7 research outputs found

    Sparse Voxel DAGs for Shadows and for Geometry with Colors

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    Triangles are probably the most common format for shapes in computer graphics. Nevertheless, when high detail is desired, Sparse Voxel Octrees (SVO) and Sparse Voxel Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) can be considerably more memory efficient. One of the first practical use cases for DAGs was to use the structure to represent precomputed shadows. However, previous methods were very time consuming in building the DAG and did not support any other attributes than discretized geometry. Furthermore, when used for scene object representation, the DAGs lacked proper support for properties such as object colors. The focus on this thesis is to speed up the build times of the DAG and to allow other, important, attributes such as colors to be encoded. This thesis is a collection of three papers where we in Paper I solve the problem with slow construction times while also further compressing the DAG, allowing much faster feedback to an\ua0 artist making changes to a scene and also opening up the possibility to recompute the DAG in run time for slowly moving shadows. If a unique color per voxel is desired, which uncompressed would require 3 bytes per voxel, we realize that the benefit from compressing the geometry (down to or even below one bit per voxel) is rendered practically useless. We thus need to find a way to compress the colors as well. In Paper IIA, we solve this issue by mapping the voxel colors to a texture, allowing for the use of conventional compression algorithms, as well as a novel format designed for real-time\ua0 performance. In Paper IIB, we further significantly improve the compression

    On sparse voxel DAGs and memory efficient compression of surface attributes for real-time scenarios

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    The general shape of a 3D object can expeditiously be represented as, e.g., triangles or voxels, while smaller-scale features usually are parameterized over the surface of the object. Such features include, but are not limited to, color details, small-scale surface-normal variations, or even view-dependent properties required for the light-surface interactions. This thesis is a collection of four papers that focus on new ways to compress and efficiently utilize surface data in 3D for real-time usage.In Paper IA and IB, we extend upon the concept of sparse voxel DAGs, a real-time compression format of a voxel-grid, to allow an attribute mapping with a negligible impact on the size. The main contribution, however, is a novel real-time compression format of the mapped colors over such sparse voxel surfaces.Paper II aims to utilize the results of the previous papers to achieve uv-free texturing of surfaces, such as triangle meshes, with optimized run-time minification as well as magnification filtering.Paper III extends upon previous compact representations of view dependent radiance using spherical gaussians (SG). By using a convolutional neural network, we are able to compress the light-field by finding SGs with free directions, amplitudes and sharpnesses, whereas previous methods were limited to only free amplitudes in similar scenarios

    QuadStack: An Efficient Representation and Direct Rendering of Layered Datasets

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    We introduce QuadStack, a novel algorithm for volumetric data compression and direct rendering. Our algorithm exploits the data redundancy often found in layered datasets which are common in science and engineering fields such as geology, biology, mechanical engineering, medicine, etc. QuadStack first compresses the volumetric data into vertical stacks which are then compressed into a quadtree that identifies and represents the layered structures at the internal nodes. The associated data (color, material, density, etc.) and shape of these layer structures are decoupled and encoded independently, leading to high compression rates (4× to 54× of the original voxel model memory footprint in our experiments). We also introduce an algorithm for value retrieving from the QuadStack representation and we show that the access has logarithmic complexity. Because of the fast access, QuadStack is suitable for efficient data representation and direct rendering. We show that our GPU implementation performs comparably in speed with the state-of-the-art algorithms (18-79 MRays/s in our implementation), while maintaining a significantly smaller memory footprint

    Exploring Material Representations for Sparse Voxel DAGs

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    Ray tracing is a popular technique used in movies and video games to create compelling visuals. Ray traced computer images are increasingly becoming more realistic and almost indistinguishable from real-word images. Due to the complexity of scenes and the desire for high resolution images, ray tracing can become very expensive in terms of computation and memory. To address these concerns, researchers have examined data structures to efficiently store geometric and material information. Sparse voxel octrees (SVOs) and directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) have proven to be successful geometric data structures for reducing memory requirements. Moxel DAGs connect material properties to these geometric data structures, but experience limitations related to memory, build times, and render times. This thesis examines the efficacy of connecting an alternative material data structure to existing geometric representations. The contributions of this thesis include the creation of a new material representation using hashing to accompany DAGs, a method to calculate surface normals using neighboring voxel data, and a demonstration and validation that DAGs can be used to super sample based on proximity. This thesis also validates the visual acuity from these methods via a user survey comparing different output images. In comparison to the Moxel DAG implementation, this work increases render time, but reduces build times and memory, and improves the visual quality of output images

    Compressing color data for voxelized surface geometry

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    We explore the problem of decoupling color information from geometry in large scenes of voxelized surfaces and of compressing the array of colors without introducing disturbing artifacts. In this extension of our I3D paper with the same title [1] , we first present a novel method for connecting each node in a sparse voxel DAG to its corresponding colors in a separate 1D array of colors, with very little additional information stored to the DAG. Then, we show that by mapping the 1D array of colors onto a 2D image using a space-filling curve, we can achieve high compression rates and good quality using conventional, modern, hardware-accelerated texture compression formats such as ASTC or BC7. We additionally explore whether this method can be used to compress voxel colors for off-line storage and network transmission using conventional off-line compression formats such as JPG and JPG2K. For real-time decompression, we suggest a novel variable bitrate block encoding that consistently outperforms previous work, often achieving two times the compression at equal quality

    Compressing color data for voxelized surface geometry

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    We explore the problem of decoupling color information from geometry in large scenes of voxelized surfaces and of compressing the array of colors without introducing disturbing artifacts. First, we present a novel method for connecting each node in a sparse voxel DAG to its corresponding colors in a separate 1D array of colors, with very little additional information stored to the DAG. Then, we show that by mapping the 1D array of colors onto a 2D image using a space-filling curve, we can achieve high compression rates and good quality using conventional, modern, hardware-accelerated texture compression formats such as ASTC or BC7. We additionally explore whether this method can be used to compress voxel colors for off-line storage and network transmission using conventional off-line compression formats such as JPG and JPG2K. For real-time decompression, we suggest a novel variable bitrate block encoding that consistently outperforms previous work, often achieving two times the compression at equal quality

    Compressing Color Data for Voxelized Surface Geometry

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