8 research outputs found

    Computational Methods in Systems Biology. 17th International Conference, CMSB 2019, Trieste, Italy, September 18\u201320, 2019, Proceedings

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    This volume contains the papers presented at CMSB 2019, the 17th Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, held during September 18\u201320, 2019, at the University of Trieste, Italy. The CMSB annual conference series, initiated in 2003, provides a unique discussion forum for computer scientists, biologists, mathematicians, engineers, and physicists interested in a system-level understanding of biological processes. Topics covered by the CMSB proceedings include: formalisms for modeling biological processes; models and their biological applications; frameworks for model verification, validation, anal- ysis, and simulation of biological systems; high-performance computational systems biology and parallel implementations; model inference from experimental data; model integration from biological databases; multi-scale modeling and analysis methods; computational approaches for synthetic biology; and case studies in systems and synthetic biology. This year there were 53 submissions in total for the 4 conference tracks. Each regular submission and tool paper submission were reviewed by at least three Program Committee members. Additionally, tools were subjected to an additional review by members of the Tool Evaluation Committee, testing the usability of the software and the reproducibility of the results. For the proceedings, the Program Committee decided to accept 14 regular papers, 7 tool papers, and 11 short papers. This rich program of talks was complemented by a poster session, providing an opportunity for informal discussion of preliminary results and results in related fields. In view of the broad scope of the CMSB conference series, we selected the fol- lowing five high-profile invited speakers: Kobi Benenson (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Trevor Graham (Barts Cancer Hospital, London, UK), Gaspar Tkacik (IST, Austria), Adelinde Uhrmacher (Rostock University, Germany), and Manuel Zimmer (University of Vienna, Austria). Their invited talks covered a broad area within the technical and applicative domains of the conference, and stimulated fruitful discussions among the conference attendees. Further details on CMSB 2019 are available on the following website: https://cmsb2019.units.it. Finally, as the program co-chairs, we are extremely grateful to the members of the Program Committee and the external reviewers for their peer reviews and the valuable feedback they provided to the authors. Our special thanks go to Laura Nenzi as local organization co-chair, Dimitrios Milios as chair of the Tool Evaluation Committee, and to Fran\ue7ois Fages and all the members of the CMSB Steering Committee, for their advice on organizing and running the conference. We acknowledge the support of the EasyChair conference system during the reviewing process and the production of these proceedings. We also thank Springer for publishing the CMSB proceedings in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Additionally, we would like to thank the Department of Mathematics and Geo- sciences of the University of Trieste, for sponsoring and hosting this event, and Confindustria Venezia Giulia, for supporting this event and providing administrative help. Finally, we would like to thank all the participants of the conference. It was the quality of their presentations and their contribution to the discussions that made the meeting a scientific success

    Drawing the Line: Basin Boundaries in Safe Petri Nets

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    International audienceAttractors of network dynamics represent the long-term behaviours of the modelled system. Understanding the basin of an attrac-tor, comprising all those states from which the evolution will eventually lead into that attractor, is therefore crucial for understanding the response and differentiation capabilities of a dynamical system. Building on our previous results [2] allowing to find attractors via Petri net Un-foldings, we exploit further the unfolding technique for a backward exploration of the state space, starting from a known attractor, and show how all strong or weak basins of attractions can be explicitly computed

    Reducing Boolean Networks with Backward Boolean Equivalence

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    Boolean Networks (BNs) are established models to qualitatively describe biological systems. The analysis of BNs might be infeasible for medium to large BNs due to the state-space explosion problem. We propose a novel reduction technique called \emph{Backward Boolean Equivalence} (BBE), which preserves some properties of interest of BNs. In particular, reduced BNs provide a compact representation by grouping variables that, if initialized equally, are always updated equally. The resulting reduced state space is a subset of the original one, restricted to identical initialization of grouped variables. The corresponding trajectories of the original BN can be exactly restored. We show the effectiveness of BBE by performing a large-scale validation on the whole GINsim BN repository. In selected cases, we show how our method enables analyses that would be otherwise intractable. Our method complements, and can be combined with, other reduction methods found in the literature

    Conformance Relations and Hyperproperties for Doping Detection in Time and Space

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    We present a novel and generalised notion of doping cleanness for cyber-physical systems that allows for perturbing the inputs and observing the perturbed outputs both in the time- and value-domains. We instantiate our definition using existing notions of conformance for cyber-physical systems. As a formal basis for monitoring conformance-based cleanness, we develop the temporal logic HyperSTL*, an extension of Signal Temporal Logics with trace quantifiers and a freeze operator. We show that our generalised definitions are essential in a data-driven method for doping detection and apply our definitions to a case study concerning diesel emission tests

    Conformance relations and hyperproperties for doping detection in time and space

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    We present a novel and generalised notion of doping cleanness for cyber-physical systems that allows for perturbing the inputs and observing the perturbed outputs both in the time- and value-domains. We instantiate our definition using existing notions of conformance for cyber-physical systems. As a formal basis for monitoring conformance-based cleanness, we develop the temporal logic HyperSTL*, an extension of Signal Temporal Logics with trace quantifiers and a freeze operator. We show that our generalised definitions are essential in a data-driven method for doping detection and apply our definitions to a case study concerning diesel emission tests

    Exact Boolean Abstraction of Linear Equation Systems

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    International audienceWe study the problem of how to compute the boolean abstraction of the solution set of a linear equation system over the positive reals. We call a linear equation system φ exact for the boolean abstraction if the abstract interpretation of φ over the structure of booleans is equal to the boolean abstraction of the solution set of φ over the positive reals. Abstract interpretation over the booleans is thus complete for the boolean abstraction when restricted to exact linear equation systems, while it is not complete more generally. We present a new rewriting algorithm that makes 6 linear equation systems exact for the boolean abstraction while preserving the solutions over the positive reals. The rewriting algorithm is based on the elementary modes of the linear equation system. The computation of the elementary modes may require exponential time in the worst case, but is often feasible in practice with freely available tools. For exact linear equation systems we can compute the boolean abstraction by finite domain constraint programming. This yields a solution of the initial problem that is often feasible in practice. Our exact rewriting algorithm has two further applications. First, it can be used to compute the sign abstraction of linear equation systems over the reals, as needed for analysing functional programs with linear arithmetics. And second it can be applied to compute the difference abstraction of a linear equation system as used in change prediction algorithms for flux networks in systems biology