956 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Analysis of E-Government Adoption in the German Household

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    Much of the prior research on IS adoption recognizes that cultural characteristics of the nations influence their adoption behaviors significantly. In the context of e-government, more empirical research is necessary to understand the adoption behaviors of different nations. Our research focuses on understanding the antecedents of e-government adoption in the German household, which has not been adequately addressed to date. Based on the findings of two representative cross-sectional studies, we derived a comprehensive research model and tested it with 1,000 users in the German household on the specific example of e-filing. While the factors of data protection and security were mentioned as crucial in the descriptive studies, the explanatory analysis with LISREL revealed that compatibility is the main antecedent of e-filing adoption in the German nation, followed by relative advantage and perceived risk. Implications for practice and future research are discussed

    Intention to use e-government services among the academic staff in Saudi universities

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    E-government diffusion and usage is a global topic that concerns many countries worldwide. E-government is a way for providing services of government over online channels of communication to its citizens. Saudi Arabia has implemented a program of e-government in 2005 to encourage performance of public sectors through acquiring the benefits of Information Communication Technology (ICT) advances. This study focuses on the factors that influence intention to use e-government among the academic staff in Saudi Arabia. In addition, this study is to identify the mediating role of e-government awareness on the relationships between social influence, trust of internet and trust in intermediaries and intention to use e-government and the mediating role of perceived risk on the relationships between trust of internet and trust in intermediaries and intention to use e-government. Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), this study integrated these factors to examine their influences on intention to use e-government. This study utilized a quantitative approach using a survey to reflect consumers’ perspectives towards e-government usage. To examine the hypothesized model, the data were collected from the academic staff working in Saudi public universities. This study employed Partial Least Squares techniques to confirm the validity and reliability of the measurement model and to examine the structural relationships. The findings of the study confirmed the influences of social influence, e-government awareness, trust in intermediary and perceived risk on intention to use e-government. Further, awareness of e-government is influenced by social influence, trust in Internet and trust in intermediary and mediates the relationship between these factors and intention to use e-government. Trust in Internet factor emerged as significant predictor of consumers’ risk perceptions and mediates the relationship between this factor and intention to use e-government. This study has important implications for e-government practitioners, researchers and policy decision makers interested in the implementation of e-governmen

    Identifying Factors of E-Government Acceptance – A Literature Review

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    The digital revolution has arrived in the halls of public administrations. E-Government, which has been a buzzword for all kinds of computer usage in the governmental context for several years, has started to become an ordinary way for public administrations to organise their work. Document and workflow management systems as well as process reorganisation in the backend and electronic taxation systems or digital ID cards on the frontend side all belong to the portfolio of concepts summarised by e-Government. However, in spite of the advantages that go along with these developments, adoption of e-Government services is still rather low both on the citizens’ side as well as by the employees of public administrations. We conducted a literature review identifying the factors that influence the acceptance of e-Government services by different stakeholders and provide a framework of future research needs


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    Citizen participation in increasingly digitalized governmental environments can introduce fruitful capabilities to encourage citizens to engage in municipal affairs and through this take actively part in fostering smart cities’ effectiveness. However, the practical exploitation of recent knowledge is still not sufficiently operationalized, whilst research in this field yields various approaches focusing on diverse emphases. Therefore, the necessity of systematically collecting and afterwards analysing the existing literature towards this topic is obvious. This paper depicts a proceeding to systematically review the available literature towards the relevant research units on citizen participation. Overall, 48 topic-based papers were identified out of leading journals and conference papers about information systems. The main findings of the relevant papers were assessed to a proposed analytical framework consisting of increasing participation stages and two distinct focus groups namely government and citizens. Accordingly, the covered recent focus areas of research are identified to reveal where state-of-the-art research falls short. Consequently, the imperative of emphasising investigation regarding concepts for ICT-enabled services focusing the empowerment of citizens arises as being our contribution for guiding future research, whilst governments can practically benefit from the composed framework by using it for classifying, planning and implementing proposed participation activities

