58,742 research outputs found

    Complexity classes of partial recursive functions

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    This paper studies possible extensions of the concept of complexity class of recursive functions to partial recursive functions. Many of the well-known results for total complexity classes are shown to have corresponding, though not exactly identical, statements for partial classes. In particular, with two important exceptions, all results on the presentation and decision problems of membership for the two most reasonable definitions of partial classes are the same as for total classes. The exceptions concern presentations of the complements and maximum difficulty for decision problems of the more restricted form of partial classes.The last section of this paper shows that it is not possible to have an “intersection theorem,” corresponding to the union theorem of McCreight and Meyer, either for complexity classes or complexity index sets

    Pointers in Recursion: Exploring the Tropics

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    We translate the usual class of partial/primitive recursive functions to a pointer recursion framework, accessing actual input values via a pointer reading unit-cost function. These pointer recursive functions classes are proven equivalent to the usual partial/primitive recursive functions. Complexity-wise, this framework captures in a streamlined way most of the relevant sub-polynomial classes. Pointer recursion with the safe/normal tiering discipline of Bellantoni and Cook corresponds to polylogtime computation. We introduce a new, non-size increasing tiering discipline, called tropical tiering. Tropical tiering and pointer recursion, used with some of the most common recursion schemes, capture the classes logspace, logspace/polylogtime, ptime, and NC. Finally, in a fashion reminiscent of the safe recursive functions, tropical tiering is expressed directly in the syntax of the function algebras, yielding the tropical recursive function algebras

    Relativized topological size of sets of partial recursive functions

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    AbstractIn [1], a recursive topology on the set of unary partial recursive functions was introduced and recursive variants of Baire topological notions of nowhere dense and meagre sets were defined. These tools were used to measure the size of some classes of partial recursive (p.r.) functions. Thus, for example, it was proved that measured sets or complexity classes are recursively meagre in contrast with the sets of all p.r. functions or recursive functions, which are sets of recursively second Baire category. In this paper we measure the size of sets of p.r. functions using the above Baire notions relativized to the topological spaces induced by these sets. In this way we strengthen, in a uniform way, most results of [4, 5, 6, 3, 2], and we also obtain new results. For many sets of p.r. functions, strong differences between “local” and “global” topological size are established

    Probabilistic Recursion Theory and Implicit Computational Complexity

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    In this thesis we provide a characterization of probabilistic computation in itself, from a recursion-theoretical perspective, without reducing it to deterministic computation. More specifically, we show that probabilistic computable functions, i.e., those functions which are computed by Probabilistic Turing Machines (PTM), can be characterized by a natural generalization of Kleene's partial recursive functions which includes, among initial functions, one that returns identity or successor with probability 1/2. We then prove the equi-expressivity of the obtained algebra and the class of functions computed by PTMs. In the the second part of the thesis we investigate the relations existing between our recursion-theoretical framework and sub-recursive classes, in the spirit of Implicit Computational Complexity. More precisely, endowing predicative recurrence with a random base function is proved to lead to a characterization of polynomial-time computable probabilistic functions

    Complexity vs Energy: Theory of Computation and Theoretical Physics

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    This paper is a survey dedicated to the analogy between the notions of {\it complexity} in theoretical computer science and {\it energy} in physics. This analogy is not metaphorical: I describe three precise mathematical contexts, suggested recently, in which mathematics related to (un)computability is inspired by and to a degree reproduces formalisms of statistical physics and quantum field theory.Comment: 23 pages. Talk at the satellite conference to ECM 2012, "QQQ Algebra, Geometry, Information", Tallinn, July 9-12, 201

    Complexity vs energy: theory of computation and theoretical physics

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    Kolmogorov complexity and the Recursion Theorem

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    Several classes of DNR functions are characterized in terms of Kolmogorov complexity. In particular, a set of natural numbers A can wtt-compute a DNR function iff there is a nontrivial recursive lower bound on the Kolmogorov complexity of the initial segments of A. Furthermore, A can Turing compute a DNR function iff there is a nontrivial A-recursive lower bound on the Kolmogorov complexity of the initial segements of A. A is PA-complete, that is, A can compute a {0,1}-valued DNR function, iff A can compute a function F such that F(n) is a string of length n and maximal C-complexity among the strings of length n. A solves the halting problem iff A can compute a function F such that F(n) is a string of length n and maximal H-complexity among the strings of length n. Further characterizations for these classes are given. The existence of a DNR function in a Turing degree is equivalent to the failure of the Recursion Theorem for this degree; thus the provided results characterize those Turing degrees in terms of Kolmogorov complexity which do no longer permit the usage of the Recursion Theorem.Comment: Full version of paper presented at STACS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3884 (2006), 149--16