2,696 research outputs found

    Overview of the ImageCLEF 2015 medical classification task

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    This articles describes the ImageCLEF 2015 Medical Clas-sification task. The task contains several subtasks that all use a dataset of figures from the biomedical open access literature (PubMed Cen-tral). Particularly compound figures are targeted that are frequent inthe literature. For more detailed information analysis and retrieval it isimportant to extract targeted information from the compound figures.The proposed tasks include compound figure detection (separating com-pound from other figures), multi–label classification (define all sub typespresent), figure separation (find boundaries of the subfigures) and modal-ity classification (detecting the figure type of each subfigure). The tasksare described with the participation of international research groups inthe tasks. The results of the participants are then described and analysedto identify promising techniques

    Miniaturisation in Separation Science: Liquid-Liquid Separation on a Chip.

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    In recent years, the field for miniaturised analytical devices as well as micro-reactors and micro-mixers has grown rapidly. From this the need arose to also miniaturise and integrate sample preparation techniques such as extraction. Therefore, technologies to build new devices faster and cheaper have become increasingly important. The classic processing technique for glass or silicon is photolithography followed by wet etching. Major time and cost factors in this process are the production of lithography masks. A process to design masks based on printouts on office printers and photographic reduction was therefore developed. The process is capable of producing masks with features as small as 20μm. Furthermore a new process for bonding two glass slides with enclosed channels has been developed. The process was based on an intermediate polymer layer and allows the formation of a polymer coating inside the capillaries. The technique worked at low temperatures and allowed us to selectively coat capillaries etched in one slide but not to coat capillaries in the other slide. The ability to selectively coat capillaries allowed the construction of a miniaturised liquid-liquid separator. The separator was based on different contact angles of solvents on different surfaces. In general, polar solvents have a low contact angle on polar surfaces while non-polar solvents have low contact angles on non-polar surfaces. At a junction where one arm has a polar surface and one arm a non-polar surface the phases separate according to their polarity into the channels for which they have the greater affinity. Since the effect is not fully efficient at one junction, an array of multiple junctions was used to separate a two-phase mixture. The array consisted of five polar and five non-polar channels leading at a 90° angle to the other polarity, leading to two outlet channels. The separator achieved complete separation for isooctane and also achieved partial separation for more polar solvents such as octanol and ethylacetate

    Searches for proton radioactivity from highly-deformed nuclei

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    Insight into Sulfur Confined in Ultramicroporous Carbon

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    Here, we provide a deeper insight into the state of sulfur confined in ultramicroporous carbon (UMC) and clarify its electrochemical reaction mechanism with lithium by corroborating the results obtained using various experimental techniques, such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, in situ Raman spectroscopy, and in situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In combination, these results indicate that sulfur in UMC exists as linear polymeric sulfur rather than smaller allotropes. The electrochemical reactivity of lithium with sulfur confined in UMC (pore size ≤0.7 nm) is different from that of sulfur confined in microporous carbon (≤2 nm, or ultramicroporous carbon containing significant amount of micropores) and mesoporous carbon (>2 nm). The observed quasi-solid-state reaction of lithium with sulfur in UMC with a single voltage plateau during the discharge/charge process is due to the effective separation of solvent molecules from the active material. The size of carbon pores plays a vital role in determining the reaction path of lithium with sulfur confined in UMC

    Analysis of Aromatic Compounds in Water Using Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

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    Gamma-ray decay schemes for 92Kr, 92Rb, and 92Sr

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