10 research outputs found

    Computation of L_⊕ for several cubic Pisot numbers

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    International audienceIn this article, we are dealing with β-numeration, which is a generalization of numeration in a non-integer base. We consider the class of simple Parry numbers such that dβ(1) = 0.k1d-1 kd with d ∈ ℕ, d ≥ 2 and k1 ≥ kd ≥ 1. We prove that these elements define Rauzy fractals that are stable under a central symmetry. We use this result to compute, for several cases of cubic Pisot units, the maximal length among the lengths of the finite β-fractional parts of sums of two β-integers, denoted by L_⊕. In particular, we prove that L_⊕ = 5 in the Tribonacci case

    Factor versus palindromic complexity of uniformly recurrent infinite words

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    We study the relation between the palindromic and factor complexity of infinite words. We show that for uniformly recurrent words one has P(n)+P(n+1) \leq \Delta C(n) + 2, for all n \in N. For a large class of words it is a better estimate of the palindromic complexity in terms of the factor complexity then the one presented by Allouche et al. We provide several examples of infinite words for which our estimate reaches its upper bound. In particular, we derive an explicit prescription for the palindromic complexity of infinite words coding r-interval exchange transformations. If the permutation \pi connected with the transformation is given by \pi(k)=r+1-k for all k, then there is exactly one palindrome of every even length, and exactly r palindromes of every odd length.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Computation of L_⊕ for several cubic Pisot numbers

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    In this article, we are dealing with β-numeration, which is a generalization of numeration in a non-integer base. We consider the class of simple Parry numbers such that dβ(1) = 0.k1d-1 kd with d ∈ ℕ, d ≥ 2 and k1 ≥ kd ≥ 1. We prove that these elements define Rauzy fractals that are stable under a central symmetry. We use this result to compute, for several cases of cubic Pisot units, the maximal length among the lengths of the finite β-fractional parts of sums of two β-integers, denoted by L_⊕. In particular, we prove that L_⊕ = 5 in the Tribonacci case

    Finite beta-expansions with negative bases

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    The finiteness property is an important arithmetical property of beta-expansions. We exhibit classes of Pisot numbers β\beta having the negative finiteness property, that is the set of finite (β)(-\beta)-expansions is equal to Z[β1]\mathbb{Z}[\beta^{-1}]. For a class of numbers including the Tribonacci number, we compute the maximal length of the fractional parts arising in the addition and subtraction of (β)(-\beta)-integers. We also give conditions excluding the negative finiteness property

    Combinatorial and Arithmetical Properties of Infinite Words Associated with Non-simple Quadratic Parry Numbers

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    We study arithmetical and combinatorial properties of β\beta-integers for β\beta being the root of the equation x2=mxn,m,nN,mn+23x^2=mx-n, m,n \in \mathbb N, m \geq n+2\geq 3. We determine with the accuracy of ±1\pm 1 the maximal number of β\beta-fractional positions, which may arise as a result of addition of two β\beta-integers. For the infinite word uβu_\beta coding distances between consecutive β\beta-integers, we determine precisely also the balance. The word uβu_\beta is the fixed point of the morphism AAm1BA \to A^{m-1}B and BAmn1BB\to A^{m-n-1}B. In the case n=1n=1 the corresponding infinite word uβu_\beta is sturmian and therefore 1-balanced. On the simplest non-sturmian example with n2n\geq 2, we illustrate how closely the balance and arithmetical properties of β\beta-integers are related.Comment: 15 page

    kk-block parallel addition versus 11-block parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems

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    Parallel addition in integer base is used for speeding up multiplication and division algorithms. kk-block parallel addition has been introduced by Kornerup in 1999: instead of manipulating single digits, one works with blocks of fixed length kk. The aim of this paper is to investigate how such notion influences the relationship between the base and the cardinality of the alphabet allowing parallel addition. In this paper, we mainly focus on a certain class of real bases --- the so-called Parry numbers. We give lower bounds on the cardinality of alphabets of non-negative integer digits allowing block parallel addition. By considering quadratic Pisot bases, we are able to show that these bounds cannot be improved in general and we give explicit parallel algorithms for addition in these cases. We also consider the dd-bonacci base, which satisfies the equation Xd=Xd1+Xd2++X+1X^d = X^{d-1} + X^{d-2} + \cdots + X + 1. If in a base being a dd-bonacci number 11-block parallel addition is possible on the alphabet A\mathcal{A}, then #Ad+1\#\mathcal{A} \geq d+1; on the other hand, there exists a kNk\in\mathbb{N} such that kk-block parallel addition in this base is possible on the alphabet {0,1,2}\{0,1,2\}, which cannot be reduced. In particular, addition in the Tribonacci base is 1414-block parallel on alphabet {0,1,2}\{0,1,2\}.Comment: 21 page

    Confluent Parry numbers, their spectra, and integers in positive- and negative-base number systems

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    In this paper we study the expansions of real numbers in positive and negative real base as introduced by R\'enyi, and Ito & Sadahiro, respectively. In particular, we compare the sets Zβ+\mathbb{Z}_\beta^+ and Zβ\mathbb{Z}_{-\beta} of nonnegative β\beta-integers and (β)(-\beta)-integers. We describe all bases (±β)(\pm\beta) for which Zβ+\mathbb{Z}_\beta^+ and Zβ\mathbb{Z}_{-\beta} can be coded by infinite words which are fixed points of conjugated morphisms, and consequently have the same language. Moreover, we prove that this happens precisely for β\beta with another interesting property, namely that any integer linear combination of non-negative powers of the base β-\beta with coefficients in {0,1,,β}\{0,1,\dots,\lfloor\beta\rfloor\} is a (β)(-\beta)-integer, although the corresponding sequence of digits is forbidden as a (β)(-\beta)-integer.Comment: 22p

    Automates, énumération et algorithmes

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    Ces travaux s'inscrivent dans le cadre général de la théorie des automates, de la combinatoire des mots, de la combinatoire énumérative et de l'algorithmique. Ils ont en commun de traiter des automates et des langages réguliers, de problèmes d'énumération et de présenter des résultats constructifs, souvent explicitement sous forme d'algorithmes. Les domaines dont sont issus les problèmes abordés sont assez variés. Ce texte est compose de trois parties consacrées aux codes préfixes, à certaines séquences lexicographiques et à l'énumération d'automates

    Computation of L ⊕ for several cubic Pisot numbers

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    In this article, we are dealing with β-numeration, which is a generalization of numeration in a non-integer base. We consider the class of simple Parry numbers such that d β (1) = 0.k 1 d-1  k d with d ∈ ℕ, d ≥ 2 and k 1  ≥ k d  ≥ 1. We prove that these elements define Rauzy fractals that are stable under a central symmetry. We use this result to compute, for several cases of cubic Pisot units, the maximal length among the lengths of the finite β-fractional parts of sums of two β-integers, denoted by L ⊕. In particular, we prove that L ⊕  = 5 in the Tribonacci case