235 research outputs found

    Super Resolution Imaging Needs Better Registration for Better Quality Results

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    In this paper, trade-off between effect of registration error and number of images used in the process of super resolution image reconstruction is studied. Super Resolution image reconstruction is three phase process, of which registration is of at most importance. Super resolution image reconstruction uses set of low resolution images to reconstruct high resolution image during registration. The study demonstrates the effects of registration error and benefit of more number of low resolution images on the quality of reconstructed image. Study reveals that the registration error degrades the reconstructed image and without better registration methodology, a better super resolution method is still not of any use. It is noticed that without further improvement in the registration technique, not much improvement can be achieved by increasing number of input low resolution images

    Statistical performance analysis of a fast super-resolution technique using noisy translations

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    It is well known that the registration process is a key step for super-resolution reconstruction. In this work, we propose to use a piezoelectric system that is easily adaptable on all microscopes and telescopes for controlling accurately their motion (down to nanometers) and therefore acquiring multiple images of the same scene at different controlled positions. Then a fast super-resolution algorithm \cite{eh01} can be used for efficient super-resolution reconstruction. In this case, the optimal use of r2r^2 images for a resolution enhancement factor rr is generally not enough to obtain satisfying results due to the random inaccuracy of the positioning system. Thus we propose to take several images around each reference position. We study the error produced by the super-resolution algorithm due to spatial uncertainty as a function of the number of images per position. We obtain a lower bound on the number of images that is necessary to ensure a given error upper bound with probability higher than some desired confidence level.Comment: 15 pages, submitte

    Super-resolution from unregistered aliased images

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    Aliasing in images is often considered as a nuisance. Artificial low frequency patterns and jagged edges appear when an image is sampled at a too low frequency. However, aliasing also conveys useful information about the high frequency content of the image, which is exploited in super-resolution applications. We use a set of input images of the same scene to extract such high frequency information and create a higher resolution aliasing-free image. Typically, there is a small shift or more complex motion between the different images, such that they contain slightly different information about the scene. Super-resolution image reconstruction can be formulated as a multichannel sampling problem with unknown offsets. This results in a set of equations that are linear in the unknown signal coefficients but nonlinear in the offsets. This thesis concentrates on the computation of these offsets, as they are an essential prerequisite for an accurate high resolution reconstruction. If a part of the image spectra is free of aliasing, the planar shift and rotation parameters can be computed using only this low frequency information. In such a case, the images can be registered pairwise to a reference image. Such a method is not applicable if the images are undersampled by a factor of two or larger. A higher number of images needs to be registered jointly. Two subspace methods are discussed for such highly aliased images. The first approach is based on a Fourier description of the aliased signals as a sum of overlapping parts of the spectrum. It uses a rank condition to find the correct offsets. The second one uses a more general expansion in an arbitrary Hilbert space to compute the signal offsets. The sampled signal is represented as a linear combination of sampled basis functions. The offsets are computed by projecting the signal onto varying subspaces. Under certain conditions, in particular for bandlimited signals, the nonlinear super-resolution equations can be written as a set of polynomial equations. Using Buchberger's algorithm, the solution can then be computed as a Gröbner basis for the corresponding polynomial ideal. After a description of a standard algorithm, adaptations are made for the use with noisy measurements. The techniques presented in this thesis are tested in simulations and practical experiments. The experiments are performed on sets of real images taken with a digital camera. The results show the validity of the algorithms: registration parameters are computed with subpixel precision, and aliasing is accurately removed from the resulting high resolution image. This thesis is produced according to the concepts of reproducible research. All the results and examples used in this thesis are reproducible using the code and data available online

    Global motion based video super-resolution reconstruction using discrete wavelet transform

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    Different from the existing super-resolution (SR) reconstruction approaches working under either the frequency-domain or the spatial- domain, this paper proposes an improved video SR approach based on both frequency and spatial-domains to improve the spatial resolution and recover the noiseless high-frequency components of the observed noisy low-resolution video sequences with global motion. An iterative planar motion estimation algorithm followed by a structure-adaptive normalised convolution reconstruction method are applied to produce the estimated low-frequency sub-band. The discrete wavelet transform process is employed to decompose the input low-resolution reference frame into four sub-bands, and then the new edge-directed interpolation method is used to interpolate each of the high-frequency sub-bands. The novelty of this algorithm is the introduction and integration of a nonlinear soft thresholding process to filter the estimated high-frequency sub-bands in order to better preserve the edges and remove potential noise. Another novelty of this algorithm is to provide flexibility with various motion levels, noise levels, wavelet functions, and the number of used low-resolution frames. The performance of the proposed method has been tested on three well-known videos. Both visual and quantitative results demonstrate the high performance and improved flexibility of the proposed technique over the conventional interpolation and the state-of-the-art video SR techniques in the wavelet- domain

