53,796 research outputs found

    Trellis decoding complexity of linear block codes

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    In this partially tutorial paper, we examine minimal trellis representations of linear block codes and analyze several measures of trellis complexity: maximum state and edge dimensions, total span length, and total vertices, edges and mergers. We obtain bounds on these complexities as extensions of well-known dimension/length profile (DLP) bounds. Codes meeting these bounds minimize all the complexity measures simultaneously; conversely, a code attaining the bound for total span length, vertices, or edges, must likewise attain it for all the others. We define a notion of “uniform” optimality that embraces different domains of optimization, such as different permutations of a code or different codes with the same parameters, and we give examples of uniformly optimal codes and permutations. We also give some conditions that identify certain cases when no code or permutation can meet the bounds. In addition to DLP-based bounds, we derive new inequalities relating one complexity measure to another, which can be used in conjunction with known bounds on one measure to imply bounds on the others. As an application, we infer new bounds on maximum state and edge complexity and on total vertices and edges from bounds on span lengths

    One-way permutations, computational asymmetry and distortion

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    Computational asymmetry, i.e., the discrepancy between the complexity of transformations and the complexity of their inverses, is at the core of one-way transformations. We introduce a computational asymmetry function that measures the amount of one-wayness of permutations. We also introduce the word-length asymmetry function for groups, which is an algebraic analogue of computational asymmetry. We relate boolean circuits to words in a Thompson monoid, over a fixed generating set, in such a way that circuit size is equal to word-length. Moreover, boolean circuits have a representation in terms of elements of a Thompson group, in such a way that circuit size is polynomially equivalent to word-length. We show that circuits built with gates that are not constrained to have fixed-length inputs and outputs, are at most quadratically more compact than circuits built from traditional gates (with fixed-length inputs and outputs). Finally, we show that the computational asymmetry function is closely related to certain distortion functions: The computational asymmetry function is polynomially equivalent to the distortion of the path length in Schreier graphs of certain Thompson groups, compared to the path length in Cayley graphs of certain Thompson monoids. We also show that the results of Razborov and others on monotone circuit complexity lead to exponential lower bounds on certain distortions.Comment: 33 page

    Permutation Complexity and Coupling Measures in Hidden Markov Models

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    In [Haruna, T. and Nakajima, K., 2011. Physica D 240, 1370-1377], the authors introduced the duality between values (words) and orderings (permutations) as a basis to discuss the relationship between information theoretic measures for finite-alphabet stationary stochastic processes and their permutation analogues. It has been used to give a simple proof of the equality between the entropy rate and the permutation entropy rate for any finite-alphabet stationary stochastic process and show some results on the excess entropy and the transfer entropy for finite-alphabet stationary ergodic Markov processes. In this paper, we extend our previous results to hidden Markov models and show the equalities between various information theoretic complexity and coupling measures and their permutation analogues. In particular, we show the following two results within the realm of hidden Markov models with ergodic internal processes: the two permutation analogues of the transfer entropy, the symbolic transfer entropy and the transfer entropy on rank vectors, are both equivalent to the transfer entropy if they are considered as the rates, and the directed information theory can be captured by the permutation entropy approach.Comment: 26 page

    Generating All Permutations by Context-Free Grammars in Greibach Normal Form

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    We consider context-free grammars GnG_n in Greibach normal form and, particularly, in Greibach mm-form (m=1,2m=1,2) which generates the finite language LnL_n of all n!n! strings that are permutations of nn different symbols (n≄1n\geq 1). These grammars are investigated with respect to their descriptional complexity, i.e., we determine the number of nonterminal symbols and the number of production rules of GnG_n as functions of nn. As in the case of Chomsky normal form these descriptional complexity measures grow faster than any polynomial function

    Computational Complexity Results for Genetic Programming and the Sorting Problem

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    Genetic Programming (GP) has found various applications. Understanding this type of algorithm from a theoretical point of view is a challenging task. The first results on the computational complexity of GP have been obtained for problems with isolated program semantics. With this paper, we push forward the computational complexity analysis of GP on a problem with dependent program semantics. We study the well-known sorting problem in this context and analyze rigorously how GP can deal with different measures of sortedness.Comment: 12 page

    Generating all permutations by context-free grammars in Chomsky normal form

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    Let Ln be the finite language of all n! strings that are permutations of n different symbols (n1). We consider context-free grammars Gn in Chomsky normal form that generate Ln. In particular we study a few families {Gn}n1, satisfying L(Gn)=Ln for n1, with respect to their descriptional complexity, i.e. we determine the number of nonterminal symbols and the number of production rules of Gn as functions of n

    Compressed Representations of Permutations, and Applications

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    We explore various techniques to compress a permutation π\pi over n integers, taking advantage of ordered subsequences in π\pi, while supporting its application π\pi(i) and the application of its inverse π−1(i)\pi^{-1}(i) in small time. Our compression schemes yield several interesting byproducts, in many cases matching, improving or extending the best existing results on applications such as the encoding of a permutation in order to support iterated applications πk(i)\pi^k(i) of it, of integer functions, and of inverted lists and suffix arrays

    Analysis of Algorithms for Permutations Biased by Their Number of Records

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    The topic of the article is the parametric study of the complexity of algorithms on arrays of pairwise distinct integers. We introduce a model that takes into account the non-uniformness of data, which we call the Ewens-like distribution of parameter Ξ\theta for records on permutations: the weight Ξr\theta^r of a permutation depends on its number rr of records. We show that this model is meaningful for the notion of presortedness, while still being mathematically tractable. Our results describe the expected value of several classical permutation statistics in this model, and give the expected running time of three algorithms: the Insertion Sort, and two variants of the Min-Max search
