36 research outputs found

    Online Exploration of Polygons with Holes

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    We study online strategies for autonomous mobile robots with vision to explore unknown polygons with at most h holes. Our main contribution is an (h+c_0)!-competitive strategy for such polygons under the assumption that each hole is marked with a special color, where c_0 is a universal constant. The strategy is based on a new hybrid approach. Furthermore, we give a new lower bound construction for small h.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to WAOA 201

    Algorithms for On-line Order Batching in an Order-Picking Warehouse

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    In manual order picking systems, order pickers walk or ride through a distribution warehouse in order to collect items required by (internal or external) customers. Order batching consists of combining these – indivisible – customer orders into picking orders. With respect to order batching, two problem types can be distinguished: In off-line (static) batching all customer orders are known in advance. In on-line (dynamic) batching customer orders become available dynamically over time. This report considers an on-line order batching problem in which the total completion time of all customer orders arriving within a certain time period has to be minimized. The author shows how heuristic approaches for the off-line order batching can be modified in order to deal with the on-line situation. A competitive analysis shows that every on-line algorithm for this problem is at least 2-competitive. Moreover, this bound is tight if an optimal batching algorithm is used. The proposed algorithms are evaluated in a series of extensive numerical experiments. It is demonstrated that the choice of an appropriate batching method can lead to a substantial reduction of the completion time of a set of customer orders.Warehouse Management, Order Picking, Order Batching, On-line Optimization

    Competitive Online Searching for a Ray in the Plane

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    We consider the problem of a searcher that looks, for example, for a lost flashlight in a dusty environment. The searcher finds the flashlight as soon as it crosses the ray emanating from the flashlight. In order to pick it up, the searcher moves to the origin of the light beam. We compare the length of the path of the searcher to the shortest path to the goal. First, we give a search strategy for a special case of the ray search---the window shopper problem---, where the ray we are looking for is perpendicular to a known ray. Our strategy achieves a competitive factor of 1.059ldots1.059ldots, which is optimal. Then, we consider rays in arbitrary position in the plane. We present an online strategy that achieves a factor of 22.513ldots22.513ldots, and give a lower bound of 2pi,e=17.079ldots2pi,e=17.079ldots

    Online Packing to Minimize Area or Perimeter

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    We consider online packing problems where we get a stream of axis-parallel rectangles. The rectangles have to be placed in the plane without overlapping, and each rectangle must be placed without knowing the subsequent rectangles. The goal is to minimize the perimeter or the area of the axis-parallel bounding box of the rectangles. We either allow rotations by 90^? or translations only. For the perimeter version we give algorithms with an absolute competitive ratio slightly less than 4 when only translations are allowed and when rotations are also allowed. We then turn our attention to minimizing the area and show that the competitive ratio of any algorithm is at least ?(?n), where n is the number of rectangles in the stream, and this holds with and without rotations. We then present algorithms that match this bound in both cases and the competitive ratio is thus optimal to within a constant factor. We also show that the competitive ratio cannot be bounded as a function of Opt. We then consider two special cases. The first is when all the given rectangles have aspect ratios bounded by some constant. The particular variant where all the rectangles are squares and we want to minimize the area of the bounding square has been studied before and an algorithm with a competitive ratio of 8 has been given [Fekete and Hoffmann, Algorithmica, 2017]. We improve the analysis of the algorithm and show that the ratio is at most 6, which is tight. The second special case is when all edges have length at least 1. Here, the ?(?n) lower bound still holds, and we turn our attention to lower bounds depending on Opt. We show that any algorithm for the translational case has a competitive ratio of at least ?(?{Opt}). If rotations are allowed, we show a lower bound of ?(?{Opt}). For both versions, we give algorithms that match the respective lower bounds: With translations only, this is just the algorithm from the general case with competitive ratio O(?n) = O(?{Opt}). If rotations are allowed, we give an algorithm with competitive ratio O(min{?n,?{Opt}}), thus matching both lower bounds simultaneously

    On robust online scheduling algorithms

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    While standard parallel machine scheduling is concerned with good assignments of jobs to machines, we aim to understand how the quality of an assignment is affected if the jobs' processing times are perturbed and therefore turn out to be longer (or shorter) than declared. We focus on online scheduling with perturbations occurring at any time, such as in railway systems when trains are late. For a variety of conditions on the severity of perturbations, we present bounds on the worst case ratio of two makespans. For the first makespan, we let the online algorithm assign jobs to machines, based on the non-perturbed processing times. We compute the makespan by replacing each job's processing time with its perturbed version while still sticking to the computed assignment. The second is an optimal offline solution for the perturbed processing times. The deviation of this ratio from the competitive ratio of the online algorithm tells us about the "price of perturbations”. We analyze this setting for Graham's algorithm, and among other bounds show a competitive ratio of 2 for perturbations decreasing the processing time of a job arbitrarily, and a competitive ratio of less than 2.5 for perturbations doubling the processing time of a job. We complement these results by providing lower bounds for any online algorithm in this setting. Finally, we propose a risk-aware online algorithm tailored for the possible bounded increase of the processing time of one job, and we show that this algorithm can be worse than Graham's algorithm in some case

    Algorithms for On-line Order Batching in an Order-Picking Warehouse

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    In manual order picking systems, order pickers walk or ride through a distribution warehouse in order to collect items required by (internal or external) customers. Order batching consists of combining these - indivisible - customer orders into picking orders. With respect to order batching, two problem types can be distinguished: In off-line (static) batching all customer orders are known in advance. In on-line (dynamic) batching customer orders become available dynamically over time. This report considers an on-line order batching problem in which the total completion time of all customer orders arriving within a certain time period has to be minimized. The author shows how heuristic approaches for the off-line order batching can be modified in order to deal with the on-line situation. A competitive analysis shows that every on-line algorithm for this problem is at least 2-competitive. Moreover, this bound is tight if an optimal batching algorithm is used. The proposed algorithms are evaluated in a series of extensive numerical experiments. It is demonstrated that the choice of an appropriate batching method can lead to a substantial reduction of the completion time of a set of customer orders