    Superresolution images reconstructed from aliased images

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    In this paper, we present a simple method to almost quadruple the spatial resolution of aliased images. From a set of four low resolution, undersampled and shifted images, a new image is constructed with almost twice the resolution in each dimension. The resulting image is aliasing-free. A small aliasing-free part of the frequency domain of the images is used to compute the exact subpixel shifts. When the relative image positions are known, a higher resolution image can be constructed using the Papoulis-Gerchberg algorithm. The proposed method is tested in a simulation where all simulation parameters are well controlled, and where the resulting image can be compared with its original. The algorithm is also applied to real, noisy images from a digital camera. Both experiments show very good results

    Super Resolution of Wavelet-Encoded Images and Videos

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    In this dissertation, we address the multiframe super resolution reconstruction problem for wavelet-encoded images and videos. The goal of multiframe super resolution is to obtain one or more high resolution images by fusing a sequence of degraded or aliased low resolution images of the same scene. Since the low resolution images may be unaligned, a registration step is required before super resolution reconstruction. Therefore, we first explore in-band (i.e. in the wavelet-domain) image registration; then, investigate super resolution. Our motivation for analyzing the image registration and super resolution problems in the wavelet domain is the growing trend in wavelet-encoded imaging, and wavelet-encoding for image/video compression. Due to drawbacks of widely used discrete cosine transform in image and video compression, a considerable amount of literature is devoted to wavelet-based methods. However, since wavelets are shift-variant, existing methods cannot utilize wavelet subbands efficiently. In order to overcome this drawback, we establish and explore the direct relationship between the subbands under a translational shift, for image registration and super resolution. We then employ our devised in-band methodology, in a motion compensated video compression framework, to demonstrate the effective usage of wavelet subbands. Super resolution can also be used as a post-processing step in video compression in order to decrease the size of the video files to be compressed, with downsampling added as a pre-processing step. Therefore, we present a video compression scheme that utilizes super resolution to reconstruct the high frequency information lost during downsampling. In addition, super resolution is a crucial post-processing step for satellite imagery, due to the fact that it is hard to update imaging devices after a satellite is launched. Thus, we also demonstrate the usage of our devised methods in enhancing resolution of pansharpened multispectral images

    Super-resolution:A comprehensive survey

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    Motion Segmentation Aided Super Resolution Image Reconstruction

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    This dissertation addresses Super Resolution (SR) Image Reconstruction focusing on motion segmentation. The main thrust is Information Complexity guided Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for Statistical Background Modeling. In the process of developing our framework we also focus on two other topics; motion trajectories estimation toward global and local scene change detections and image reconstruction to have high resolution (HR) representations of the moving regions. Such a framework is used for dynamic scene understanding and recognition of individuals and threats with the help of the image sequences recorded with either stationary or non-stationary camera systems. We introduce a new technique called Information Complexity guided Statistical Background Modeling. Thus, we successfully employ GMMs, which are optimal with respect to information complexity criteria. Moving objects are segmented out through background subtraction which utilizes the computed background model. This technique produces superior results to competing background modeling strategies. The state-of-the-art SR Image Reconstruction studies combine the information from a set of unremarkably different low resolution (LR) images of static scene to construct an HR representation. The crucial challenge not handled in these studies is accumulating the corresponding information from highly displaced moving objects. In this aspect, a framework of SR Image Reconstruction of the moving objects with such high level of displacements is developed. Our assumption is that LR images are different from each other due to local motion of the objects and the global motion of the scene imposed by non-stationary imaging system. Contrary to traditional SR approaches, we employed several steps. These steps are; the suppression of the global motion, motion segmentation accompanied by background subtraction to extract moving objects, suppression of the local motion of the segmented out regions, and super-resolving accumulated information coming from moving objects rather than the whole scene. This results in a reliable offline SR Image Reconstruction tool which handles several types of dynamic scene changes, compensates the impacts of camera systems, and provides data redundancy through removing the background. The framework proved to be superior to the state-of-the-art algorithms which put no significant effort toward dynamic scene representation of non-stationary camera systems