographic proofs for security protocols. Unfortunately, current tools lack either modularity or automation. We propose a new approach based on a novel use of information flow and refinement types for sound cryptographic proofs. Our framework, Owl, allows type-based modular descriptions of security protocols, wherein disjoint subprotocols can be programmed and automatically proved secure separately. We give a formal security proof for Owl via a core language which supports standard symmetric and asymmetric primitives, Diffie-Hellman operations, and hashing via random oracles. We also implement a type checker for Owl along with a prototype extraction mechanism to Rust, and evaluate it on 14 case studies, including (simplified forms of) SSH key exchange and Kerberos

    Automated Proof for Authorization Protocols of TPM 2.0 in Computational Model (full version)

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    We present the first automated proof of the authorization protocols in TPM 2.0 in the computational model. The Trusted Platform Module(TPM) is a chip that enables trust in computing platforms and achieves more security than software alone. The TPM interacts with a caller via a predefined set of commands. Many commands reference TPM-resident structures, and use of them may require authorization. The TPM will provide an acknowledgement once receiving an authorization. This interact ensure the authentication of TPM and the caller. In this paper, we present a computationally sound mechanized proof for authorization protocols in the TPM 2.0. We model the authorization protocols using a probabilistic polynomial-time calculus and prove authentication between the TPM and the caller with the aid of the tool CryptoVerif, which works in the computational model. In addition, the prover gives the upper bounds to break the authentication between them

    Unifying Simulatability Definitions in Cryptographic Systems under Different Timing Assumptions

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    AbstractThe cryptographic concept of simulatability has become a salient technique for faithfully analyzing and proving security properties of arbitrary cryptographic protocols. We investigate the relationship between simulatability in synchronous and asynchronous frameworks by means of the formal models of Pfitzmann et al., which are seminal in using this concept in order to bridge the gap between the formal-methods and the cryptographic community. We show that the synchronous model can be seen as a special case of the asynchronous one with respect to simulatability, i.e., we present an embedding from the synchronous model into the asynchronous one that we show to preserve simulatability. We show that this result allows for carrying over lemmas and theorems that rely on simulatability from the asynchronous model to its synchronous counterpart without any additional work, hence future work on enhancing simulatability-based models can concentrate on the more general asynchronous case

    Vérification mécanisée, symbolique et calculatoire, des protocoles avioniques ARINC823

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    We present the first formal analysis of two avionic protocols that aim to secure air-ground communications, the ARINC823 public-key and shared-key protocols. We verify these protocols both in the symbolic model of cryptography, using ProVerif, and in the computational model, using CryptoVerif. While we confirm many security properties of these protocols, we also find several weaknesses, attacks, and imprecisions in the standard. We propose fixes for these problems. This case study required the specification of new cryptographic primitives in CryptoVerif. It also illustrates the complementarity between symbolic and computational verification.Nous présentons la première analyse formelle de deux protocoles avioniques qui visent à sécuriser les communications air-sol, les protocoles ARINC823 à clé publique et à clé partagée. Nous vérifions ces protocoles, à la fois dans le modèle symbolique de la cryptographie, en utilisant ProVerif, et dans le modèle calculatoire, en utilisant CryptoVerif. Si nous confirmons beaucoup de propriétés de sécurité de ces protocoles, nous trouvons aussi plusieurs faiblesses, attaques, et imprécisions dans le standard. Nous proposons des corrections pour ces problèmes. Cette étude de cas a nécessité la spécification de nouvelles primitives cryptographiques dans CryptoVerif. Elle illustre aussi la complémentarité entre la vérification symbolique et la vérification calculatoire