41,687 research outputs found

    Reforming the implementation of European structural funds: A next development step

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    The authors assess the performance of the Structural Funds’ implementation system in six Member States of the European Union. Considering the strengths and weaknesses, they develop a reform model for the implementation of European structural policy after 1999. The strengths of the existing implementation system lie mainly in innovation effects triggered by the Structural Funds' model of policy implementation. Its main weaknesses, inter alia, are an interwoven structure of the decision-making processes, an insufficient time management and a lack of in-built improvement loops in the implementation process. To overcome these shortcomings, the authors propose a strategic management and decentralisation model. It demands a de-coupling of strategic programming on the one hand, and detailed programming and implementation on the other. Under this model, the Commission and the Member State would negotiate on the strategic issues. In the framework of the agreement, the Member State together with the monitoring committees would be responsible for the implementation of the programmes. Strengthened feedback loops would help to assure the attainment of the strategic objectives. -- Die Autoren untersuchen die Leistungsfähigkeit des Implementationssystems der Strukturfondsförderung in sechs Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union. Vor dem Hintergrund der Stärken und Schwächen entwickeln sie ein Reformmodell zur Implementation der Strukturfonds in der nächsten Förderperiode nach der Reform 1999. Die Stärken des bestehenden Implementationssystems liegen vor allem in den prozeduralen Innovationen, die z.T. auf das Politikmodell der Strukturfonds und seine Kopplung an mitgliedstaatliche Verwaltungsprozesse zurückgeführt werden können. Die wichtigsten Schwächen sind u.a. die verflochtene Struktur der Entscheidungsprozesse, ein ungenügendes Zeitmanagement und fehlende inhärente Verbesserungsmechanismen des Implementationsprozesses. Um diese Schwächen zu überwinden, schlagen die Autoren ein strategisches Management- und Dezentralisierungsmodell vor. Sein Kern besteht in der Trennung von strategischer Programmierung einerseits und Detailprogrammierung und Implementation andererseits. Die Europäische Kommission und der jeweilige Mitgliedstaat handeln demnach die strategischen Teile der Programme aus. Im Rahmen dieser strategischen Vereinbarung ist dann der Mitgliedstaat für die Detailprogrammierung und Umsetzung der Programme verantwortlich, wobei er vom Begleitausschuß unterstützt wird. Verstärkte Feedbackinstrumente tragen dazu bei, die Einhaltung der strategischen Vorgaben zu sichern.

    Stepwise investment plan optimization for large scale and multi-zonal transmission system expansion

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    This paper develops a long term transmission expansion optimization methodology taking the probabilistic nature of generation and demand, spatial aspects of transmission investments and different technologies into account. The developed methodology delivers a stepwise investment plan to achieve the optimal grid expansion for additional transmission capacity between different zones. In this paper, the optimization methodology is applied to the Spanish and French transmission systems for long term optimization of investments in interconnection capacity

    Short-term manpower management in manufacturing systems: new requirements and DSS prototyping

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    The short-term planning and scheduling of discrete manufacturing systems has mostly focused in the past on the management of machines, implicitly considered as the critical resources of the workshops. Some of the present schedulers claim to also manage human resources, but perform most of the time a local allocation of operators to machines, these operators having regular working hours. However, it seems clear that the workforce has a specificity that should be better taken into account by short-term planning facilities. Moreover, the variability of the weekly working hours through the year will shortly become a rule and not anymore an exception. On the base of a questionnaire answered by 19 French companies of different sizes and industrial sectors, we have tried to identify more precisely some industrial requirements concerning the short-term management of human resources. The growing interest in annualised hours together with the lack of software tools that allow to implement it practically is one of the results of this questionnaire. We suggest in this article the specification of a decision support system for short-term manpower management under annualised hours, taking into account the competence of the operators. A software prototype has been developed according to these specifications; the results of a simple but representative example are described

    A Model of an E-Learning Web Site for Teaching and Evaluating Online

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    This research is endeavoring to design an e-learning web site on the internet having the course name as "Object Oriented Programming" (OOP) for the students of level four at Computer Science Department (CSD). This course is to be taught online (through web) and then a programme is to be designed to evaluate students performance electronically while introducing a comparison between online teaching , e-evaluation and traditional methods of evaluation. The research seeks to lay out a futuristic perception that how the future online teaching and e-electronic evaluation should be the matter which highlights the importance of this research

