413 research outputs found

    Exploiting Prior Knowledge in Compressed Sensing Wireless ECG Systems

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    Recent results in telecardiology show that compressed sensing (CS) is a promising tool to lower energy consumption in wireless body area networks for electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring. However, the performance of current CS-based algorithms, in terms of compression rate and reconstruction quality of the ECG, still falls short of the performance attained by state-of-the-art wavelet based algorithms. In this paper, we propose to exploit the structure of the wavelet representation of the ECG signal to boost the performance of CS-based methods for compression and reconstruction of ECG signals. More precisely, we incorporate prior information about the wavelet dependencies across scales into the reconstruction algorithms and exploit the high fraction of common support of the wavelet coefficients of consecutive ECG segments. Experimental results utilizing the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database show that significant performance gains, in terms of compression rate and reconstruction quality, can be obtained by the proposed algorithms compared to current CS-based methods.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatic

    ECG Signal Reconstruction on the IoT-Gateway and Efficacy of Compressive Sensing Under Real-time Constraints

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    Remote health monitoring is becoming indispensable, though, Internet of Things (IoTs)-based solutions have many implementation challenges, including energy consumption at the sensing node, and delay and instability due to cloud computing. Compressive sensing (CS) has been explored as a method to extend the battery lifetime of medical wearable devices. However, it is usually associated with computational complexity at the decoding end, increasing the latency of the system. Meanwhile, mobile processors are becoming computationally stronger and more efficient. Heterogeneous multicore platforms (HMPs) offer a local processing solution that can alleviate the limitations of remote signal processing. This paper demonstrates the real-time performance of compressed ECG reconstruction on ARM's big.LITTLE HMP and the advantages they provide as the primary processing unit of the IoT architecture. It also investigates the efficacy of CS in minimizing power consumption of a wearable device under real-time and hardware constraints. Results show that both the orthogonal matching pursuit and subspace pursuit reconstruction algorithms can be executed on the platform in real time and yield optimum performance on a single A15 core at minimum frequency. The CS extends the battery life of wearable medical devices up to 15.4% considering ECGs suitable for wellness applications and up to 6.6% for clinical grade ECGs. Energy consumption at the gateway is largely due to an active internet connection; hence, processing the signals locally both mitigates system's latency and improves gateway's battery life. Many remote health solutions can benefit from an architecture centered around the use of HMPs, a step toward better remote health monitoring systems.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Spatiotemporal Sparse Bayesian Learning with Applications to Compressed Sensing of Multichannel Physiological Signals

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    Energy consumption is an important issue in continuous wireless telemonitoring of physiological signals. Compressed sensing (CS) is a promising framework to address it, due to its energy-efficient data compression procedure. However, most CS algorithms have difficulty in data recovery due to non-sparsity characteristic of many physiological signals. Block sparse Bayesian learning (BSBL) is an effective approach to recover such signals with satisfactory recovery quality. However, it is time-consuming in recovering multichannel signals, since its computational load almost linearly increases with the number of channels. This work proposes a spatiotemporal sparse Bayesian learning algorithm to recover multichannel signals simultaneously. It not only exploits temporal correlation within each channel signal, but also exploits inter-channel correlation among different channel signals. Furthermore, its computational load is not significantly affected by the number of channels. The proposed algorithm was applied to brain computer interface (BCI) and EEG-based driver's drowsiness estimation. Results showed that the algorithm had both better recovery performance and much higher speed than BSBL. Particularly, the proposed algorithm ensured that the BCI classification and the drowsiness estimation had little degradation even when data were compressed by 80%, making it very suitable for continuous wireless telemonitoring of multichannel signals.Comment: Codes are available at: https://sites.google.com/site/researchbyzhang/stsb

    H2B: Heartbeat-based Secret Key Generation Using Piezo Vibration Sensors

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    We present Heartbeats-2-Bits (H2B), which is a system for securely pairing wearable devices by generating a shared secret key from the skin vibrations caused by heartbeat. This work is motivated by potential power saving opportunity arising from the fact that heartbeat intervals can be detected energy-efficiently using inexpensive and power-efficient piezo sensors, which obviates the need to employ complex heartbeat monitors such as Electrocardiogram or Photoplethysmogram. Indeed, our experiments show that piezo sensors can measure heartbeat intervals on many different body locations including chest, wrist, waist, neck and ankle. Unfortunately, we also discover that the heartbeat interval signal captured by piezo vibration sensors has low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) because they are not designed as precision heartbeat monitors, which becomes the key challenge for H2B. To overcome this problem, we first apply a quantile function-based quantization method to fully extract the useful entropy from the noisy piezo measurements. We then propose a novel Compressive Sensing-based reconciliation method to correct the high bit mismatch rates between the two independently generated keys caused by low SNR. We prototype H2B using off-the-shelf piezo sensors and evaluate its performance on a dataset collected from different body positions of 23 participants. Our results show that H2B has an overwhelming pairing success rate of 95.6%. We also analyze and demonstrate H2B's robustness against three types of attacks. Finally, our power measurements show that H2B is very power-efficient

    Compressive Sensing with Low-Power Transfer and Accurate Reconstruction of EEG Signals

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    Tele-monitoring of EEG in WBAN is essential as EEG is the most powerful physiological parameters to diagnose any neurological disorder. Generally, EEG signal needs to record for longer periods which results in a large volume of data leading to huge storage and communication bandwidth requirements in WBAN. Moreover, WBAN sensor nodes are battery operated which consumes lots of energy. The aim of this research is, therefore, low power transmission of EEG signal over WBAN and its accurate reconstruction at the receiver to enable continuous online-monitoring of EEG and real time feedback to the patients from the medical experts. To reduce data rate and consequently reduce power consumption, compressive sensing (CS) may be employed prior to transmission. Nonetheless, for EEG signals, the accuracy of reconstruction of the signal with CS depends on a suitable dictionary in which the signal is sparse. As the EEG signal is not sparse in either time or frequency domain, identifying an appropriate dictionary is paramount. There are a plethora of choices for the dictionary to be used. Wavelet bases are of interest due to the availability of associated systems and methods. However, the attributes of wavelet bases that can lead to good quality of reconstruction are not well understood. For the first time in this study, it is demonstrated that in selecting wavelet dictionaries, the incoherence with the sensing matrix and the number of vanishing moments of the dictionary should be considered at the same time. In this research, a framework is proposed for the selection of an appropriate wavelet dictionary for EEG signal which is used in tandem with sparse binary matrix (SBM) as the sensing matrix and ST-SBL method as the reconstruction algorithm. Beylkin (highly incoherent with SBM and relatively high number of vanishing moments) is identified as the best dictionary to be used amongst the dictionaries are evaluated in this thesis. The power requirements for the proposed framework are also quantified using a power model. The outcomes will assist to realize the computational complexity and online implementation requirements of CS for transmitting EEG in WBAN. The proposed approach facilitates the energy savings budget well into the microwatts range, ensuring a significant savings of battery life and overall system’s power. The study is intended to create a strong base for the use of EEG in the high-accuracy and low-power based biomedical applications in WBAN
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