6,178 research outputs found

    How the Sando Search Tool Recommends Queries

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    Developers spend a significant amount of time searching their local codebase. To help them search efficiently, researchers have proposed novel tools that apply state-of-the-art information retrieval algorithms to retrieve relevant code snippets from the local codebase. However, these tools still rely on the developer to craft an effective query, which requires that the developer is familiar with the terms contained in the related code snippets. Our empirical data from a state-of-the-art local code search tool, called Sando, suggests that developers are sometimes unacquainted with their local codebase. In order to bridge the gap between developers and their ever-increasing local codebase, in this paper we demonstrate the recommendation techniques integrated in Sando

    Evaluating Semantic Parsing against a Simple Web-based Question Answering Model

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    Semantic parsing shines at analyzing complex natural language that involves composition and computation over multiple pieces of evidence. However, datasets for semantic parsing contain many factoid questions that can be answered from a single web document. In this paper, we propose to evaluate semantic parsing-based question answering models by comparing them to a question answering baseline that queries the web and extracts the answer only from web snippets, without access to the target knowledge-base. We investigate this approach on COMPLEXQUESTIONS, a dataset designed to focus on compositional language, and find that our model obtains reasonable performance (35 F1 compared to 41 F1 of state-of-the-art). We find in our analysis that our model performs well on complex questions involving conjunctions, but struggles on questions that involve relation composition and superlatives.Comment: *sem 201

    PassNote: A Feedback Tool for Improving Student Success Outcomes

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    When Purdue University faculty asked for assistance in composing feedback messages to students, Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP) developed PassNote, a feedback tool that integrates good practice into the process of providing formative assessments. PassNote gives faculty customizable feedback prompts (snippets) and lets them connect students with information and links to services such as tutoring,Supplemental Instruction, library resources, technology tools, and workshops. PassNote message starters are often incomplete, allowing instructors to include course-specific information such as office hours and departmental resources

    Fine-Grain Iterative Compilation for WCET Estimation

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    Compiler optimizations, although reducing the execution times of programs, raise issues in static WCET estimation techniques and tools. Flow facts, such as loop bounds, may not be automatically found by static WCET analysis tools after aggressive code optimizations. In this paper, we explore the use of iterative compilation (WCET-directed program optimization to explore the optimization space), with the objective to (i) allow flow facts to be automatically found and (ii) select optimizations that result in the lowest WCET estimates. We also explore to which extent code outlining helps, by allowing the selection of different optimization options for different code snippets of the application

    Multi-Level Modeling of Quotation Families Morphogenesis

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    This paper investigates cultural dynamics in social media by examining the proliferation and diversification of clearly-cut pieces of content: quoted texts. In line with the pioneering work of Leskovec et al. and Simmons et al. on memes dynamics we investigate in deep the transformations that quotations published online undergo during their diffusion. We deliberately put aside the structure of the social network as well as the dynamical patterns pertaining to the diffusion process to focus on the way quotations are changed, how often they are modified and how these changes shape more or less diverse families and sub-families of quotations. Following a biological metaphor, we try to understand in which way mutations can transform quotations at different scales and how mutation rates depend on various properties of the quotations.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the ASE/IEEE 4th Intl. Conf. on Social Computing "SocialCom 2012", Sep. 3-5, 2012, Amsterdam, N
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