    Community perception of mobile payment in e-Government services

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    Mobile payment and e-Government are emerging topics in the research area of Information Systems. This research addresses the preferred e-Government services for mobile payment, the suitable payment methods of mobile payment, and adoption factors of e-Government services. The research derives the notion of technology adoption and related constructs, however, as no particular Information Systems adoption theory was adequate to study emerging systems of electronic payment, the research did not utilise any specific theory. Rather, the research uses the characteristics of mobile payment as revealed in the contemporary research to develop an adoption model based on user perceptions regarding mobile payments in the context of e-Government services. A survey study on the use of mobile devices to pay for e-Government services was conducted in Western Australia. The findings of this research contribute conceptually and practically by recommending suitable services and mobile payment methods. This paper also addresses the positive and negative factors impacting the adoption of mobile payment for e-Government services.<br /

    Support and resistance of public officials towards current eGovernment initiatives - A case study on Ukraine and Germany

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    This article provides insights on how German and Ukrainian public sector employees perceive and position themselves towards current eGovernment initiatives. After presenting the academic literature on the roles of individual public servants in transformative change processes in public administration, the eGovernment approaches followed by Germany and Ukraine are explained. The results of a survey (n = 74) conducted among public servants in both countries provide information on their perceived contribution to and participation in the digitisation of government service delivery, as well as reasons and causes for motivation or frustration in this context. By analysing the survey responses and identifying potential impediments of successful eGovernment implementation, the authors provide recommendations for action for executives that drive digital transformation, such as organising tool-specific training and Single Points of Contact for employees after introducing new processes and software, adjusting educational programmes for new public servants, and establishing a feedback and knowledge-sharing culture when creating new e-services.Dieser Artikel gibt Einblicke, wie BeschĂ€ftigte des öffentlichen Sektors in der Ukraine und Deutschland aktuelle eGovernment-Initiativen wahrnehmen und sich zu ihnen positionieren. Nach einer Darstellung wissenschaftlicher Literatur zur Rolle von BeschĂ€ftigten in transformativen VerĂ€nderungsprozessen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung werden die von Deutschland und der Ukraine verfolgten eGovernment-AnsĂ€tze erlĂ€utert. Die Ergebnisse einer durchgefĂŒhrten Befragung von (n = 74) Staatsbediensteten in beiden LĂ€ndern geben Aufschluss ĂŒber deren wahrgenommene Partizipation sowie GrĂŒnde und Ursachen fĂŒr Motivation oder Frustration im Kontext der Digitalisierung der staatlichen Leistungserbringung. Auf Basis einer Analyse der RĂŒckmeldungen des Fragebogens und der Identifizierung geĂ€ußerter potenzieller Hindernisse fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche eGovernment Implementierung geben die Autoren Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte, welche die digitale Transformation vorantreiben möchten, wie beispielsweise die Etablierung von tool-spezifischen Schulungen und einheitlichen Ansprechpartnern fĂŒr BeschĂ€ftigte nach der EinfĂŒhrung neuer Prozesse und Software, die Anpassung von Ausbildungsprogrammen fĂŒr neue Staatsbedienstete und die Etablierung einer Feedback- und Wissens-Kultur im Kontext der Entwicklung neuer digitaler Services

    Cross-Cultural Analysiis of European e-Government Adoption

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    In terms of adoption, the topic of e-government has focused on the supply side (or government-related issues) such as strategies and policy, challenges, technical issues, evaluation of the usability of e-government Websites; however, less attention has been given to the demand (or citizen’s) perspective. Recent studies of the citizen adoption of e-government services suggest that trust, security, and transparency are the major issues for e-government adoption. The aim of this study was to explore whether cross-national differences in the adoption of e-government (Internet users who visited public authorities’ websites in last three months to obtain information, download, and file forms) are associated with differences among national cultures as described in Hofstede's model of cultural dimensions (Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long-Term Orientation).e-government; e-government adoption; European e-government; European Culture; Cross-cultural difference
