106 research outputs found

    Complexity of Self-assembled Shapes (Extended Abstract)

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    The connection between self-assembly and computation suggests that a shape can be considered the output of a self-assembly “program,” a set of tiles that fit together to create a shape. It seems plausible that the size of the smallest self-assembly program that builds a shape and the shape’s descriptional (Kolmogorov) complexity should be related. We show that under the notion of a shape that is independent of scale this is indeed so: in the Tile Assembly Model, the minimal number of distinct tile types necessary to self-assemble an arbitrarily scaled shape can be bounded both above and below in terms of the shape’s Kolmogorov complexity. As part of the proof of the main result, we sketch a general method for converting a program outputting a shape as a list of locations into a set of tile types that self-assembles into a scaled up version of that shape. Our result implies, somewhat counter-intuitively, that self-assembly of a scaled up version of a shape often requires fewer tile types, and suggests that the independence of scale in self-assembly theory plays the same crucial role as the independence of running time in the theory of computability

    Intrinsic universality and the computational power of self-assembly

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    This short survey of recent work in tile self-assembly discusses the use of simulation to classify and separate the computational and expressive power of self-assembly models. The journey begins with the result that there is a single universal tile set that, with proper initialization and scaling, simulates any tile assembly system. This universal tile set exhibits something stronger than Turing universality: it captures the geometry and dynamics of any simulated system. From there we find that there is no such tile set in the noncooperative, or temperature 1, model, proving it weaker than the full tile assembly model. In the two-handed or hierarchal model, where large assemblies can bind together on one step, we encounter an infinite set, of infinite hierarchies, each with strictly increasing simulation power. Towards the end of our trip, we find one tile to rule them all: a single rotatable flipable polygonal tile that can simulate any tile assembly system. It seems this could be the beginning of a much longer journey, so directions for future work are suggested.Comment: In Proceedings MCU 2013, arXiv:1309.104

    Self-Assembly of Infinite Structures

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    We review some recent results related to the self-assembly of infinite structures in the Tile Assembly Model. These results include impossibility results, as well as novel tile assembly systems in which shapes and patterns that represent various notions of computation self-assemble. Several open questions are also presented and motivated

    Two computational primitives for algorithmic self-assembly: Copying and counting

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    Copying and counting are useful primitive operations for computation and construction. We have made DNA crystals that copy and crystals that count as they grow. For counting, 16 oligonucleotides assemble into four DNA Wang tiles that subsequently crystallize on a polymeric nucleating scaffold strand, arranging themselves in a binary counting pattern that could serve as a template for a molecular electronic demultiplexing circuit. Although the yield of counting crystals is low, and per-tile error rates in such crystals is roughly 10%, this work demonstrates the potential of algorithmic self-assembly to create complex nanoscale patterns of technological interest. A subset of the tiles for counting form information-bearing DNA tubes that copy bit strings from layer to layer along their length

    Robust self-replication of combinatorial information via crystal growth and scission

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    Understanding how a simple chemical system can accurately replicate combinatorial information, such as a sequence, is an important question for both the study of life in the universe and for the development of evolutionary molecular design techniques. During biological sequence replication, a nucleic acid polymer serves as a template for the enzyme-catalyzed assembly of a complementary sequence. Enzymes then separate the template and complement before the next round of replication. Attempts to understand how replication could occur more simply, such as without enzymes, have largely focused on developing minimal versions of this replication process. Here we describe how a different mechanism, crystal growth and scission, can accurately replicate chemical sequences without enzymes. Crystal growth propagates a sequence of bits while mechanically-induced scission creates new growth fronts. Together, these processes exponentially increase the number of crystal sequences. In the system we describe, sequences are arrangements of DNA tile monomers within ribbon-shaped crystals. 99.98% of bits are copied correctly and 78% of 4-bit sequences are correct after two generations; roughly 40 sequence copies are made per growth front per generation. In principle, this process is accurate enough for 1,000-fold replication of 4-bit sequences with 50% yield, replication of longer sequences, and Darwinian evolution. We thus demonstrate that neither enzymes nor covalent bond formation are required for robust chemical sequence replication. The form of the replicated information is also compatible with the replication and evolution of a wide class of materials with precise nanoscale geometry such as plasmonic nanostructures or heterogeneous protein assemblies

