24 research outputs found

    Synthetic 3D Pap smear nucleus generation

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    GĂłmez Aguilar, S. (2010). Synthetic 3D Pap smear nucleus generation. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10215.Archivo delegad

    Continuous Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Generation: Novel Losses and Label Input Mechanisms

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    This work proposes the continuous conditional generative adversarial network (CcGAN), the first generative model for image generation conditional on continuous, scalar conditions (termed regression labels). Existing conditional GANs (cGANs) are mainly designed for categorical conditions (eg, class labels); conditioning on regression labels is mathematically distinct and raises two fundamental problems:(P1) Since there may be very few (even zero) real images for some regression labels, minimizing existing empirical versions of cGAN losses (aka empirical cGAN losses) often fails in practice;(P2) Since regression labels are scalar and infinitely many, conventional label input methods are not applicable. The proposed CcGAN solves the above problems, respectively, by (S1) reformulating existing empirical cGAN losses to be appropriate for the continuous scenario; and (S2) proposing a naive label input (NLI) method and an improved label input (ILI) method to incorporate regression labels into the generator and the discriminator. The reformulation in (S1) leads to two novel empirical discriminator losses, termed the hard vicinal discriminator loss (HVDL) and the soft vicinal discriminator loss (SVDL) respectively, and a novel empirical generator loss. The error bounds of a discriminator trained with HVDL and SVDL are derived under mild assumptions in this work. Two new benchmark datasets (RC-49 and Cell-200) and a novel evaluation metric (Sliding Fr\'echet Inception Distance) are also proposed for this continuous scenario. Our experiments on the Circular 2-D Gaussians, RC-49, UTKFace, Cell-200, and Steering Angle datasets show that CcGAN is able to generate diverse, high-quality samples from the image distribution conditional on a given regression label. Moreover, in these experiments, CcGAN substantially outperforms cGAN both visually and quantitatively

    Uncertainty-Aware Estimation of Population Abundance using Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning is widely used for mining collections, such as images, sounds, or texts, by classifying their elements into categories. Automatic classication based on supervised learning requires groundtruth datasets for modeling the elements to classify, and for testing the quality of the classication. Because collecting groundtruth is tedious, a method for estimating the potential errors in large datasets based on limited groundtruth is ne

    Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns in Nuclear Biology

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    There is considerable interest in cell biology in determining whether, and to what extent, the spatial arrangement of nuclear objects affects nuclear function. A common approach to address this issue involves analyzing a collection of images produced using some form of fluorescence microscopy. We assume that these images have been successfully pre-processed and a spatial point pattern representation of the objects of interest within the nuclear boundary is available. Typically in these scenarios, the number of objects per nucleus is low, which has consequences on the ability of standard analysis procedures to demonstrate the existence of spatial preference in the pattern. There are broadly two common approaches to look for structure in these spatial point patterns. First a spatial point pattern for each image is analyzed individually, or second a simple normalization is performed and the patterns are aggregated. In this paper we demonstrate using synthetic spatial point patterns drawn from predefined point processes how difficult it is to distinguish a pattern from complete spatial randomness using these techniques and hence how easy it is to miss interesting spatial preferences in the arrangement of nuclear objects. The impact of this problem is also illustrated on data related to the configuration of PML nuclear bodies in mammalian fibroblast cells

    Simulation of biologically inspired object movement for the study of object tracking algorithms

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    Major advances in Cell and Molecular Biology have been associated with the advances in live-cell microscopy imaging, and these studies started to rely on temporal single cell imaging. To support these efforts, available automated image analysis methods such as cell segmentation and cell tracking during a time-series analysis should be improved. One important step is the validation of such image processing methods. Ideally, the “ground truth” should be known, which is possible only by manually labelling images or by artificially produced images. To simulate such artificial images we developed a platform that can simulate biologically inspired objects, by generating bodies with different morphologies, physical movement and that can aggregate in clusters. Using this platform, we tested and compared four tracking algorithms: Simple Nearest-Neighbour (NN), NN with Morphology and two DBSCAN based ones. In this work we showed that Simple NN work for small object velocities, while the other algorithms perform better on higher velocities and when clustered. This platform can generate new benchmark images and is openly available to test other tracking algorithms. (http://griduni.uninova.pt/Clustergen/ClusterGen_v1.0.zip

    Physically-based in silico light sheet microscopy for visualizing fluorescent brain models

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    We present a physically-based computational model of the light sheet fluorescence microscope (LSFM). Based on Monte Carlo ray tracing and geometric optics, our method simulates the operational aspects and image formation process of the LSFM. This simulated, in silico LSFM creates synthetic images of digital fluorescent specimens that can resemble those generated by a real LSFM, as opposed to established visualization methods producing visually-plausible images. We also propose an accurate fluorescence rendering model which takes into account the intrinsic characteristics of fluorescent dyes to simulate the light interaction with fluorescent biological specimen