7 research outputs found

    Reverse Software Engineering

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    The goal of Reverse Software Engineering is the reuse of old outdated programs in developing new systems which have an enhanced functionality and employ modern programming languages and new computer architectures. Mere transliteration of programs from the source language to the object language does not support enhancing the functionality and the use of newer computer architectures. The main concept in this report is to generate a specification of the source programs in an intermediate nonprocedural, mathematically oriented language. This specification is purely descriptive and independent of the notion of the computer. It may serve as the medium for manually improving reliability and expanding functionally. The modified specification can be translated automatically into optimized object programs in the desired new language and for the new platforms. This report juxtaposes and correlates two classes of computer programming languages: procedural vs. nonprocedural. The nonprocedural languages are also called rule based, equational, functional or assertive. Non-procedural languages are noted for the absence of side effects and the freeing of a user from thinking like a computer when composing or studying a procedural language program. Nonprocedural languages are therefore advantageous for software development and maintenance. Non procedural languages use mathematical semantics and therefore are more suitable for analysis of the correctness and for improving the reliability of software. The difference in semantics between the two classes of languages centers on the meaning of variables. In a procedural language a variable may be assigned multiple values, while in a nonprocedural language a variable may assume one and only one value. The latter is the same convention as used in mathematics. The translation algorithm presented in this report consists of renaming variables and expanding the logic and control in the procedural program until each variable is assigned one and only one value. The translation into equations can then be performed directly. The source program and object specification are equivalent in that there is a one to one equality of values of respective variables. The specification that results from these transformations is then further simplified to make it easy to learn and understand it when performing maintenance. The presentation of translation algorithms in this report utilizes FORTRAN as the source language and MODEL as the object language. MODEL is an equational language, where rules are expressed as algebraic equations. MODEL has an effective translation into the object procedural languages PL/1, C and Ada

    A Rational Deconstruction of Landin's SECD Machine with the J Operator

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    Landin's SECD machine was the first abstract machine for applicative expressions, i.e., functional programs. Landin's J operator was the first control operator for functional languages, and was specified by an extension of the SECD machine. We present a family of evaluation functions corresponding to this extension of the SECD machine, using a series of elementary transformations (transformation into continu-ation-passing style (CPS) and defunctionalization, chiefly) and their left inverses (transformation into direct style and refunctionalization). To this end, we modernize the SECD machine into a bisimilar one that operates in lockstep with the original one but that (1) does not use a data stack and (2) uses the caller-save rather than the callee-save convention for environments. We also identify that the dump component of the SECD machine is managed in a callee-save way. The caller-save counterpart of the modernized SECD machine precisely corresponds to Thielecke's double-barrelled continuations and to Felleisen's encoding of J in terms of call/cc. We then variously characterize the J operator in terms of CPS and in terms of delimited-control operators in the CPS hierarchy. As a byproduct, we also present several reduction semantics for applicative expressions with the J operator, based on Curien's original calculus of explicit substitutions. These reduction semantics mechanically correspond to the modernized versions of the SECD machine and to the best of our knowledge, they provide the first syntactic theories of applicative expressions with the J operator

    Semantics-directed implementation of method-call interception

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    We describe a form of method-call interception (MCI) that allows the programmer to superimpose extra functionality onto method calls at run-time. We provide a reference semantics and a reference implementation for corresponding language constructs. The setup applies to class-based, statically typed, compiled languages such as Java. The semantics of MCI is used to direct a language implementation with a number of valuable properties: simplicity of the implementational model and run-time adaptation capabilities and static type safety and separate compilation and reasonable performance. Our implementational development employs sourcecode instrumentation. We start from a naive implementational model, which is subsequently refined to optimise program execution. The implementation is assessed via benchmarks

    Specification and verification of context conditions for programming languages

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    Bibliography: p. 204-211.Context conditions - also called static semantics - are the constraints on computer programs that cannot be reasonably expressed by a context-free grammar, but that can be statically checked without considering the execution properties - semantics - of the program. Such conditions tend to be arbitrary and complex. This thesis presents a new specification formalism called CFF/AML. This formalism is · designed to be both useful for the specification of programming languages to an environment generator and also simple to use. The driving insight behind CFF/AML is that a language specifier conceives of the context condition checks associated with a programming language syntax description in procedural terms. CFF/AML supports this view of context condition specification, thus simplifying the task of the language specifier. CFF/AML has been formally by constructing a temporal proof system for the metalanguage. This proof system can also be used to verify CFF/AML specifications. The construction of the temporal proof system for CFF/AML uncovered a deficiency in the existing theory, namely that there was no way to prove subprograms, especially recursive subprograms, correct. The theory was extended to handle recursive subprograms. The approach developed in this thesis allows recursive subprograms to be proven correct using the same approach as was used previously for iterative constructs. This thesis makes a number of contributions to Computer Science. An approach to language specification - CFF/AML - is developed that greatly reduces the problems associated with building a language specification for input to a programming language environment generator. The theory of temporal proof systems is extended to include a methodology for handling proofs of recursive subprograms. A formal description of the CFF/AML metalanguage has been developed using temporal logic as the framework for the description. This is the first attempt to use temporal logic for such a task. As CFF/AML constructs can be dynamically scoped, this development differs from that required for statically scoped languages. We have also used this temporal proof system formally to prove that context condition specifications are correct. These proofs are an advancement on earlier work in the field of formal reasoning about context condition specification as they allow formal proof of the correctness of evaluations, as well as proving termination

    Provably Correct Compiler Generation

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    We have designed, implemented, and proved the correctness of a compiler generator that accepts action semantic descriptions of imperative programming languages. We have used it to generate compilers for both a toy language and a non-trivial subset of Ada. The generated compilers emit absolute code for an abstract RISC machine language that is assembled into code for the SPARC and the HP Precision Architecture. The generated code is an order of magnitude better than that produced by compilers generated by the classical systems of Mosses, Paulson, and Wand. Our machine language needs no run time type-checking and is thus more realistic than those considered in previous compiler proofs. We use solely algebraic specifications; proofs are given in the initiaI model. The use of action semantics makes the processable language specifications easy to read and pleasant to work with. We view our compiler generator as a promising first step towards user-friendly and automatic generation of realistic and provably correct compilers

    Translator generation using denotational semantics

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