41 research outputs found

    Liveness-Driven Random Program Generation

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    Randomly generated programs are popular for testing compilers and program analysis tools, with hundreds of bugs in real-world C compilers found by random testing. However, existing random program generators may generate large amounts of dead code (computations whose result is never used). This leaves relatively little code to exercise a target compiler's more complex optimizations. To address this shortcoming, we introduce liveness-driven random program generation. In this approach the random program is constructed bottom-up, guided by a simultaneous structural data-flow analysis to ensure that the generator never generates dead code. The algorithm is implemented as a plugin for the Frama-C framework. We evaluate it in comparison to Csmith, the standard random C program generator. Our tool generates programs that compile to more machine code with a more complex instruction mix.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur, Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854

    Metamorphic testing for cybersecurity

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    Metamorphic testing (MT) can enhance security testing by providing an alternative to using a testing oracle, which is often unavailable or impractical. The authors report how MT detected previously unknown bugs in real-world critical applications such as code obfuscators, giving evidence that software testing requires diverse perspectives to achieve greater cybersecurity

    Metamorphic testing: testing the untestable

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    What if we could know that a program is buggy, even if we could not tell whether or not its observed output is correct? This is one of the key strengths of metamorphic testing, a technique where failures are not revealed by checking an individual concrete output, but by checking the relations among the inputs and outputs of multiple executions of the program under test. Two decades after its introduction, metamorphic testing has become a fully-fledged testing technique with successful applications in multiple domains, including online search engines, autonomous machinery, compilers, Web APIs, and deep learning programs, among others. This article serves as a hands-on entry point for newcomers to metamorphic testing, describing examples, possible applications, and current limitations, providing readers with the basics for the application of the technique in their own projects. IEE

    Differentially Testing Soundness and Precision of Program Analyzers

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    In the last decades, numerous program analyzers have been developed both by academia and industry. Despite their abundance however, there is currently no systematic way of comparing the effectiveness of different analyzers on arbitrary code. In this paper, we present the first automated technique for differentially testing soundness and precision of program analyzers. We used our technique to compare six mature, state-of-the art analyzers on tens of thousands of automatically generated benchmarks. Our technique detected soundness and precision issues in most analyzers, and we evaluated the implications of these issues to both designers and users of program analyzers

    Configuring Test Generators using Bug Reports: A Case Study of GCC Compiler and Csmith

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    The correctness of compilers is instrumental in the safety and reliability of other software systems, as bugs in compilers can produce executables that do not reflect the intent of programmers. Such errors are difficult to identify and debug. Random test program generators are commonly used in testing compilers, and they have been effective in uncovering bugs. However, the problem of guiding these test generators to produce test programs that are more likely to find bugs remains challenging. In this paper, we use the code snippets in the bug reports to guide the test generation. The main idea of this work is to extract insights from the bug reports about the language features that are more prone to inadequate implementation and using the insights to guide the test generators. We use the GCC C compiler to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach. In particular, we first cluster the test programs in the GCC bugs reports based on their features. We then use the centroids of the clusters to compute configurations for Csmith, a popular test generator for C compilers. We evaluated this approach on eight versions of GCC and found that our approach provides higher coverage and triggers more miscompilation failures than the state-of-the-art test generation techniques for GCC.Comment: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Software Verification and Testing Track (SAC-SVT'21