6 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Lift-and-Project Methods for Combinatorial Optimization

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    In both mathematical research and real-life, we often encounter problems that can be framed as finding the best solution among a collection of discrete choices. Many of these problems, on which an exhaustive search in the solution space is impractical or even infeasible, belong to the area of combinatorial optimization, a lively branch of discrete mathematics that has seen tremendous development over the last half century. It uses tools in areas such as combinatorics, mathematical modelling and graph theory to tackle these problems, and has deep connections with related subjects such as theoretical computer science, operations research, and industrial engineering. While elegant and efficient algorithms have been found for many problems in combinatorial optimization, the area is also filled with difficult problems that are unlikely to be solvable in polynomial time (assuming the widely believed conjecture P≠NP\mathcal{P} \neq \mathcal{NP}). A common approach of tackling these hard problems is to formulate them as integer programs (which themselves are hard to solve), and then approximate their feasible regions using sets that are easier to describe and optimize over. Two of the most prominent mathematical models that are used to obtain these approximations are linear programs (LPs) and semidefinite programs (SDPs). The study of these relaxations started to gain popularity during the 1960's for LPs and mid-1990's for SDPs, and in many cases have led to the invention of strong approximation algorithms for the underlying hard problems. On the other hand, sometimes the analysis of these relaxations can lead to the conclusion that a certain problem cannot be well approximated by a wide class of LPs or SDPs. These negative results can also be valuable, as they might provide insights into what makes the problem difficult, which can guide our future attempts of attacking the problem. One mathematical framework that generates strong LP and SDP relaxations for integer programs is lift-and-project methods. Among many attractive features, an important advantage of this approach is that tighter relaxations can often be obtained without sacrificing polynomial-time solvability. Also, these procedures are able to generate relaxations systematically, without relying on problem-specific observations. Thus, they can be applied to improve any given relaxation. In the past two decades, lift-and-project methods have garnered a lot of research attention. Many operators under this approach have been proposed, most notably those by Sherali and Adams; Lov{\'a}sz and Schrijver; Balas, Ceria and Cornu{\'e}jols; Lasserre; and Bienstock and Zuckerberg. These operators vary greatly both in strength and complexity, and their performances and limitations on many optimization problems have been extensively studied, with the exception of the Bienstock--Zuckerberg operator (and to a lesser degree, the Lasserre operator) in terms of limitations. In this thesis, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of the existing lift and project operators, as well as many new variants of these operators that we propose in our work. Our new operators fill the spectrum of lift-and-project operators in a way which makes all of them more transparent, easier to relate to each other, and easier to analyze. We provide new techniques to analyze the worst-case performances as well as relative strengths of these operators in a unified way. In particular, using the new techniques and a recent result of Mathieu and Sinclair, we prove that the polyhedral Bienstock--Zuckerberg operator requires at least 2n−32\sqrt{2n}- \frac{3}{2} iterations to compute the matching polytope of the (2n+1)(2n+1)-clique. We further prove that the operator requires approximately n2\frac{n}{2} iterations to reach the stable set polytope of the nn-clique, if we start with the fractional stable set polytope. Moreover, we obtained an example in which the Bienstock--Zuckerberg operator with positive semidefiniteness requires Ω(n1/4)\Omega(n^{1/4}) iterations to compute the integer hull of a set contained in [0,1]n[0,1]^n. These examples provide the first known instances where the Bienstock--Zuckerberg operators require more than a constant number of iterations to return the integer hull of a given relaxation. In addition to relating the performances of various lift-and-project methods and providing results for specific operators and problems, we provide some general techniques that can be useful in producing and verifying certificates for lift-and-project relaxations. These tools can significantly simply the task of obtaining hardness results for relaxations that have certain desirable properties. Finally, we characterize some sets on which one of the strongest variants of the Sherali--Adams operator with positive semidefinite strengthenings does not perform better than Lov\'{a}sz and Schrijver's weakest polyhedral operator, providing examples where even imposing a very strong positive semidefiniteness constraint does not generate any additional cuts. We then prove that some of the worst-case instances for many known lift-and-project operators are also bad instances for this significantly strengthened version of the Sherali--Adams operator, as well as the Lasserre operator. We also discuss how the techniques we presented in our analysis can be applied to obtain the integrality gaps of convex relaxations

