140 research outputs found

    Efficient Learning-based Image Enhancement : Application to Compression Artifact Removal and Super-resolution

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    Many computer vision and computational photography applications essentially solve an image enhancement problem. The image has been deteriorated by a specific noise process, such as aberrations from camera optics and compression artifacts, that we would like to remove. We describe a framework for learning-based image enhancement. At the core of our algorithm lies a generic regularization framework that comprises a prior on natural images, as well as an application-specific conditional model based on Gaussian processes. In contrast to prior learning-based approaches, our algorithm can instantly learn task-specific degradation models from sample images which enables users to easily adapt the algorithm to a specific problem and data set of interest. This is facilitated by our efficient approximation scheme of large-scale Gaussian processes. We demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach by applying it to example enhancement applications including single-image super-resolution, as well as artifact removal in JPEG- and JPEG 2000-encoded images

    Example-based learning for single-image super-resolution and JPEG artifact removal

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    This paper proposes a framework for single-image super-resolution and JPEG artifact removal. The underlying idea is to learn a map from input low-quality images (suitably preprocessed low-resolution or JPEG encoded images) to target high-quality images based on example pairs of input and output images. To retain the complexity of the resulting learning problem at a moderate level, a patch-based approach is taken such that kernel ridge regression (KRR) scans the input image with a small window (patch) and produces a patchvalued output for each output pixel location. These constitute a set of candidate images each of which reflects different local information. An image output is then obtained as a convex combination of candidates for each pixel based on estimated confidences of candidates. To reduce the time complexity of training and testing for KRR, a sparse solution is found by combining the ideas of kernel matching pursuit and gradient descent. As a regularized solution, KRR leads to a better generalization than simply storing the examples as it has been done in existing example-based super-resolution algorithms and results in much less noisy images. However, this may introduce blurring and ringing artifacts around major edges as sharp changes are penalized severely. A prior model of a generic image class which takes into account the discontinuity property of images is adopted to resolve this problem. Comparison with existing super-resolution and JPEG artifact removal methods shows the effectiveness of the proposed method. Furthermore, the proposed method is generic in that it has the potential to be applied to many other image enhancement applications

    Signal processing for improved MPEG-based communication systems

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