13,360 research outputs found

    Computation of magnetic field in an actuator

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    Design and optimization of an actuators based on magnetostrictive technology requires computation of the magnetic field. The “MS”-technology offers an attractive controllability with high power density. The magnetostriction is a reversible feature which can be used in various actuator layouts. The actuator performance depends on driving magnetic field and the particular magnetic properties of used materials. Good understanding of specific design constrains is required to define and to optimized a magnetostrictive actuator. The non-linear computation of the magnetic field using FEM software is vital for the finale experimental design of a low-frequency actuator. This paper presents results of magnetic field simulation with FEMM software package and experimental measurements of the magnetic flux density. Good correlation between the simulation results and experimental measurements has been achieved

    Computation of forces in strongly nonlinear magnetic fields using higher-order eggshell algorithm

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    A novel version of the eggshell-based procedure for numerical computation of magnetic forces and torques acting on ferromagnetic bodies in highly nonlinear magnetic fields is presented. The procedure works with a fully adaptive higher-order finite element method developed for years in our research group, that is implemented in own code Agros2D and library Hermes. The power of the methodology and both codes is demonstrated on the solution of two typical examples: computation of the static characteristic of a magnetic actuator and torque characteristic of a flux-switched permanent-magnet machine. The results obtained are compared with data calculated by several other available codes

    Phase-Tunable Thermal Logic: Computation with Heat

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    Boolean algebra, the branch of mathematics where variables can assume only true or false value, is the theoretical basis of classical computation. The analogy between Boolean operations and electronic switching circuits, highlighted by Shannon in 1938, paved the way to modern computation based on electronic devices. The grow of computational power of such devices, after an exciting exponential -Moore trend, is nowadays blocked by heat dissipation due to computational tasks, very demanding after the chips miniaturization. Heat is often a detrimental form of energy which increases the systems entropy decreasing the efficiency of logic operations. Here, we propose a physical system able to perform thermal logic operations by reversing the old heat-disorder epitome into a novel heat-order paradigm. We lay the foundations of heat computation by encoding logic state variables in temperature and introducing the thermal counterparts of electronic logic gates. Exploiting quantum effects in thermally biased Josephson junctions (JJs), we propound a possible realization of a functionally complete dissipationless logic. Our architecture ensures high operation stability and robustness with switching frequencies reaching the GHz

    Quantum Robot: Structure, Algorithms and Applications

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    A kind of brand-new robot, quantum robot, is proposed through fusing quantum theory with robot technology. Quantum robot is essentially a complex quantum system and it is generally composed of three fundamental parts: MQCU (multi quantum computing units), quantum controller/actuator, and information acquisition units. Corresponding to the system structure, several learning control algorithms including quantum searching algorithm and quantum reinforcement learning are presented for quantum robot. The theoretic results show that quantum robot can reduce the complexity of O(N^2) in traditional robot to O(N^(3/2)) using quantum searching algorithm, and the simulation results demonstrate that quantum robot is also superior to traditional robot in efficient learning by novel quantum reinforcement learning algorithm. Considering the advantages of quantum robot, its some potential important applications are also analyzed and prospected.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Linear actuators for locomotion of microrobots

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering.The successful development of the miniaturisation techniques for electronic components and devices has paved the way for the miniaturisation in other technological fields. In the past two decades, the research achievements in micromechatronics have spurred fast development of micro machines and micro robotic systems. Miniature or micro actuators are the critical components to make these machines more dexterous, compact and cost effective. The main purpose of this dissertation is to develop micro actuators suitable for the locomotion of an in-pipe or endoscopic microrobot. The content of the thesis covers the selection of the actuation principle, robotic system design, actuator design and prototype construction, performance analysis, and design, analysis, and implementation of the appropriate drive control system. Among different types of actuation principles, piezoelectric and electromagnetic actuators are the two major candidates for the micro robotic systems. In order to find a suitable actuation principle for the desired robotic application, a comparative study was conducted on the scaling effects, attainable energy density, and dynamic performances of both types of actuators. Through the study, it was concluded that the electromagnetic actuator is more suitable for the endoscopic microrobot. Linear actuators are the common design used for the locomotion of microrobots due to many advantages compared to their rotational counterparts. Through a thorough review and comparison of the electromagnetic linear actuator topologies, a moving-coil tubular linear actuator was chosen as the first design due to its simplest structure. Via the magnetic circuit analysis and numerical magnetic field solutions, the actuator was designed for optimum force capability, and the electromagnetic force and the machine parameters of the actuator were predicted. According to the results obtained from the magnetic field analysis, the dynamic model of the actuation system with a driving control scheme was established and used in the actuation performance analysis of the robotic system. Based on the experience achieved through the first design, a new moving-magnet tubular linear actuator was designed. The methodology developed in the design and analysis of the moving-coil linear actuator was adopted for the moving-magnet actuator design. However, the optimal design is more complicated due to the multi-pole and multi-phase structure of the moving-magnet actuator. The electromagnetic force of the actuator was analysed under the condition of different excitation methods. An enhanced parameter computation method is proposed for predicting the actuator parameters. Based on the results of magnetic field analysis, a comprehensive dynamic model of the actuator was developed. Through the coupled field-circuit analysis, this model can predict accurately the dynamic performance of the actuator. The characteristics analysis shows that the performance of the moving-magnet actuator is much better than that of the moving-coil actuator. Two prototypes of the moving-magnet tubular linear actuator with different dimensions were constructed to verify the performance and the scaling theory. Various precision machining techniques were employed during the fabrication. The performances and parameters of the two different prototypes were measured and the results agree substantially with the theory. The brushless DC drive method was chosen for the driving control of the proposed linear actuator because of the compact circuit topology and simple implementation, which are two essential factors for micro applications. A sensorless control scheme based on the back EMF was developed as physical position sensors are not permitted in such a micro system. The control scheme was then applied to the locomotion control of the proposed microrobot. The system simulation shows that the control performances of both the actuator and microrobot are satisfactory. A dSPACE prototyping system based driving control hardware was designed and implemented to experimentally verify the control design. The experimental results agree substantially with the theoretical work

