208 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOver the last decade, cyber-physical systems (CPSs) have seen significant applications in many safety-critical areas, such as autonomous automotive systems, automatic pilot avionics, wireless sensor networks, etc. A Cps uses networked embedded computers to monitor and control physical processes. The motivating example for this dissertation is the use of fault- tolerant routing protocol for a Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture that connects electronic control units (Ecus) to regulate sensors and actuators in a vehicle. With a network allowing Ecus to communicate with each other, it is possible for them to share processing power to improve performance. In addition, networked Ecus enable flexible mapping to physical processes (e.g., sensors, actuators), which increases resilience to Ecu failures by reassigning physical processes to spare Ecus. For the on-chip routing protocol, the ability to tolerate network faults is important for hardware reconfiguration to maintain the normal operation of a system. Adding a fault-tolerance feature in a routing protocol, however, increases its design complexity, making it prone to many functional problems. Formal verification techniques are therefore needed to verify its correctness. This dissertation proposes a link-fault-tolerant, multiflit wormhole routing algorithm, and its formal modeling and verification using two different methodologies. An improvement upon the previously published fault-tolerant routing algorithm, a link-fault routing algorithm is proposed to relax the unrealistic node-fault assumptions of these algorithms, while avoiding deadlock conservatively by appropriately dropping network packets. This routing algorithm, together with its routing architecture, is then modeled in a process-algebra language LNT, and compositional verification techniques are used to verify its key functional properties. As a comparison, it is modeled using channel-level VHDL which is compiled to labeled Petri-nets (LPNs). Algorithms for a partial order reduction method on LPNs are given. An optimal result is obtained from heuristics that trace back on LPNs to find causally related enabled predecessor transitions. Key observations are made from the comparison between these two verification methodologies

    Concurrency and Communication: Lessons from the SHIM Project

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    Describing parallel hardware and software is difficult, especially in an embedded setting. Five years ago, we started the shim project to address this challenge by developing a programming language for hardware/software systems. The resulting language describes asynchronously running processes that has the useful property of scheduling-independence: the i/o of a shim program is not affected by any scheduling choices. This paper presents a history of the shim project with a focus on the key things we have learned along the way

    A CSP-Based Trajectory for Designing Formally Verified Embedded Control Software

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    This paper presents in a nutshell a procedure for producing formally verified concurrent software. The design paradigm provides means for translating block-diagrammed models of systems from various problem domains in a graphical notation for process-oriented architectures. Briefly presented CASE tool allows code generation both for formal analysis of the models of software and code generation in a target implementation language. For formal analysis a highquality commercial formal checker is used

    Ensuring Deterministic Concurrency through Compilation

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    Multicore shared-memory architectures are becoming prevalent but bring many programming challenges. Among the biggest is non-determinism: the output of the program does not depend merely on the input, but also on scheduling choices taken by the operating system. In this paper, we discuss and propose additional tools that provide determinism guarantees-compilers that generate deterministic code, libraries that provide deterministic constructs, and analyzers that check for determinism. Additionally, we discuss techniques to check for problems like deadlock that can result from the use of these deterministic constructs

    Compiling SHIM

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    Embedded systems demand concurrency for supporting simultaneous actions in their environment and parallel hardware. Although most concurrent programming formalisms are prone to races and non-determinism, some, such as our SHIM (software/hardware integration medium) language, avoid them by design. In particular, the behavior of SHIM programs is scheduling-independent, meaning the I/O behavior of a program is independent of scheduling policies, including the relative execution rates of concurrent processes. The SHIM project demonstrates how a scheduling-independent language simplifies the design, optimization, and verification of concurrent systems. Through examples and discussion, we describe the SHIM language and code generation techniques for both shared-memory and message-passing architectures, along with some verification algorithms

    CSP channels for CAN-bus connected embedded control systems

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    Closed loop control system typically contains multitude of sensors and actuators operated simultaneously. So they are parallel and distributed in its essence. But when mapping this parallelism to software, lot of obstacles concerning multithreading communication and synchronization issues arise. To overcome this problem, the CT kernel/library based on CSP algebra has been developed. This project (TES.5410) is about developing communication extension to the CT library to make it applicable in distributed systems. Since the library is tailored for control systems, properties and requirements of control systems are taken into special consideration. Applicability of existing middleware solutions is examined. A comparison of applicable fieldbus protocols is done in order to determine most suitable ones and CAN fieldbus is chosen to be first fieldbus used. Brief overview of CSP and existing CSP based libraries is given. Middleware architecture is proposed along with few novel ideas

    Formal Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for a Network-on-Chip

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    International audienceA fault-tolerant routing algorithm in Network-on-Chip architectures provides adaptivity for on-chip communications. Adding fault-tolerance adaptivity to a routing algorithm increases its design complexity and makes it prone to deadlock and other problems if improperly implemented. Formal verification techniques are needed to check the correctness of the design. This paper performs formal analysis on an extension of the link-fault tolerant Network-on-Chip architecture introduced by Wu et al. that supports multiflit wormhole routing. This paper describes several lessons learned during the process of constructing a formal model of this routing architecture. Finally, this paper presents how the deadlock freedom and tolerance to a single-link fault is verified for a two-by-two mesh version of this routing architecture

    Static Trace-Based Deadlock Analysis for Synchronous Mini-Go

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    We consider the problem of static deadlock detection for programs in the Go programming language which make use of synchronous channel communications. In our analysis, regular expressions extended with a fork operator capture the communication behavior of a program. Starting from a simple criterion that characterizes traces of deadlock-free programs, we develop automata-based methods to check for deadlock-freedom. The approach is implemented and evaluated with a series of examples
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