5 research outputs found

    A reduced integer programming model for the ferry scheduling problem

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    We present an integer programming model for the ferry scheduling problem, improving existing models in various ways. In particular, our model has reduced size in terms of the number of variables and constraints compared to existing models by a factor of approximately O(n), where n being the number of ports. The model also handles efficiently load/unload time constraints, crew scheduling and passenger transfers. Experiments using real world data produced high quality solutions in 12 hours using CPLEX 12.4 with a performance guarantee of within 15% of optimality, on average. This establishes that using a general purpose integer programming solver is a viable alternative in solving the ferry scheduling problem of moderate size.Comment: To appear in Public Transpor

    Comparisons of Commercial MIP Solvers and an Adaptive Memory (Tabu Search) Procedure for a Class of 0-1 Integer Programming Problems

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    The Boolean optimization problem (BOOP) is a highly useful formulation that embraces a variety of 0-1 integer programming problems, including weighted versions of covering, partitioning and maximum satisfiability problems. Several years ago Hvattum, L酶kketangen and Glover (2006) introduced an adaptive memory (tabu search) method for BOOP which proved effective compared to competing approaches. However, in the intervening years, major advances have taken place in exact solvers for integer programming problems, leading to widely publicized successes by the leading commercial solvers XPRESS, CPLEX and GUROBI. The implicit message is that an alternative methodology for any broad class of IP problems such as Boolean Optimization Problems would now be dominated by the newer versions of these leading solvers. We test this hypothesis by performing new computational experiments comparing the tabu search method for the BOOP class against XPRESS, CPLEX and GUROBI, and documenting improvements provided by the exact codes. The outcomes are somewhat surprising

    Forskningsaktiviteten ved H酶gskolen i Molde, Vitenskapelig h酶gskole i logistikk, 2012

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    Implementaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de t茅cnicas de planificaci贸n en sistemas de tiempo real cr铆tico

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    [CA] En els sistemes de temps real cr铆tic no poden produir-se errors, ja que estos es consideren catastr貌fics. Des del punt de vista dels requisits temporals, aix貌 vol dir que cap tasca pot perdre el seu termini. Per tant, 茅s molt important desenvolupar t猫cniques de planificaci贸 que produ茂squen plans d鈥檈xecuci贸 correctes. Durant els 煤ltims anys, les t猫cniques d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 matem脿tica com la programaci贸 lineal sencera han millorat amb l鈥檃parici贸 de nous solvers d鈥檕ptimitzaci贸 que obtenen la soluci贸 貌ptima a un problema amb major rapidesa i fiabilitat. Esta millora permet explorar l鈥櫭簊 de models de programaci贸 lineal sencera per resoldre el problema de la planificaci贸 de tasques en sistemes de temps real cr铆tic. L'objectiu del projecte 茅s desenvolupar el model matem脿tic i implementar la soluci贸 amb dues de les eines d'optimitzaci贸 m茅s utilitzades, la qual cosa a m茅s servir脿 per a comparar aquestes dues eines en termes de temps i qualitat de la soluci贸.[ES] En los sistemas de tiempo real cr铆ticos no pueden producirse errores ya que estos se consideran catastr贸ficos. Desde el punto de vista de los requisitos temporales, esto significa que ninguna tarea puede perder su plazo. Por ello, es muy importante desarrollar t茅cnicas de planificaci贸n que produzcan planes de ejecuci贸n correctos. En los 煤ltimos a帽os, las t茅cnicas de optimizaci贸n matem谩tica como la programaci贸n lineal entera (ILP) han mejorado con la aparici贸n de nuevos solvers de optimizaci贸n que logran obtener la soluci贸n 贸ptima a un problema con mayor rapidez y fiabilidad. Esto permite explorar el uso de modelos de programaci贸n lineal entera para resolver el problema de la planificaci贸n de tareas en sistemas de tiempo real cr铆tico. El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar el modelo matem谩tico e implementar la soluci贸n con dos de las herramientas de optimizaci贸n m谩s utilizadas, lo cual adem谩s servir谩 para comparar estas dos herramientas en t茅rminos de tiempo y calidad de la soluci贸n.[EN] In critical real-time systems, errors cannot occur as they are considered catastrophic. From the point of view of the temporal requirements, this means that no task can lose its deadline. Therefore, it is very important to develop scheduling techniques that produce correct execution plans. In recent years, mathematical optimization techniques such as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) have improved with the emergence of new optimization solvers that achieve the optimal solution to a problem more quickly and reliably. This allows to explore the use of linear integer programming models to solve the problem of task scheduling in critical real time systems. The objective of the project is to develop the mathematical model and implement the solution with two of the most used optimization tools, which will also serve to compare these two tools in terms of time and quality of the solution.Moreno Candela, M. (2021). Implementaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de t茅cnicas de planificaci贸n en sistemas de tiempo real cr铆tico. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/173624TFG