    Stable Set Polytopes with High Lift-and-Project Ranks for the Lov\'asz-Schrijver SDP Operator

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    We study the lift-and-project rank of the stable set polytopes of graphs with respect to the Lov{\'a}sz--Schrijver SDP operator LS+\text{LS}_+, with a particular focus on a search for relatively small graphs with high LS+\text{LS}_+-rank (the least number of iterations of the LS+\text{LS}_+ operator on the fractional stable set polytope to compute the stable set polytope). We provide families of graphs whose LS+\text{LS}_+-rank is asymptotically a linear function of its number of vertices, which is the best possible up to improvements in the constant factor (previous best result in this direction, from 1999, yielded graphs whose LS+\text{LS}_+-rank only grew with the square root of the number of vertices). We also provide several new LS+\text{LS}_+-minimal graphs, most notably a 1212-vertex graph with LS+\text{LS}_+-rank 44, and study the properties of a vertex-stretching operation that appears to be promising in generating LS+\text{LS}_+-minimal graphs

    Matchings, hypergraphs, association schemes, and semidefinite optimization

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    We utilize association schemes to analyze the quality of semidefinite programming (SDP) based convex relaxations of integral packing and covering polyhedra determined by matchings in hypergraphs. As a by-product of our approach, we obtain bounds on the clique and stability numbers of some regular graphs reminiscent of classical bounds by Delsarte and Hoffman. We determine exactly or provide bounds on the performance of Lov\'{a}sz-Schrijver SDP hierarchy, and illustrate the usefulness of obtaining commutative subschemes from non-commutative schemes via contraction in this context

    Approximation Algorithms for Path TSP, ATSP, and TAP via Relaxations

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    Linear programming (LP) relaxations provide a powerful technique to design approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. In the first part of the thesis, we study the metric s-t path Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) via LP relaxations. We first consider the s-t path graph-TSP, a critical special case of the metric s-t path TSP. We design a new simple LP-based algorithm for the s-t path graph-TSP that achieves the best known approximation factor of 1.5. Then, we turn our attention to the general metric s-t path TSP. [An, Kleinberg, and Shmoys, STOC 2012] improved on the long standing 5/3-approximation factor and presented an algorithm that achieves an approximation factor of (1+\sqrt{5})/2 \approx 1.61803. Later, [Sebo, IPCO 2013] further improved the approximation factor to 8/5. We present a simple, self-contained analysis that unifies both results. Additionally, we compare two different LP relaxations of the s-t path TSP, namely the path version of the Held-Karp LP relaxation for TSP and a weaker LP relaxation, and we show that both LPs have the same (fractional) optimal value. Also, we show that the minimum cost of integral solutions of the two LPs are within a factor of 3/2 of each other. Furthermore, we prove that a half-integral solution of the stronger LP relaxation of cost c can be rounded to an integral solution of cost at most 3c/2. Finally, we give an instance that presents obstructions to two natural methods that aim for an approximation factor of 3/2. The Sherali-Adams (SA) system and the Lasserre (Las) system are two popular Lift-and-Project systems that tighten a given LP relaxation in a systematic way. In the second part of the thesis, we study the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP) and unweighted Tree Augmentation Problem, respectively, in the framework of the SA system and the Las system. For ATSP, our focus is on negative results. For any fixed integer t>=0 and small \epsilon, 0<\epsilon<<1, we prove that the integrality ratio for level t of the SA system starting with the standard LP relaxation of ATSP is at least 1+(1-\epsilon)/(2t+3). For a further relaxation of ATSP called the balanced LP relaxation, we obtain an integrality ratio lower bound of 1+(1-\epsilon)/(t+1) for level t of the SA system. Also, our results for the standard LP relaxation extend to the path version of ATSP. For the unweighted Tree Augmentation Problem, our focus is on positive results. We study this problem via the Las system. We prove an upper bound of (1.5+\epsilon) on the integrality ratio of a semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation, where \epsilon>0 can be any small constant, by analyzing a combinatorial algorithm. This SDP relaxation is derived by applying the Las system to an initial LP relaxation. We generalize the combinatorial analysis of integral solutions from the previous literature to fractional solutions by identifying some properties of fractional solutions of the Las system via the decomposition result of [Karlin, Mathieu, and Nguyen, IPCO 2011]