152 research outputs found

    Transmitter Linearization for mm-Wave Communications Systems

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    There is an ever increasing need for enabling higher data rates in modern communication systems which brings new challenges in terms of the power consumption and nonlinearity of hardware components. These problems become prominent in power amplifiers (PAs) and can significantly degrade the performance of transmitters, and hence the overall communication system. Hence, it is of central importance to design efficient PAs with a linear operation region. This thesis proposes a methodology and a comprehensive framework to address this challenge. This is accomplished by application of predistortion to a mm-wave PA and an E-band IQ transmitter while investigating the trade-offs between linearity, efficiency and predistorter complexity using the proposed framework.In the first line of work, we have focused on a mm-wave PA. A PA has high efficiency at high input power at the expense of linearity, whereas it operates linearly for lower input power levels while sacrificing efficiency. To attain both linearity and efficiency, predistortion is often used to compensate for the PA nonlinearity. Yet, the trade-offs related to predistortion complexities are not fully understood. To address this challenge, we have used our proposed framework for evaluation of predistorters using modulated test signals and implemented it using digital predistortion and a mm-wave PA. This set-up enabled us to investigate the trade-offs between linearity, efficiency and predistorter complexity in a systematic manner. We have shown that to achieve similar linearity levels for different PA classes, predistorters with different complexities are needed and provided guidelines on the achievable limits in term linearity for a given predistorter complexity for different PA classes.In the second line of work, we have focused on linearization of an E-band transmitter using a baseband analog predistorter (APD) and under constraints given by a spectrum emission standard. In order to use the above proposed framework with these components, characterizations of the E-band transmitter and the APD are performed. In contrast to typical approaches in the literature, here joint mitigation of the PA and I/Q modulator impairments is used to model the transmitter. Using the developed models, optimal model parameters in terms of output power at the mask limit are determined. Using these as a starting point, we have iteratively optimized operating point of the APD and linearized the E-band transmitter. The experiments demonstrated that the analog predistorter can successfully increase the output power by 35% (1.3 dB) improvement while satisfying the spectrum emission mask

    Linear Predistortion-less MIMO Transmitters

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    Compensation for Impairments of Frequency Converters in Millimeter Wave Vector Signal Generators

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    The upcoming fifth generation (5G) of wireless communications aims to utilize millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequencies in its infrastructure to alleviate the crowded spectrum problem below 6 GHz. At higher frequencies, modulation bandwidths of several hundreds of MHz can be utilized to increase system capacities. However, the radio frequency (RF) frontends can exhibit significant amounts of impairments over these wide bandwidths, thereby limiting the achievable output signal quality and capacity. In this work, two signal generation architectures and the accompanying compensation schemes to mitigate the impairments are proposed for the generation of wideband modulated signals at mm-wave frequencies. The frequency dependent IQ imbalance effects in conventional direct conversion signal generation architectures over ultra wide bandwidths are first investigated. For that, a new interleaved multi-tone test signal based identification and compensation scheme is proposed. This scheme was experimentally validated by using an off-the-shelf IQ mixer operating at 30 GHz driven with an interleaved multi-tone signal with 4 GHz of modulation bandwidth and achieving a reduction in the normalized mean squared error (NMSE) from -14 dB to -38 dB. Subsequently, a low-complexity pruned Volterra series based digital predistortion (DPD) scheme was devised to mitigate the nonlinear distortions exhibited by the power amplifier stage and maximize the signal quality of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals with modulation bandwidths up to 800 MHz. After compensation of the system with 66 DPD coefficients, the OFDM signal with 800 MHz of modulation bandwidth exhibited an NMSE of -32.4 dB and an adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) of 45 dBc. However, the challenges associated with the implementation of traditional direct conversion architectures exacerbate as the operating frequency increases. For instance, the performance of high frequency active building blocks, e.g. mixer and amplifiers, deteriorates as the operating frequency approaches the maximum oscillation frequency of the semiconductor technology. To address this challenge, a signal generation system utilizing frequency multipliers to replace the mixer and facilitate frequency upconversion is proposed. A novel Volterra series based behavioural model is also devised to predict the nonlinear behaviour of frequency multipliers and to form the basis for synthesizing a DPD scheme capable of obtaining acceptable signal quality when driven with wideband modulated signals. Various frequency multiplier based signal generation systems were implemented using off-the-shelf frequency doublers, triplers, and quadruplers to serve as proof of concept prototypes. Experiments confirmed the ability to generate modulated signals with competitive error vector magnitudes (EVM) and ACPR levels with low complexity DPD schemes

