182,747 research outputs found

    Code analysis: past and present

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    The integration of Software components within complex industrial applications with severe security standards, requires strict quality assessment of each integrated component. That is, requires a guarantee that each component is compliant with the software development good practices and all the standards in use. If full certification is easy to obtain for proprietary modules, it is particularly hard to achieve when dealing with Open-Source Software pieces, demanding for rigorous methods and techniques to implement their certification process. In this context, code analysis plays an important role as the basis for the automatization of quality assessment of open source software projects – code analysis provides the techniques and tools to implement the necessary validation process. Although source code is still the most explored (the main support for analysis), nowadays this assessment process should be able to deal with code at different compilation levels. Due to its relevance for the open source software certification task, this paper reviews code analysis area (stages of the analyzing process, traditional approaches, and future trends), aiming at identifying what is available, and what deserves further research.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Student Perceptions of Enhancing the Internship Experience for Online Principal Preparation Programs

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    Principal preparation programs understand the need for relevant internship activities that bridge the gap between theory and practice (Anast-May, Buckner, & Geer, 2011; Darling-Hammond, LaPointe, Meyerson, Orr, & Cohen (2007). Principal preparation programs utilizing distance technology are also charged with meeting this expectation and the electronic learning technologies have changed learning from restrictive to flexible, accessible, and innovative (Tseng & Gardner, 2016). The internship is a widely accepted program component of principal preparation that provides the student with actual administrative experience during the certification process; however, despite the mandates from national accreditation organizations and state certification agencies, the literature is replete with criticisms concerning the effectiveness of the internship experience (Cheney & Davis, 2011; Darling-Hammond et al., 2007; Fry, Bottoms, & O’Neill, 2005; Perez et al., 2011). Limited data in the form of student feedback, especially as it pertains to learner perceptions of the internship experience, have been collected (Gordon, Oliver, & Solis, 2016). According to Thiede (2012), it is important for faculty to seek out and study what students are thinking and saying about online education as most higher education institutions’ future enrollments may be predicated upon quality online courses

    An Exploration of Virtual Study Groups Used to Prepare Candidates for a Professional Certification Exam

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    Professional credentials earned through certification programs are becoming an important way to demonstrate competency within a given discipline. With the globalization of business enterprises and associations, these credentials are eagerly sought by people located throughout the world. Candidates for these credentials often study together using virtual environments to prepare for a certification exam. Through a qualitative analysis of interviews with persons participating in such virtual groups, this study investigates what influences their choices among web-enabled study groups, what perceptions characterize their conception of a good virtual study group, and what limitations are encountered in a virtual study environment. This dissertation argues that confidence drawn from an environment that builds trust is an essential component of a good virtual study group. Further, it illuminates how important moderators and facilitators of these groups are in building trust, and the role participant salience plays in order for trust to develop. Finally, it sheds light on the challenges professionals have in preparing for a high stakes exam within a virtual public venue

    Component trustworthiness in an enterprise software platform ecosystem

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    Enterprise software packages are increasingly designed as ex-tendable software platforms. These platforms are characterised by modular architecture that allows third parties to innovate and create value through the development of complementary applications. The development process of complementary applications from scratch is resource-intensive. One way of optimising the development process is by using the component-based software engineering (CBSE) approach that focuses on software reuse and suggests building applications with reusable components. There is a considerable amount of literature on CBSE; however, there has been little discussion on how component-based software engineering can strengthen third-party application development in the context of an enterprise software platform ecosystem. Specifically, it is unclear how the challenge of component trustworthiness can be addressed in this context. To explore this, we conducted a design science research(DSR) study to answer the following question: What are design principles pertaining to component trustworthiness for implementing a component repository that facilitates component reuse in an enterprise software platform ecosystem? In our study, we have explored the potential for component reuse in the ecosystem of the global health software platform DHIS2 by designing and developing a prototype component repository. Duringthe design and development process, two design principles were identi-fied: Principle of component trustworthiness and Principle of balanced certification. These principles are to guide researchers and practitioners on how a component repository can be implemented in the context of an enterprise software platform ecosystem

    Teacher Evaluator Training & Certification: Lessons Learned From the Measures of Effective Teaching Project

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    Makes recommendations for the design and implementation of programs to train and certify principals in conducting teacher evaluations, including content, format, and length of training, scoring practice, and criteria for certification tests

    Consumer Willingness-To-Pay for Different Organic Certification Logos in Turkey

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    Using data from focus group discussions with consumers and a choice experimentconducted in some of Turkey’s major cities, this study investigates whetherTurkish consumers prefer certain organic labelling schemes over others attemptsand to elicit their willingness to pay (WTP) for different organic certificationlogos. Although the level of awareness regarding organic certification logos waslow, consumers’ perceptions of the logos were generally positive. The results ofthe random parameter logit models indicated a positive WTP for the presence ofone of the three tested certification body logos in addition to the mandatorygovernmental logo. Given the low level of certification logo awareness, theconclusion is that both purchasing decisions and perceptions regarding logoswere affected by subjective criteria. Both the government and certification bodiesshould develop measures to increase consumer awareness of their logos and formconsumer perceptions and attitudes regarding the quality of the certificationimplied by the logo

    Dinner for three: EU, China and the US around the geographical indications table. CEPS Policy Insights No 2020-07 / April 2020

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    China is the EU's second biggest agri-food exports market. It is also the second destination for the export of EU products protected by geographical indications (GI), accounting for 9% of its value, including wines, agrifood and spirits. The EU-China Agreement on the Protection of Geographical Indications, concluded in November 2019, is expected to realise higher potential for exporting EU GIs to the country since market access is now guaranteed. But the US-China Economic and Trade Agreement, signed in January 2020, has set down a couple of precautionary measures, including a consultation mechanism with China before new GIs can be recognised for protection in the Chinese market because of international trade agreements. As a result, EU GIs could be brought under tighter US scrutiny before being recognised for protection in China. Analysis reveals, however, that only a handful of EU GIs may be affected by the latter Agreement, if at all

    Analysis of the retail survey of products that carry welfare- claims and of non-retailer led assurance schemes whose logos accompany welfare-claims.

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    This report serves two aims. Firstly, this report contains analysis of the retail audit (sub-deliverable of welfare-friendly food products in the 6 study countries. The report gives the results of an emerging comparative analysis of the ‘market’ for welfare-friendly food products in the 6 study countries. It also outlines ‘non-retailer’ led schemes1 whose products occurred in the study. In this way, an emerging picture of the actual product ranges, that make claims about welfare-friendliness, will be drawn based on fieldwork carried out from November 2004 until April 2005. Also, the report explores how the different legislative and voluntary standards on animal welfare compare across different countries and how these actively advertise their welfare-friendlier component to consumers through food packaging. <br/

    Towards a Flexible Intra-Trustcenter Management Protocol

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    This paper proposes the Intra Trustcenter Protocol (ITP), a flexible and secure management protocol for communication between arbitrary trustcenter components. Unlike other existing protocols (like PKCS#7, CMP or XKMS) ITP focuses on the communication within a trustcenter. It is powerful enough for transferring complex messages which are machine and human readable and easy to understand. In addition it includes an extension mechanism to be prepared for future developments.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figures; in The Third International Workshop for Applied PKI (IWAP2004
