17 research outputs found

    Computational Processes and Incompleteness

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    We introduce a formal definition of Wolfram's notion of computational process based on cellular automata, a physics-like model of computation. There is a natural classification of these processes into decidable, intermediate and complete. It is shown that in the context of standard finite injury priority arguments one cannot establish the existence of an intermediate computational process

    Renormalization and Computation II: Time Cut-off and the Halting Problem

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    This is the second installment to the project initiated in [Ma3]. In the first Part, I argued that both philosophy and technique of the perturbative renormalization in quantum field theory could be meaningfully transplanted to the theory of computation, and sketched several contexts supporting this view. In this second part, I address some of the issues raised in [Ma3] and provide their development in three contexts: a categorification of the algorithmic computations; time cut--off and Anytime Algorithms; and finally, a Hopf algebra renormalization of the Halting Problem.Comment: 28 page

    Renormalisation and computation II: time cut-off and the Halting Problem

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    The prospects for mathematical logic in the twenty-first century

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    The four authors present their speculations about the future developments of mathematical logic in the twenty-first century. The areas of recursion theory, proof theory and logic for computer science, model theory, and set theory are discussed independently.Comment: Association for Symbolic Logi

    Bounding Helly Numbers via Betti Numbers

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    We show that very weak topological assumptions are enough to ensure the existence of a Helly-type theorem. More precisely, we show that for any non-negative integers b and d there exists an integer h(b,d) such that the following holds. If F is a finite family of subsets of R^d such that the ith reduced Betti number (with Z_2 coefficients in singular homology) of the intersection of any proper subfamily G of F is at most b for every non-negative integer i less or equal to (d-1)/2, then F has Helly number at most h(b,d). These topological conditions are sharp: not controlling any of these first Betti numbers allow for families with unbounded Helly number. Our proofs combine homological non-embeddability results with a Ramsey-based approach to build, given an arbitrary simplicial complex K, some well-behaved chain map from C_*(K) to C_*(R^d). Both techniques are of independent interest

    Bounding Helly numbers via Betti numbers

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    We show that very weak topological assumptions are enough to ensure the existence of a Helly-type theorem. More precisely, we show that for any non-negative integers bb and dd there exists an integer h(b,d)h(b,d) such that the following holds. If F\mathcal F is a finite family of subsets of Rd\mathbb R^d such that β~i(⋂G)≤b\tilde\beta_i\left(\bigcap\mathcal G\right) \le b for any G⊊F\mathcal G \subsetneq \mathcal F and every 0≤i≤⌈d/2⌉−10 \le i \le \lceil d/2 \rceil-1 then F\mathcal F has Helly number at most h(b,d)h(b,d). Here β~i\tilde\beta_i denotes the reduced Z2\mathbb Z_2-Betti numbers (with singular homology). These topological conditions are sharp: not controlling any of these ⌈d/2⌉\lceil d/2 \rceil first Betti numbers allow for families with unbounded Helly number. Our proofs combine homological non-embeddability results with a Ramsey-based approach to build, given an arbitrary simplicial complex KK, some well-behaved chain map C∗(K)→C∗(Rd)C_*(K) \to C_*(\mathbb R^d).Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Computing simplicial representatives of homotopy group elements

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    A central problem of algebraic topology is to understand the homotopy groups πd(X)\pi_d(X) of a topological space XX. For the computational version of the problem, it is well known that there is no algorithm to decide whether the fundamental group π1(X)\pi_1(X) of a given finite simplicial complex XX is trivial. On the other hand, there are several algorithms that, given a finite simplicial complex XX that is simply connected (i.e., with π1(X)\pi_1(X) trivial), compute the higher homotopy group πd(X)\pi_d(X) for any given d≥2d\geq 2. %The first such algorithm was given by Brown, and more recently, \v{C}adek et al. However, these algorithms come with a caveat: They compute the isomorphism type of πd(X)\pi_d(X), d≥2d\geq 2 as an \emph{abstract} finitely generated abelian group given by generators and relations, but they work with very implicit representations of the elements of πd(X)\pi_d(X). Converting elements of this abstract group into explicit geometric maps from the dd-dimensional sphere SdS^d to XX has been one of the main unsolved problems in the emerging field of computational homotopy theory. Here we present an algorithm that, given a~simply connected space XX, computes πd(X)\pi_d(X) and represents its elements as simplicial maps from a suitable triangulation of the dd-sphere SdS^d to XX. For fixed dd, the algorithm runs in time exponential in size(X)size(X), the number of simplices of XX. Moreover, we prove that this is optimal: For every fixed d≥2d\geq 2, we construct a family of simply connected spaces XX such that for any simplicial map representing a generator of πd(X)\pi_d(X), the size of the triangulation of SdS^d on which the map is defined, is exponential in size(X)size(X)

    Foundations of Online Structure Theory II: The Operator Approach

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    We introduce a framework for online structure theory. Our approach generalises notions arising independently in several areas of computability theory and complexity theory. We suggest a unifying approach using operators where we allow the input to be a countable object of an arbitrary complexity. We give a new framework which (i) ties online algorithms with computable analysis, (ii) shows how to use modifications of notions from computable analysis, such as Weihrauch reducibility, to analyse finite but uniform combinatorics, (iii) show how to finitize reverse mathematics to suggest a fine structure of finite analogs of infinite combinatorial problems, and (iv) see how similar ideas can be amalgamated from areas such as EX-learning, computable analysis, distributed computing and the like. One of the key ideas is that online algorithms can be viewed as a sub-area of computable analysis. Conversely, we also get an enrichment of computable analysis from classical online algorithms