6 research outputs found

    Verso le Città Cognitive. Un esempio di classificatore fuzzy: il bot parcheggiatore

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    Le città cognitive (Portmann, Seising e Tabacchi, 2017) sono una possibile evoluzione delle smart cities (Portmann e Fingers, 2016). Nella progettazione di una città cognitiva si tiene conto, oltre che della rete di sensori ed attuatori che contribuiscono alla condivisione dei dati, anche del rapporto tra la città ed il cittadino; a questo fine sono utilizzate una serie di tecnologie proprie della Computational Intelligence (Kacprzyk e Pedrycz, 2015), quali Metaeuristiche, Algoritmi evolutivi e genetici e metodologie Soft Computing per includere nel dialogo non solo vaste moli di dati, ma la possibilità di analisi introspettive che utilizzino come interfaccia da e verso gli utenti i linguaggi naturali e le logiche imprecise (Perticone e Tabacchi, 2016, D’Asaro et al., 2017). In questo lavoro presentiamo un esempio schematico di assistente virtuale basato sui classificatori a regole fuzzy (Magdalena, 2015), che utilizza ed integra gli open data prodotti dalla smart city con metodi linguistici per la classificazione al fine di indicare all’utente la convenienza nella scelta di un parcheggio in una realtà non conosciuta

    Big data analytics:Computational intelligence techniques and application areas

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    Big Data has significant impact in developing functional smart cities and supporting modern societies. In this paper, we investigate the importance of Big Data in modern life and economy, and discuss challenges arising from Big Data utilization. Different computational intelligence techniques have been considered as tools for Big Data analytics. We also explore the powerful combination of Big Data and Computational Intelligence (CI) and identify a number of areas, where novel applications in real world smart city problems can be developed by utilizing these powerful tools and techniques. We present a case study for intelligent transportation in the context of a smart city, and a novel data modelling methodology based on a biologically inspired universal generative modelling approach called Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal State Machine (HSTSM). We further discuss various implications of policy, protection, valuation and commercialization related to Big Data, its applications and deployment

    Citizen engagement through city apps: Technology adoption approach

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    Metropolitan areas are constantly evolving, and the smart city concept is gaining traction throughout local governance. The new paradigm for cities lands on an organic, efficient and interconnected structure, where the citizen is placed at the centre. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are the main technological enablers for this change and for citizen engagement, city services and applications (Apps) as one of the channels possible to use. The main objective of the present study is to find the key determinants that enable the adoption of city mobile apps. A theoretical model was created, and an online survey conducted to gather insights of the citizens' perspectives regarding the city apps. The results indicate the model is valid and that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are important components to the adoption of city apps. In addition, it was possible to identify some organizational and individual impacts recurring from the use of these apps. This study contributes to a new model of city apps adoption and provides evidence to organisms involved on the implementation and development of these apps.As áreas metropolitanas estão em constante desenvolvimento e o conceito de smart cities tem vindo a ganhar força entre organismos de governação local. Este novo paradigma para as cidades assenta numa estrutura orgânica, interconectada e eficiente, onde o cidadão é colocado no centro. As tecnologias de comunicação e informação são consideradas os principais facilitadores para esta mudança e envolvimento do cidadão, sendo os serviços e aplicações (apps) disponíveis um dos canais utilizados. O objectivo principal do presente estudo é determinar o que proporciona adopção de apps citadinas. Um modelo teórico foi desenhado e um questionário online realizado, de modo a recolher as percepções dos cidadãos, relativamente ao uso destas aplicações mobile. Os resultados indicam que o modelo é válido e que a percepção de utilidade e de facilidade de utilização são importantes componentes na adopção de apps citadinas. Adicionalmente, foi possível identificar algum impacto individual e organizacional promovido pelo uso destas apps. Este estudo vem contribuir para um novo modelo de adopção a apps citadinas e facilitar informação aos organismos envolvidos no desenvolvimento e implementação das mesmas

    Computational Intelligence and Citizen Communication in the Smart City

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    Information and communication are at the core of the intelligent city of tomorrow, and the key components of a smart city cannot prescind from data exchanges and interconnectedness. Citizen communication is an integral part of the smart city’s development plans: freedom of information and involvement in collective decisions, e-democracy and decision-making feedback can be greatly enhanced in an intelligent city, and, among other smart city components, foster a new era of participation and wise decisions. In this contribution we describe the methodologies that can be implemented in order to correctly develop automatic recognition systems for citizen communication, paying special attention to computational intelligence approaches, and how such methodologies could be usefully employed in the essential task of understanding linguistic registers, and suggest how the use of argumentation techniques can be beneficial to citizen communication

    Computational Intelligence and Citizen Communication in the Smart City

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    Information and communication are at the core of the intelligent city of tomorrow, and the key components of a smart city cannot prescind from data exchanges and interconnectedness. Citizen communication is an integral part of the smart city\u2019s development plans: freedom of information and involvement in collective decisions, e-democracy and decision-making feedback can be greatly enhanced in an intelligent city, and, among other smart city components, foster a new era of participation and wise decisions. In this contribution we describe the methodologies that can be implemented in order to correctly develop automatic recognition systems for citizen communication, paying special attention to computational intelligence approaches, and how such methodologies could be usefully employed in the essential task of understanding linguistic registers, and suggest how the use of argumentation techniques can be beneficial to citizen communication

    Computational Intelligence and Citizen Communication in the Smart City

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    Information and communication are at the core of the intelligent city of tomorrow, and the key components of a smart city cannot prescind from data exchanges and interconnectedness. Citizen communication is an integral part of the smart city’s development plans: freedom of information and involvement in collective decisions, e-democracy and decision-making feedback can be greatly enhanced in an intelligent city, and, among other smart city components, foster a new era of participation and wise decisions. In this contribution we describe the methodologies that can be implemented in order to correctly develop automatic recognition systems for citizen communication, paying special attention to computational intelligence approaches, and how such methodologies could be usefully employed in the essential task of understanding linguistic registers, and suggest how the use of argumentation techniques can be beneficial to citizen communication