5 research outputs found

    Competency characterisation by means of work situation modelling.

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    International audienceNowadays companies have to face the rapid evolution of their competitive environment. In the field of design, project managers are aware of both the impact of the designers' competencies on the project performance and of the requirement for a fast development of these competencies. However, they have difficulties in updating competency reference banks and then, in correctly matching the available competencies and missions that have to be performed. This issue of competence management mainly concerns competency allocation and project team building. In research literature, numerous research works suffer from poor competence modelling. Even if some authors have linked competence with work situation, there is often a lack of documentation concerning knowledge capturing about a designer's work situation which would help managers characterise competency. In this paper, we present the architecture of a novel approach based on the traceability of design activities which aims at assisting competency characterisation through qualitative features of the work situation in which this competency is activated

    Abordagem top-down (de cima para baixo) e bottom-up (de baixo para cima) para a implementação de gestão de competências : o caso de dois bancos centrais

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    The primary aim of this paper is to evaluate the contribution that competence based approaches to staff management can and ought to make to the overall effectiveness of organisations. The importance of competencies and their proper management is broadly acknowledged in the literature, and the first part of the paper is a literature review. This is followed with a comparison of the design and implementation of two competence management projects that were introduced in two central banks, one of a western European nation, and the other of a central European nation. There is a brief presentation of two fundamental approaches to competence management implementation in organization (top-down (directive) and bottom-up (participative)), and this is juxtaposed with the actual implementation of competence management model that took place in two central banks. What ensues from the comparison is the identification of potential threats to the implementation of competence management models in organizations, accompanied by suggestions on how to counteract them

    De la modélisation des situations de travail à la caractérisation des compétences : Une approche par logique floue.

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    National audienceTo cope with the fast change of the technological and organizational context design managers nedd tools to help them to improve competence management. Our contribution aims at supporting the task of competence characterization that is considered as the first step of the competence management process. The proposed characterization approach involves two stages. The first stage concerns the qualifications of the working situation characteristics. The second stage is realized by a fuzzy logic system which converts the result of the step of "qualification" into an estimated value of the components of the associated competence. The application of the method in an industrial cas confirms the possibility of using this "principle of solution" to provide a dynamic characterization of competencies

    Top-down and bottom-up approach to competence management implementation: A case of two central banks Abordagem top-down (de cima para baixo) e bottom-up (de baixo para cima) para a implementação de gestão de competências: O caso de dois bancos centrais

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    Abstract The primary aim of this paper is to evaluate the contribution that competence based approaches to staff management can and ought to make to the overall effectiveness of organisations. The importance of competencies and their proper management is broadly acknowledged in the literature, and the first part of the paper is a literature review. This is followed with a comparison of the design and implementation of two competence management projects that were introduced in two central banks, one of a western European nation, and the other of a central European nation. There is a brief presentation of two fundamental approaches to competence management implementation in organization (top-down (directive) and bottom-up (participative)), and this is juxtaposed with the actual implementation of competence management model that took place in two central banks. What ensues from the comparison is the identification of potential threats to the implementation of competence management models in organizations, accompanied by suggestions on how to counteract them. Keywords: Strategic HRM, competencies, competence management, organisation development, HR development strategies. Resumo O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar o contributo que as abordagens baseadas nas competências na gestão do pessoal pode e deve dar para a eficácia global das organizações. A primeira parte do artigo faz uma revisão da literatura, na qual a importância das competências e da sua correta gestão é amplamente reconhecida. Segue-se uma comparação entre o desenho e implementação de dois projetos de gestão de competências que foram introduzidas em dois bancos centrais, um de um país da Europa Ocidental e outro de um país da Europa Central. Há uma breve apresentação de duas abordagens fundamentais para a implementação da gestão de competências numa organização (topdown (diretiva) e bottom-up (participativa)), sendo isto justaposto com a implementação do modelo de gestão de competências que ocorreu em dois bancos centrais

    Modelo de competências para a resiliência de organizações públicas : proposta e desdobramentos

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    Esta tese possui como tema central a gestão por competências e a resiliência que pode emergir de sua adoção. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é ampliar e aprofundar a perspectiva de que a gestão por competências pode contribuir para a resiliência de organizações públicas. Quatro artigos compõem este trabalho. O primeiro deles caracteriza a produção científica indexada nas bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus que aborda o tema gestão por competências. O segundo artigo evidencia dimensões de competências que podem contribuir para a resiliência organizacional. O terceiro estudo propõe um modelo composto por macro-competências que podem ser desenvolvidas de modo a contribuir para a resiliência de organizações públicas. O último estudo identifica diferenças existentes entre avaliações qualitativas e quantitativas de competências individuais. Os resultados destacam que as pesquisas desenvolvidas em gestão por competências podem ser elaboradas de modo mais assertivo caso considerem o cenário em que se encontram os estudos da área. Além disto, é ressaltado que o desenvolvimento de competências orientadas para a resiliência pode resultar em benefícios econômicos e sociais às organizações. O modelo de competências que pode contribuir para a resiliência de organizações públicas, por sua vez, caracteriza-se por apresentar cinco dimensões de atuação: gestão de pessoas; desenvolvimento de competências individuais; gestão de riscos; preparação para a resposta; e responsividade. Os resultados indicam ainda que, quando não for possível a utilização conjunta das avaliações quantitativas e qualitativas de competências individuais, deve-se identificar, inicialmente, se o objetivo do instrumento é avaliar desempenho ou desenvolver pessoal. Por fim, é destacado que os resultados deste estudo devem contribuir para a operacionalização de modelos de gestão de pessoas que enfoquem os conceitos de competência e de resiliência.This Thesis focuses on competence management and the resilience that may emerge from its adoption. The main objective of this work is to broaden and deepen the perspective that competence management can contribute to the resilience of public organizations. Four articles compose this Thesis. The first one characterizes the scientific production indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases that emphasizes the subject of competence management. The second article highlights dimensions of competencies that can contribute to organizational resilience. The third study proposes a model composed of macro-competencies that can be developed in order to contribute to the resilience of public organizations. The latter study identifies differences between qualitative and quantitative assessments of individual competences. The results highlight that researches developed in competence management can be more assertive if they consider the scene in which the studies of the area are. In addition, it is emphasized that the development of resilience-oriented competences can result in economic and social benefits to organizations. The competences model that can contribute to the resilience of public organizations, in turn, is characterized by five dimensions of action: people management; development of individual competencies; risk management; preparedness; and responsiveness. The results also indicates that, where it is not possible to use quantitative and qualitative assessments of individual competences together, it should first be identified whether the objective of the instrument is to assess performance or develop staff. Finally, it is highlighted that the results of this study should contribute to the operationalization of people management models that focus on the concepts of competence and resilience