14 research outputs found

    Implementing Preferences with asprin

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    asprin offers a framework for expressing and evaluating combinations of quantitative and qualitative preferences among the stable models of a logic program. In this paper, we demonstrate the generality and flexibility of the methodology by showing how easily existing preference relations can be implemented in asprin. Moreover, we show how the computation of optimal stable models can be improved by using declarative heuristics. We empirically evaluate our contributions and contrast them with dedicated implementations. Finally, we detail key aspects of asprin’s implementation.Full Tex

    Aggregated fuzzy answer set programming

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    Fuzzy Answer Set programming (FASP) is an extension of answer set programming (ASP), based on fuzzy logic. It allows to encode continuous optimization problems in the same concise manner as ASP allows to model combinatorial problems. As a result of its inherent continuity, rules in FASP may be satisfied or violated to certain degrees. Rather than insisting that all rules are fully satisfied, we may only require that they are satisfied partially, to the best extent possible. However, most approaches that feature partial rule satisfaction limit themselves to attaching predefined weights to rules, which is not sufficiently flexible for most real-life applications. In this paper, we develop an alternative, based on aggregator functions that specify which (combination of) rules are most important to satisfy. We extend upon previous work by allowing aggregator expressions to define partially ordered preferences, and by the use of a fixpoint semantics

    A core language for fuzzy answer set programming

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    A number of different Fuzzy Answer Set Programming (FASP) formalisms have been proposed in the last years, which all differ in the language extensions they support. In this paperwe investigate the expressivity of these frameworks. Specificallywe showhowa variety of constructs in these languages can be implemented using a considerably simpler core language. These simulations are important as a compact and simple language is easier to implement and to reason about, while an expressive language offers more options when modeling problems


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    In my Ph.D. dissertation, I have studied problems arising in various aspects of preferences: preference modeling, preference learning, and preference reasoning, when preferences concern outcomes ranging over combinatorial domains. Preferences is a major research component in artificial intelligence (AI) and decision theory, and is closely related to the social choice theory considered by economists and political scientists. In my dissertation, I have exploited emerging connections between preferences in AI and social choice theory. Most of my research is on qualitative preference representations that extend and combine existing formalisms such as conditional preference nets, lexicographic preference trees, answer-set optimization programs, possibilistic logic, and conditional preference networks; on learning problems that aim at discovering qualitative preference models and predictive preference information from practical data; and on preference reasoning problems centered around qualitative preference optimization and aggregation methods. Applications of my research include recommender systems, decision support tools, multi-agent systems, and Internet trading and marketing platforms

    Using rules of thumb to repair inconsistent knowledge

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    Preferences are fundamental to decision making and play an important role in artificial intelligence. Our research focuses on three group of problems based on the preference formalism Answer Set Optimization (ASO): preference aggregation problems such as computing optimal (near optimal) solutions, strategic behaviors in preference representation, and learning ranks (weights) for preferences. In the first group of problems, of interest are optimal outcomes, that is, outcomes that are optimal with respect to the preorder defined by the preference rules. In this work, we consider computational problems concerning optimal outcomes. We propose, implement and study methods to compute an optimal outcome; to compute another optimal outcome once the first one is found; to compute an optimal outcome that is similar to (or, dissimilar from) a given candidate outcome; and to compute a set of optimal answer sets each significantly different from the others. For the decision version of several of these problems we establish their computational complexity. For the second topic, the strategic behaviors such as manipulation and bribery have received much attention from the social choice community. We study these concepts for preference formalisms that identify a set of optimal outcomes rather than a single winning outcome, the case common to social choice. Such preference formalisms are of interest in the context of combinatorial domains, where preference representations are only approximations to true preferences, and seeking a single optimal outcome runs a risk of missing the one which is optimal with respect to the actual preferences. In this work, we assume that preferences may be ranked (differ in importance), and we use the Pareto principle adjusted to the case of ranked preferences as the preference aggregation rule. For two important classes of preferences, representing the extreme ends of the spectrum, we provide characterizations of situations when manipulation and bribery is possible, and establish the complexity of the problem to decide that. Finally, we study the problem of learning the importance of individual preferences in preference profiles aggregated by the ranked Pareto rule or positional scoring rules. We provide a polynomial-time algorithm that finds a ranking of preferences such that the ranked profile correctly decided all the examples, whenever such a ranking exists. We also show that the problem to learn a ranking maximizing the number of correctly decided examples is NP-hard. We obtain similar results for the case of weighted profiles

    Planen mit Präferenzen: ein Ansatz zur Lösung partieller Erfüllbarkeitsprobleme

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit zwei Problembereichen. Zum einen wird untersucht, auf welche Weise Präferenzen über Zielen geeignet ausgedrückt werden können. Weiterhin wird ein Ansatz zur Lösung partieller Erfüllbarkeitsprobleme vorgestellt. Die Arbeit beginnt mit einer Einführung grundlegender Begriffe aus dem Bereich des automatischen Planens. Dies beinhaltet eine Definition bzw. Erläuterung partieller Erfüllbarkeitsprobleme und der gängigen Repräsentationssprachen für Planungsprobleme. Weiterhin werden aktuelle, der Literatur entnommene, Lösungsansätze für partielle Erfüllbarkeitsprobleme vorgestellt und wesentliche Unterscheidungsmerkmale zu dem Ansatz dieser Arbeit herausgearbeitet. Die Effektivität des vorgestellten Ansatzes zur Lösung partieller Erfüllbarkeitsprobleme beruht wesentlich auf der Linearisierung der Präferenzrelation. Die dafür notwendigen Betrachtungen erfolgen im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit. Es wird schließlich eine lineare, numerische Beschreibungssprache als Erweiterung der Repräsentationssprache PDDL 2.1 vorgeschlagen. Weiterhin wird explizit aufgezeigt, wie sich der vorgestellte Lösungsalgorithmus mithilfe herkömmlicher Planungssysteme umsetzen läßt. Die Implementation des Algorithmus als C-Programm bzw. Perl-Skript liegt der gedruckten Ausgabe bei