    Wideband CMOS Data Converters for Linear and Efficient mmWave Transmitters

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    With continuously increasing demands for wireless connectivity, higher\ua0carrier frequencies and wider bandwidths are explored. To overcome a limited transmit power at these higher carrier frequencies, multiple\ua0input multiple output (MIMO) systems, with a large number of transmitters\ua0and antennas, are used to direct the transmitted power towards\ua0the user. With a large transmitter count, each individual transmitter\ua0needs to be small and allow for tight integration with digital circuits. In\ua0addition, modern communication standards require linear transmitters,\ua0making linearity an important factor in the transmitter design.In this thesis, radio frequency digital-to-analog converter (RF-DAC)-based transmitters are explored. They shift the transition from digital\ua0to analog closer to the antennas, performing both digital-to-analog\ua0conversion and up-conversion in a single block. To reduce the need for\ua0computationally costly digital predistortion (DPD), a linear and wellbehaved\ua0RF-DAC transfer characteristic is desirable. The combination\ua0of non-overlapping local oscillator (LO) signals and an expanding segmented\ua0non-linear RF-DAC scaling is evaluated as a way to linearize\ua0the transmitter. This linearization concept has been studied both for\ua0the linearization of the RF-DAC itself and for the joint linearization of\ua0the cascaded RF-DAC-based modulator and power amplifier (PA) combination.\ua0To adapt the linearization, observation receivers are needed.\ua0In these, high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have a central\ua0role. A high-speed ADC has been designed and evaluated to understand\ua0how concepts used to increase the sample rate affect the dynamic performance

    Digital predistortion of RF amplifiers using baseband injection for mobile broadband communications

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    Radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs) represent the most challenging design parts of wireless transmitters. In order to be more energy efficient, PAs should operate in nonlinear region where they produce distortion that significantly degrades the quality of signal at transmitter’s output. With the aim of reducing this distortion and improve signal quality, digital predistortion (DPD) techniques are widely used. This work focuses on improving the performances of DPDs in modern, next-generation wireless transmitters. A new adaptive DPD based on an iterative injection approach is developed and experimentally verified using a 4G signal. The signal performances at transmitter output are notably improved, while the proposed DPD does not require large digital signal processing memory resources and computational complexity. Moreover, the injection-based DPD theory is extended to be applicable in concurrent dual-band wireless transmitters. A cross-modulation problem specific to concurrent dual-band transmitters is investigated in detail and novel DPD based on simultaneous injection of intermodulation and cross-modulation distortion products is proposed. In order to mitigate distortion compensation limit phenomena and memory effects in highly nonlinear RF PAs, this DPD is further extended and complete generalised DPD system for concurrent dual-band transmitters is developed. It is clearly proved in experiments that the proposed predistorter remarkably improves the in-band and out-of-band performances of both signals. Furthermore, it does not depend on frequency separation between frequency bands and has significantly lower complexity in comparison with previously reported concurrent dual-band DPDs

    Digitally-Compensated Wideband 60 GHz Test-Bed for Power Amplifier Predistortion Experiments

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    Millimeter waves will play an important role in communication systems in the near future. On the one hand, the bandwidths available at millimeter-wave frequencies allow for elevated data rates, but on the other hand, the wide bandwidth accentuates the effects of wireless front-end impairments on transmitted waveforms and makes their compensation more difficult. Research into front-end impairment compensation in millimeter-wave frequency bands is currently being carried out, mainly using expensive laboratory setups consisting of universal signal generators, spectral analyzers and high-speed oscilloscopes. This paper presents a detailed description of an in-house built MATLAB-controlled 60 GHz measurement test-bed developed using relatively inexpensive hardware components that are available on the market and equipped with digital compensation for the most critical front-end impairments, including the digital predistortion of the power amplifier. It also demonstrates the potential of digital predistortion linearization on two distinct 60 GHz power amplifiers: one integrated in a direct-conversion transceiver and an external one with 24 dBm output power