    An information-bearing seed for nucleating algorithmic self-assembly

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    Self-assembly creates natural mineral, chemical, and biological structures of great complexity. Often, the same starting materials have the potential to form an infinite variety of distinct structures; information in a seed molecule can determine which form is grown as well as where and when. These phenomena can be exploited to program the growth of complex supramolecular structures, as demonstrated by the algorithmic self-assembly of DNA tiles. However, the lack of effective seeds has limited the reliability and yield of algorithmic crystals. Here, we present a programmable DNA origami seed that can display up to 32 distinct binding sites and demonstrate the use of seeds to nucleate three types of algorithmic crystals. In the simplest case, the starting materials are a set of tiles that can form crystalline ribbons of any width; the seed directs assembly of a chosen width with >90% yield. Increased structural diversity is obtained by using tiles that copy a binary string from layer to layer; the seed specifies the initial string and triggers growth under near-optimal conditions where the bit copying error rate is 17 kb of sequence information. In sum, this work demonstrates how DNA origami seeds enable the easy, high-yield, low-error-rate growth of algorithmic crystals as a route toward programmable bottom-up fabrication

    Intrinsic Universality in Self-Assembly

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    We show that the Tile Assembly Model exhibits a strong notion of universality where the goal is to give a single tile assembly system that simulates the behavior of any other tile assembly system. We give a tile assembly system that is capable of simulating a very wide class of tile systems, including itself. Specifically, we give a tile set that simulates the assembly of any tile assembly system in a class of systems that we call \emph{locally consistent}: each tile binds with exactly the strength needed to stay attached, and that there are no glue mismatches between tiles in any produced assembly. Our construction is reminiscent of the studies of \emph{intrinsic universality} of cellular automata by Ollinger and others, in the sense that our simulation of a tile system TT by a tile system UU represents each tile in an assembly produced by TT by a cĂ—cc \times c block of tiles in UU, where cc is a constant depending on TT but not on the size of the assembly TT produces (which may in fact be infinite). Also, our construction improves on earlier simulations of tile assembly systems by other tile assembly systems (in particular, those of Soloveichik and Winfree, and of Demaine et al.) in that we simulate the actual process of self-assembly, not just the end result, as in Soloveichik and Winfree's construction, and we do not discriminate against infinite structures. Both previous results simulate only temperature 1 systems, whereas our construction simulates tile assembly systems operating at temperature 2

    Information content of colored motifs in complex networks

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    We study complex networks in which the nodes of the network are tagged with different colors depending on the functionality of the nodes (colored graphs), using information theory applied to the distribution of motifs in such networks. We find that colored motifs can be viewed as the building blocks of the networks (much more so than the uncolored structural motifs can be) and that the relative frequency with which these motifs appear in the network can be used to define the information content of the network. This information is defined in such a way that a network with random coloration (but keeping the relative number of nodes with different colors the same) has zero color information content. Thus, colored motif information captures the exceptionality of coloring in the motifs that is maintained via selection. We study the motif information content of the C. elegans brain as well as the evolution of colored motif information in networks that reflect the interaction between instructions in genomes of digital life organisms. While we find that colored motif information appears to capture essential functionality in the C. elegans brain (where the color assignment of nodes is straightforward) it is not obvious whether the colored motif information content always increases during evolution, as would be expected from a measure that captures network complexity. For a single choice of color assignment of instructions in the digital life form Avida, we find rather that colored motif information content increases or decreases during evolution, depending on how the genomes are organized, and therefore could be an interesting tool to dissect genomic rearrangements.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Artificial Lif
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