102 research outputs found

    Numerical approximations for population growth model by Rational Chebyshev and Hermite Functions collocation approach: A comparison

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    This paper aims to compare rational Chebyshev (RC) and Hermite functions (HF) collocation approach to solve the Volterra's model for population growth of a species within a closed system. This model is a nonlinear integro-differential equation where the integral term represents the effect of toxin. This approach is based on orthogonal functions which will be defined. The collocation method reduces the solution of this problem to the solution of a system of algebraic equations. We also compare these methods with some other numerical results and show that the present approach is applicable for solving nonlinear integro-differential equations.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures; Published online in the journal of "Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

    Legendre–Laguerre coupled spectral element methods for second- and fourth-order equations on the half line

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    AbstractSome Legendre spectral element/Laguerre spectral coupled methods are proposed to numerically solve second- and fourth-order equations on the half line. The proposed methods are based on splitting the infinite domain into two parts, then using the Legendre spectral element method in the finite subdomain and Laguerre method in the infinite subdomain. C0 or C1-continuity, according to the problem under consideration, is imposed to couple the two methods. Rigorous error analysis is carried out to establish the convergence of the method. More importantly, an efficient computational process is introduced to solve the discrete system. Several numerical examples are provided to confirm the theoretical results and the efficiency of the method

    Glosarium Matematika

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    273 p.; 24 cm

    The exponentially convergent trapezoidal rule

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    It is well known that the trapezoidal rule converges geometrically when applied to analytic functions on periodic intervals or the real line. The mathematics and history of this phenomenon are reviewed and it is shown that far from being a curiosity, it is linked with computational methods all across scientific computing, including algorithms related to inverse Laplace transforms, special functions, complex analysis, rational approximation, integral equations, and the computation of functions and eigenvalues of matrices and operators

    Glosarium Matematika

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    Cumulative reports and publications through December 31, 1990

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    This document contains a complete list of ICASE reports. Since ICASE reports are intended to be preprints of articles that will appear in journals or conference proceedings, the published reference is included when it is available

    Cumulative reports and publications through December 31, 1989

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    A complete list of reports from the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE) is presented. The major categories of the current ICASE research program are: numerical methods, with particular emphasis on the development and analysis of basic numerical algorithms; control and parameter identification problems, with emphasis on effectual numerical methods; computational problems in engineering and the physical sciences, particularly fluid dynamics, acoustics, structural analysis, and chemistry; computer systems and software, especially vector and parallel computers, microcomputers, and data management. Since ICASE reports are intended to be preprints of articles that will appear in journals or conference proceedings, the published reference is included when it is available

    Cumulative reports and publications

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    A complete list of Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE) reports are listed. Since ICASE reports are intended to be preprints of articles that will appear in journals or conference proceedings, the published reference is included when it is available. The major categories of the current ICASE research program are: applied and numerical mathematics, including numerical analysis and algorithm development; theoretical and computational research in fluid mechanics in selected areas of interest to LaRC, including acoustics and combustion; experimental research in transition and turbulence and aerodynamics involving LaRC facilities and scientists; and computer science

    Numerical scalar curvature deformation and a gluing construction

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    In this work a new numerical technique to prepare Cauchy data for the initial value problem (IVP) formulation of Einstein's field equations (EFE) is presented. Our method is directly inspired by the exterior asymptotic gluing (EAG) result of Corvino (2000). The argument assumes a moment in time symmetry and allows for a composite, initial data set to be assembled from (a finite subdomain of) a known asymptotically Euclidean initial data set which is glued (in a controlled manner) over a compact spatial region to an exterior Schwarzschildean representative. We demonstrate how (Corvino, 2000) may be directly adapted to a numerical scheme and under the assumption of axisymmetry construct composite Hamiltonian constraint satisfying initial data featuring internal binary black holes (BBH) glued to exterior Schwarzschild initial data in isotropic form. The generality of the method is shown in a comparison of properties of EAG composite initial data sets featuring internal BBHs as modelled by Brill-Lindquist and Misner data. The underlying geometric analysis character of gluing methods requires work within suitably weighted function spaces, which, together with a technical impediment preventing (Corvino, 2000) from being fully constructive, is the principal difficulty in devising a numerical technique. Thus the single previous attempt by Giulini and Holzegel (2005) (recently implemented by Doulis and Rinne (2016)) sought to avoid this by embedding the result within the well known Lichnerowicz-York conformal framework which required ad-hoc assumptions on solution form and a formal perturbative argument to show that EAG may proceed. In (Giulini and Holzegel, 2005) it was further claimed that judicious engineering of EAG can serve to reduce the presence of spurious gravitational radiation - unfortunately, in line with the general conclusion of (Doulis and Rinne, 2016) our numerical investigation does not appear to indicate that this is the case. Concretising the sought initial data to be specified with respect to a spatial manifold with underlying topology R×S² our method exploits a variety of pseudo-spectral (PS) techniques. A combination of the eth-formalism and spin-weighted spherical harmonics together with a novel complex-analytic based numerical approach is utilised. This is enabled by our Python 3 based numerical toolkit allowing for unified just-in-time compiled, distributed calculations with seamless extension to arbitrary precision for problems involving generic, geometric partial differential equations (PDE) as specified by tensorial expressions. Additional features include a layer of abstraction that allows for automatic reduction of indicial (i.e., tensorial) expressions together with grid remapping based on chart specification - hence straight-forward implementation of IVP formulations of the EFE such as ADM-York or ADM-York-NOR is possible. Code-base verification is performed by evolving the polarised Gowdy T³ space-time with the above formulations utilising high order, explicit time-integrators in the method of lines approach as combined with PS techniques. As the initial data we prepare has a precise (Schwarzschild) exterior this may be of interest to global evolution schemes that incorporate information from spatial-infinity. Furthermore, our approach may shed light on how more general gluing techniques could potentially be adapted for numerical work. The code-base we have developed may also be of interest in application to other problems involving geometric PDEs
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