2,118 research outputs found

    Three Modern Roles for Logic in AI

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    We consider three modern roles for logic in artificial intelligence, which are based on the theory of tractable Boolean circuits: (1) logic as a basis for computation, (2) logic for learning from a combination of data and knowledge, and (3) logic for reasoning about the behavior of machine learning systems.Comment: To be published in PODS 202

    Formal Verification of Hardware Synthesis

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    Original manuscript: January 21, 2013We report on the implementation of a certified compiler for a high-level hardware description language (HDL) called Fe-Si (FEatherweight SynthesIs). Fe-Si is a simplified version of Bluespec, an HDL based on a notion of guarded atomic actions. Fe-Si is defined as a dependently typed deep embedding in Coq. The target language of the compiler corresponds to a synthesisable subset of Verilog or VHDL. A key aspect of our approach is that input programs to the compiler can be defined and proved correct inside Coq. Then, we use extraction and a Verilog back-end (written in OCaml) to get a certified version of a hardware design.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Agreement FA8750-12-2-0110

    JITed: A Framework for JIT Education in the Classroom

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    The study of programming languages is a rich field within computer science, incorporating both the abstract theoretical portions of computer science and the platform specific details. Topics studied in programming languages, chiefly compilers or interpreters, are permanent fixtures in programming that students will interact with throughout their career. These systems are, however, considerably complicated, as they must cover a wide range of functionality in order to enable languages to be created and run. The process of educating students thus requires that the demanding workload of creating one of the systems be balanced against the time and resources present in a university classroom setting. Systems building upon these fundamental systems can become out of reach when the number of preceding concepts and thus classes are taken into account. Among these is the study of just-in-time (JIT) compilers, which marry the processes of interpreters and compilers for the purposes of a flexible and fast runtime. The purpose of this thesis is to present JITed, a framework within which JIT compilers can be developed with a time commitment and workload befitting of a classroom setting, specifically one as short as ten weeks. A JIT compiler requires the development of both an interpreter and a compiler. This poses a problem, as classes teaching compilers and interpreters typically feature the construction of one of those systems as their term project. This makes the construction of both within the same time span as is usually allotted for a single system infeasible. To remedy this, JITed features a prebuilt interpreter, that provides the runtime environment necessary for the compiler portion of a JIT compiler to be built. JITed includes an interface for students to provide both their own compiler and the functionality to determine which portions of code should be compiled. The framework allows for important concepts of both compilers in general and JIT compilers to be taught in a reasonable timeframe

    Hardware Synthesis from a Recursive Functional Language

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    Abstraction in hardware description languages stalled at the register-transfer level decades ago, yet few alternatives have had much success, in part because they provide only modest gains in expressivity. We propose to make a much larger jump: a compiler that synthesizes hardware from behavioral functional specifications. Our compiler translates general Haskell programs into a restricted intermediate representation before applying a series of semantics-preserving transformations, concluding with a simple syntax-directed translation to SystemVerilog. Here, we present the overall framework for this compiler, focusing on the IRs involved and our method for translating general recursive functions into equivalent hardware. We conclude with experimental results that depict the performance and resource usage of the circuitry generated with our compiler

    Optimizing Java bytecodes

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    Bytecode-Based Multiple Condition Coverage: An Initial Investigation

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    Masking occurs when one condition prevents another from influencing the output of a Boolean expression. Adequacy criteria such as Multiple Condition Coverage (MCC) overcome masking within one expression, but offer no guarantees about subsequent expressions. As a result, a Boolean expression written as a single complex statement will yield more effective test cases than when written as a series of simple expressions. Many approaches to automated test case generation for Java operate not on the source code, but on bytecode. The transformation to bytecode simplifies complex expressions into multiple expressions, introducing masking. We propose Bytecode-MCC, a new adequacy criterion designed to group bytecode expressions and reformulate them into complex expressions. Bytecode-MCC should produce test obligations that are more likely to reveal faults in program logic than tests covering the simplified bytecode.A preliminary study shows potential improvements from attaining Bytecode-MCC coverage. However, Bytecode-MCC is difficult to optimize, and means of increasing coverage are needed before the technique can make a difference in practice. We propose potential methods to improve coverage

    PYCSP3: Modeling Combinatorial Constrained Problems in Python

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    In this document, we introduce PYCSP33, a Python library that allows us to write models of combinatorial constrained problems in a simple and declarative way. Currently, with PyCSP33, you can write models of constraint satisfaction and optimization problems. More specifically, you can build CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem) and COP (Constraint Optimization Problem) models. Importantly, there is a complete separation between modeling and solving phases: you write a model, you compile it (while providing some data) in order to generate an XCSP3 instance (file), and you solve that problem instance by means of a constraint solver. In this document, you will find all that you need to know about PYCSP33, with more than 40 illustrative models

    Using higher-order functional programming to do register allocation on a functional language

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    We show how to translate a call by value functional language to a RISC architecture in a uniform way that encompasses register alloca tion and spill code placement avoids unnecessary copy instructions provides short circuit translation of Boolean expressions and can make use of inter procedural information The translation is directed by the source language structure It uses higher order functional programming extensively Prelimi nary measurements suggest that this method can compete with graph colouring the framework in which most contemporary register allocators are cast The translation is implemented in the ML Kit a region inference based SML compiler On average our back end compiles our benchmarks to code that runs in of the time of the code generated by SML NJ version.Eje: Conferencia latinoamericana de programación funcionalRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
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