    The impact on firms of ICT skill-supply strategies: an Anglo-German comparison

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    This paper compares the supply of specialist ICT skills in Britain and Germany from higher education and from apprenticeship and assesses the relative impact on companies in the two countries. In contrast to Britain, where numbers of ICT graduates have expanded rapidly, the supply of university graduates in Germany has not increased. Combined with the constraints of the German occupational model of work organization, it is concluded that this failure of supply may have contributed to slower growth of ICT employment in Germany. At the same time, German firms have turned to a newly developed model of apprenticeship to supply routine technical ICT skills. This strategy contrasts with British firms which recruit from a wide range of graduate specialisms and invest more heavily in graduate training. Probably in part as a consequence, apprenticeship in ICT occupations in Britain has failed to develop

    Optimization of the long-term planning of supply chains with decaying performance

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    This master's thesis addresses the optimization of supply and distribution chains considering the effect that equipment aging may cause over the performance of facilities involved in the process. The decaying performance of the facilities is modeled as an exponential equation and can be either physical or economic, thus giving rise to a novel mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) formulation. The optimization model has been developed based on a typical chemical supply chain. Thus, the best long-term investment plan has to be determined given production nodes, their production capacity and expected evolution; aggregated consumption nodes (urban or industrial districts) and their lumped demand (and expected evolution); actual and potential distribution nodes; distances between the nodes of the network; and a time horizon. The model includes the balances in each node, a general decaying performance function, and a cost function, as well as constraints to be satisfied. Hence, the investment plan (decision variables) consists not only on the start-up and shutdown of alternative distribution facilities, but also on the sizing of the lines satisfying the flows. The model has been implemented using GAMS optimization software. Results considering a variety of scenarios have been discussed. In addition, different approaches to the starting point for the model have been compared, showing the importance of initializing the optimization algorithm. The capabilities of the proposed approach have been tested through its application to two case studies: a natural gas network with physical decaying performance and an electricity distribution network with economic decaying performance. Each case study is solved with a different procedure to obtain results. Results demonstrate that overlooking the effect of equipment aging can lead to infeasible (for physical decaying performance) or unrealistic (for economic decaying performance) solutions in practice and show how the proposed model allows overcoming such limitations thus becoming a practical tool to support the decision-making process in the distribution secto

    Linear/Quadratic Programming-Based Optimal Power Flow using Linear Power Flow and Absolute Loss Approximations

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    This paper presents novel methods to approximate the nonlinear AC optimal power flow (OPF) into tractable linear/quadratic programming (LP/QP) based OPF problems that can be used for power system planning and operation. We derive a linear power flow approximation and consider a convex reformulation of the power losses in the form of absolute value functions. We show four ways how to incorporate this approximation into LP/QP based OPF problems. In a comprehensive case study the usefulness of our OPF methods is analyzed and compared with an existing OPF relaxation and approximation method. As a result, the errors on voltage magnitudes and angles are reasonable, while obtaining near-optimal results for typical scenarios. We find that our methods reduce significantly the computational complexity compared to the nonlinear AC-OPF making them a good choice for planning purposes

    Building fault detection data to aid diagnostic algorithm creation and performance testing.

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    It is estimated that approximately 4-5% of national energy consumption can be saved through corrections to existing commercial building controls infrastructure and resulting improvements to efficiency. Correspondingly, automated fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) algorithms are designed to identify the presence of operational faults and their root causes. A diversity of techniques is used for FDD spanning physical models, black box, and rule-based approaches. A persistent challenge has been the lack of common datasets and test methods to benchmark their performance accuracy. This article presents a first of its kind public dataset with ground-truth data on the presence and absence of building faults. This dataset spans a range of seasons and operational conditions and encompasses multiple building system types. It contains information on fault severity, as well as data points reflective of the measurements in building control systems that FDD algorithms typically have access to. The data were created using simulation models as well as experimental test facilities, and will be expanded over time
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