    Linearization of RF Power Amplifiers Using an Enhanced Memory Polynomial Predistorter

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    The inherit nonlinearity in analogue front-ends of transmitters and receivers have had primary impact on the overall performance of the wireless communication systems, as it gives arise of substantial distortion when transmitting and processing signals with such circuits. Therefore, the nonlinear compensation (linearization) techniques become essential to suppress the distortion to an acceptable extent in order to ensure sufficient low bit error rate. Furthermore, the increasing demands on higher data rate and ubiquitous interoperability between various multi-coverage protocols are two of the most important features of the contemporary communication system. The former demand pushes the communication system to use wider bandwidth and the latter one brings up severe coexistence problems. Having fully considered the problems raised above, the work in this Ph.D. thesis carries out extensive researches on the nonlinear compensations utilizing advanced digital signal processing techniques. The motivation behind this is to push more processing tasks to the digital domain, as it can potentially cut down the bill of materials (BOM) costs paid for the off-chip devices and reduce practical implementation difficulties. The work here is carried out using three approaches: numerical analysis & computer simulations; experimental tests using commercial instruments; actual implementation with FPGA. The primary contributions for this thesis are summarized as the following three points: 1) An adaptive digital predistortion (DPD) with fast convergence rate and low complexity for multi-carrier GSM system is presented. Albeit a legacy system, the GSM, however, has a very strict requirement on the out-of-band emission, thus it represents a much more difficult hurdle for DPD application. It is successfully implemented in an FPGA without using any other auxiliary processor. A simplified multiplier-free NLMS algorithm, especially suitable for FPGA implementation, for fast adapting the LUT is proposed. Many design methodologies and practical implementation issues are discussed in details. Experimental results have shown that the DPD performed robustly when it is involved in the multichannel transmitter. 2) The next generation system (5G) will unquestionably use wider bandwidth to support higher throughput, which poses stringent needs for using high-speed data converters. Herein the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) tends to be the most expensive single device in the whole transmitter/receiver systems. Therefore, conventional DPD utilizing high-speed ADC becomes unaffordable, especially for small base stations (micro, pico and femto). A digital predistortion technique utilizing spectral extrapolation is proposed in this thesis, wherein with band-limited feedback signal, the requirement on ADC speed can be significantly released. Experimental results have validated the feasibility of the proposed technique for coping with band-limited feedback signal. It has been shown that adequate linearization performance can be achieved even if the acquisition bandwidth is less than the original signal bandwidth. The experimental results obtained by using LTE-Advanced signal of 320 MHz bandwidth are quite satisfactory, and to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first high-performance wideband DPD ever been reported. 3) To address the predicament that mobile operators do not have enough contiguous usable bandwidth, carrier aggregation (CA) technique is developed and imported into 4G LTE-Advanced. This pushes the utilization of concurrent dual-band transmitter/receiver, which reduces the hardware expense by using a single front-end. Compensation techniques for the respective concurrent dual-band transmitter and receiver front-ends are proposed to combat the inter-band modulation distortion, and simultaneously reduce the distortion for the both lower-side band and upper-side band signals.電気通信大学201

    Linearization of RF Power Amplifiers Using Adaptive Kalman Filtering Algorithm

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    International audienceIn this paper, a new linearization algorithm of Power Amplifier, based on Kalman filtering theory is proposed for obtaining fast convergence of the adaptive digital predistortion. The proposed method uses the real-time digital processing of baseband signals to compensate the nonlinearities and memory effects in radio-frequency Power Amplifier. To reduce the complexity of computing in classical Kalman Filtering, a sliding time-window has been inserted which combines off-line measurement and on-line parameter estimation with high sampling time to track the changes in the PA characteristics. We evaluated the performance of the proposed linearization scheme through simulation and experiments. Using digital signal processing, experimental results with commercial power amplifier are presented for multicarrier signals to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new approach