2,073 research outputs found

    Completeness of Formal Hashes in the Standard Model

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    We study an extension of the well-known Abadi-Rogaway logic with hashes. Previously, we have given a sound computational interpretation of this extension using Canetti\u27s oracle hashing. This paper extends Micciancio and Warinschi\u27s completeness result for the original logic to this setting

    Cryptographic Methods with a Pli Cachete: Towards the Computational Assurance of Integrity

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    Unreproducibility stemming from a loss of data integrity can be prevented with hash functions, secure sketches, and Benford's Law when combined with the historical practice of a Pli Cacheté where scientific discoveries were archived with a 3rd party to later prove the date of discovery. Including the distinct systems of preregistation and data provenance tracking becomes the starting point for the creation of a complete ontology of scientific documentation. The ultimate goals in such a system--ideally mandated--would rule out several forms of dishonesty, catch computational and database errors, catch honest mistakes, and allow for automated data audits of large collaborative open science projects

    Can NSEC5 be practical for DNSSEC deployments?

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    NSEC5 is proposed modification to DNSSEC that simultaneously guarantees two security properties: (1) privacy against offline zone enumeration, and (2) integrity of zone contents, even if an adversary compromises the authoritative nameserver responsible for responding to DNS queries for the zone. This paper redesigns NSEC5 to make it both practical and performant. Our NSEC5 redesign features a new fast verifiable random function (VRF) based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), along with a cryptographic proof of its security. This VRF is also of independent interest, as it is being standardized by the IETF and being used by several other projects. We show how to integrate NSEC5 using our ECC-based VRF into the DNSSEC protocol, leveraging precomputation to improve performance and DNS protocol-level optimizations to shorten responses. Next, we present the first full-fledged implementation of NSEC5—extending widely-used DNS software to present a nameserver and recursive resolver that support NSEC5—and evaluate their performance under aggressive DNS query loads. Our performance results indicate that our redesigned NSEC5 can be viable even for high-throughput scenarioshttps://eprint.iacr.org/2017/099.pdfFirst author draf

    Computational Soundness of Formal Encryption in Coq

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    We formalize Abadi and Rogaway's computational soundness result in the Coq interactive theorem prover. This requires to model notions of provable cryptography like indistinguishability between ensembles of probability distributions, PPT reductions, and security notions for encryption schemes. Our formalization is the first computational soundness result to be mechanized, and it shows the feasibility of rigorous reasoning of computational cryptography inside a generic interactive theorem prover

    Equivalence-based Security for Querying Encrypted Databases: Theory and Application to Privacy Policy Audits

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    Motivated by the problem of simultaneously preserving confidentiality and usability of data outsourced to third-party clouds, we present two different database encryption schemes that largely hide data but reveal enough information to support a wide-range of relational queries. We provide a security definition for database encryption that captures confidentiality based on a notion of equivalence of databases from the adversary's perspective. As a specific application, we adapt an existing algorithm for finding violations of privacy policies to run on logs encrypted under our schemes and observe low to moderate overheads.Comment: CCS 2015 paper technical report, in progres
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