308 research outputs found

    Sharing delay information in service systems: a literature survey

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    Service providers routinely share information about upcoming waiting times with their customers, through delay announcements. The need to effectively manage the provision of these announcements has led to a substantial growth in the body of literature which is devoted to that topic. In this survey paper, we systematically review the relevant literature, summarize some of its key ideas and findings, describe the main challenges that the different approaches to the problem entail, and formulate research directions that would be interesting to consider in future work

    Strategic queueing behavior for individual and social optimization in managing discrete time working vacation queue with Bernoulli interruption schedule

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    In this paper, we consider a discrete time working vacation queue with a utility function for the reward of receiving the service and the cost of waiting in the system. A more flexible switching mechanism between low and regular service states is introduced to enhance the practical value of the working vacation queue. Under different precision levels of the system information, namely observable, almost unobservable and fully unobservable cases, the utility function is studied from both the individual customer’s and the system administrator’s points of view. By analyzing the steady-state behavior of the system, the associated optimal joining decisions under different information scenarios are obtained. We find that for the fully observable queue, the joining threshold for individual optimization may be less than the one for social optimization in working vacation period. A similar situation also appears in almost unobservable case. Such phenomenon is not possible for the classic first come first served queue due to the fact that there is no vacation time and thus will not cause large fluctuations in customers’ conditional waiting time. Additionally, we also conduct some numerical comparisons to demonstrate the effect of the information levels as well as system parameters on customer joining behavior.This research was partially supported by grant from NSERC DAS programs, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.71301111, 71571127, 71402072) and the FSUSE (No.2012RC23).http://www.elsevier.com/locate/caor2017-09-30hb2016Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Essays on Service Information, Retrials and Global Supply Chain Sourcing

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    In many service settings, customers have to join the queue without being fully aware of the parameters of the service provider (for e.g., customers at check-out counters may not know the true service rate prior to joining). In such blind queues\u27\u27, customers typically make their decisions based on the limited information about the service provider\u27s operational parameters from past experiences, reviews, etc. In the first essay, we analyze a firm serving customers who make decisions under arbitrary beliefs about the service parameters. We show, while revealing the service information to customers improves revenues under certain customer beliefs, it may however destroy consumer welfare or social welfare. When consumers can self-organize the timing of service visits, they may avoid long queues and choose to retry later. In the second essay, we study an observable queue in which consumers make rational join, balk and (costly) retry decisions. Retrial attempts could be costly due to factors such as transportation costs, retrial hassle and visit fees. We characterize the equilibrium under such retrial behavior, and study its welfare effects. With the additional option to retry, consumer welfare could worsen compared to the welfare in a system without retrials. Surprisingly, self-interested consumers retry too little (in equilibrium compared to the socially optimal policy) when the retrial cost is low, and retry too much when the retrial cost is high. We also explore the impact of myopic consumers who may not have the flexibility to retry. In the third essay, we propose a comprehensive model framework for global sourcing location decision process. For decades, off-shoring of manufacturing to China and other low-cost countries was a no-brainer decision for many U.S. companies. In recent years, however, this trend is being challenged by some companies to re-shore manufacturing back to the U.S., or to near-shore manufacturing to Mexico. Our model framework incorporates perspectives over the entire life cycle of a product, i.e., product design, manufacturing and delivering, and after-sale service support, and we use it to test the validity of various competing theories on global sourcing. We also provide numerical examples to support our findings from the model

    Containment of socially optimal policies in multiple-facility Markovian queueing systems

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    We consider a Markovian queueing system with N heterogeneous service facilities, each of which has multiple servers available, linear holding costs, a fixed value of service and a first-come-first-serve queue discipline. Customers arriving in the system can be either rejected or sent to one of the N facilities. Two different types of control policies are considered, which we refer to as ‘selfishly optimal’ and ‘socially optimal’. We prove the equivalence of two different Markov Decision Process formulations, and then show that classical M/M/1 queue results from the early literature on behavioural queueing theory can be generalized to multiple dimensions in an elegant way. In particular, the state space of the continuous-time Markov process induced by a socially optimal policy is contained within that of the selfishly optimal policy. We also show that this result holds when customers are divided into an arbitrary number of heterogeneous classes, provided that the service rates remain non-discriminatory

    Advance reservations and information sharing in queues with strategic customers

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    In many branches of the economy, including transportation, lodging, and more recently cloud computing, users can reserve resources in advance. Although advance reservations are gaining popularity, little is known about the strategic behavior of customers facing the decision whether to reserve a resource in advance or not. Making an advance reservation can reduce the waiting time or the probability of not getting service, but it is usually associated with an additional cost. To evaluate this trade-off, we develop a game-theoretic framework, called advance reservation games, that helps in reasoning about the strategic behavior of customers in systems that allow advance reservations. Using this framework, we analyze several advance reservation models, in the context of slotted loss queues and waiting queues. The analysis of the economic equilibria, from the provider perspective, yields several key insights, including: (i) If customers have no a-priori information about the availability of servers, then only customers granted service should be charged a reservation fee; (ii) Informing customers about the exact number of available servers is less profitable than only informing them that servers are available; (iii) In many cases, the reservation fee that leads to the equilibrium with maximum possible profit leads to other equilibria, including one resulting with no profit; (iv) If the game repeats many times and customers update their strategy after observing actions of other customers at previous stage, then the system converges to an equilibrium where no one makes an advance reservation, if such an equilibrium exists. Else, the system cycles and yields positive profit to the provider Finally, we study the impact of information sharing in M/M/1 queues with strategic customers. We analyze the intuitive policy of sharing the queue length with customers when it is small and hiding it when it is large. We prove that, from the provider perspective, such a policy is never optimal. That is, either always sharing the queue length or always hiding it maximizes the average number of customers joining the queue

    Blind Queues: The Impact of Consumer Beliefs on Revenues and Congestion

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    In many service settings, customers have to join the queue without being fully aware of the parameters of the service provider (e.g., customers at checkout counters may not know the true service rate before joining). In such “blind queues,” customers make their joining/balking decisions based on limited information about the service provider’s operational parameters (from past service experiences, reviews, etc.) and queue lengths. We analyze a firm serving customers making decisions under arbitrary beliefs about the service parameters in an observable queue for a service with a known price. By proposing an ordering for the balking threshold distributions in the customer population, we are able to compare the effects of customer beliefs on the queue. We show that, although revealing the service information to customers improves revenues under certain conditions, it may destroy consumer welfare or social welfare. Given a market size, consumer welfare can be significantly reduced when a fast server announces its true service parameter. When revenue is higher under some beliefs, one would expect the congestion to also be higher because more customers join, but we show that congestion may not necessarily increase