    Autonomous Vehicle Coordination with Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

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    A coordinated team of mobile wireless sensor and actuator nodes can bring numerous benefits for various applications in the field of cooperative surveillance, mapping unknown areas, disaster management, automated highway and space exploration. This article explores the idea of mobile nodes using vehicles on wheels, augmented with wireless, sensing, and control capabilities. One of the vehicles acts as a leader, being remotely driven by the user, the others represent the followers. Each vehicle has a low-power wireless sensor node attached, featuring a 3D accelerometer and a magnetic compass. Speed and orientation are computed in real time using inertial navigation techniques. The leader periodically transmits these measures to the followers, which implement a lightweight fuzzy logic controller for imitating the leader's movement pattern. We report in detail on all development phases, covering design, simulation, controller tuning, inertial sensor evaluation, calibration, scheduling, fixed-point computation, debugging, benchmarking, field experiments, and lessons learned

    Design and implementation of a linear motor for multi-car elevators

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    The multi-car elevator system is a revolutionary new technology for high-rise buildings, promising outstanding economic benefits, but also requiring new technology for propulsion, safety and control. In this paper we report on experimental results with new components for linear motor driven multi-car elevators. We show that linear synchronous motors with optimized design and with our new safety and control system can be considered as core components of a new generation of elevator systems. The main new results concern the development of a safety system integrated into the propulsion system, the design methodology of a linear motor optimized for the multi-car elevator task, and the motion control system that is expected to be usable for extra high-rise buildings

    Optical addressing of an individual erbium ion in silicon

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    The detection of electron spins associated with single defects in solids is a critical operation for a range of quantum information and measurement applications currently under development. To date, it has only been accomplished for two centres in crystalline solids: phosphorus in silicon using electrical readout based on a single electron transistor (SET) and nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond using optical readout. A spin readout fidelity of about 90% has been demonstrated with both electrical readout and optical readout, however, the thermal limitations of the electrical readout and the poor photon collection efficiency of the optical readout hinder achieving the high fidelity required for quantum information applications. Here we demonstrate a hybrid approach using optical excitation to change the charge state of the defect centre in a silicon-based SET, conditional on its spin state, and then detecting this change electrically. The optical frequency addressing in high spectral resolution conquers the thermal broadening limitation of the previous electrical readout and charge sensing avoids the difficulties of efficient photon collection. This is done with erbium in silicon and has the potential to enable new architectures for quantum information processing devices and to dramatically increase the range of defect centres that can be exploited. Further, the efficient electrical detection of the optical excitation of single sites in silicon is a major step in developing an interconnect between silicon and optical based quantum computing technologies.Comment: Corrected the third affiliation. Corrected one cross-reference of "Fig. 3b" to "Fig. 3c". Corrected the caption of Fig. 3a by changing (+-)1 to

    Remote Control and Monitoring of Smart Home Facilities via Smartphone with Wi-Fly

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    Due to the widespread ownership of smartphone devices, the application of mobile technologies to enhance the monitoring and control of smart home facilities has attracted much academic attention. This study indicates that tools already in the possession of the end user can be a significant part of the specific context-aware system in the smart home. The behaviour of the system in the context of existing systems will reflect the intention of the client. This model system offers a diverse architectural concept for Wireless Sensor Actuator Mobile Computing in a Smart Home (WiSAMCinSH) and consists of sensors and actuators in various communication channels, with different capacities, paradigms, costs and degree of communication reliability. This paper focuses on the utilization of end users’ smartphone applications to control home devices, and to enable monitoring of the context-aware environment in the smart home to fulfil the needs of the ageing population. It investigates the application of an iPhone to supervise smart home monitoring and control electrical devices, and through this approach, after initial setup of the mobile application, a user can control devices in the smart home from different locations and over various distances