594 research outputs found

    A survey on subjecting electronic product code and non-ID objects to IP identification

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    Over the last decade, both research on the Internet of Things (IoT) and real-world IoT applications have grown exponentially. The IoT provides us with smarter cities, intelligent homes, and generally more comfortable lives. However, the introduction of these devices has led to several new challenges that must be addressed. One of the critical challenges facing interacting with IoT devices is to address billions of devices (things) around the world, including computers, tablets, smartphones, wearable devices, sensors, and embedded computers, and so on. This article provides a survey on subjecting Electronic Product Code and non-ID objects to IP identification for IoT devices, including their advantages and disadvantages thereof. Different metrics are here proposed and used for evaluating these methods. In particular, the main methods are evaluated in terms of their: (i) computational overhead, (ii) scalability, (iii) adaptability, (iv) implementation cost, and (v) whether applicable to already ID-based objects and presented in tabular format. Finally, the article proves that this field of research will still be ongoing, but any new technique must favorably offer the mentioned five evaluative parameters.Comment: 112 references, 8 figures, 6 tables, Journal of Engineering Reports, Wiley, 2020 (Open Access

    A Security Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Internet of Things Paradigm

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    Conference ProceedingsIn this paper we explore the possibilities of having an algorithm that can protect Zigbee wireless sensor networks from intrusion; this is done from the Internet of Things paradigm. This algorithm is then realised as part of an intrusion detection system for Zigbee sensors used in wireless networks. The paper describes the algorithm used, the programming process, and the architecture of the system developed as well as the results achieved

    Innovative Self-Organization Wireless Sensor Networks for Electrical Power Systems

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) gather information for electrical power systems and help to manage demand Response and demand side strategies. Optimization of WSNs depends on their physical deployment, and it will bring to the fore a very focused number of parameters to be optimized. Selforganization of WSNs is an important issue to be considered, and it requires the nodes to form a network by collaboration with each other without using manual intervention. Moreover, the WSNs implemented in electrical power systems should be secured and energy efficient in order to provide highly reliable data for monitoring and control. In this paper, we will propose Self-Organization WSNs with Security and Energy-efficient Clustering algorithms (SOSEC) including cluster formation, data encryption keys establishment and management, and an energy efficient routing protocol. SOSEC can optimize the energy efficiency of the whole network and ensure a secured channel for data transmissions in WSNs for electrical power systems

    Smart-antenna techniques for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks used in bridge structural health monitoring

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    Abstract: It is well known that wireless sensor networks differ from other computing platforms in that 1- they typically require a minimal amount of computing power at the nodes; 2- it is often desirable for sensor nodes to have drastically low power consumption. The main benefit of the this work is a substantial network life before batteries need to be replaced or, alternatively, the capacity to function off of modest environmental energy sources (energy harvesting). In the context of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), battery replacement is particularly problematic since nodes can be in difficult to access locations. Furthermore, any intervention on a bridge may disrupt normal bridge operation, e.g. traffic may need to be halted. In this regard, switchbeam smart antennas in combination with wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown great potential in reducing implementation and maintenance costs of SHM systems. The main goal of implementing switch-beam smart antennas in our application is to reduce power consumption, by focusing the radiated energy only where it is needed. SHM systems capture the dynamic vibration information of a bridge structure in real-time in order to assess the health of the structure and to predict failures. Current SHM systems are based on piezoelectric patch sensors. In addition, the collection of data from the plurality of sensors distributed over the span of the bridge is typically performed through an expensive and bulky set of shielded wires which routes the information to a data sink at one end of the structure. The installation, maintenance and operational costs of such systems are extremely high due to high power consumption and the need for periodic maintenance. Wireless sensor networks represent an attractive alternative, in terms of cost, ease of maintenance, and power consumption. However, network lifetime in terms of node battery life must be very long (ideally 5–10 years) given the cost and hassle of manual intervention. In this context, the focus of this project is to reduce the global power consumption of the SHM system by implementing switched-beam smart antennas jointly with an optimized MAC layer. In the first part of the thesis, a sensor network platform for bridge SHM incorporating switched-beam antennas is modelled and simulated. where the main consideration is the joint optimization of beamforming parameters, MAC layer, and energy consumption. The simulation model, built within the Omnet++ network simulation framework, incorporates the energy consumption profiles of actual selected components (microcontroller, radio interface chip). The energy consumption and packet delivery ratio (PDR) of the network with switched-beam antennas is compared with an equivalent network based on omnidirectional antennas. In the second part of the thesis, this system model is leveraged to examine two distinct but interrelated aspects: Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) based solar energy harvesting and switched-beam antenna strategies. The main consideration here is the joint optimization of solar energy harvesting and switchedbeam directional antennas, where an equivalent network based on omnidirectional antennas acts as a baseline reference for comparison purposes.Il est bien connu que les réseaux de capteurs sans fils diffèrent des autres plateformes informatiques étant donné 1- qu’ils requièrent typiquement une puissance de calcul minimale aux noeuds du réseau ; 2- qu’il est souvent désirable que les noeuds capteurs aient une consommation d’énergie dramatiquement faible. La principale retombée de ce travail réside en la durée de vie allongée du réseau avant que les piles ne doivent être remplacées ou, alternativement, la capacité de fonctionner indéfiniment à partir de modestes sources d’énergie ambiente (glânage d’énergie). Dans le contexte du contrôle de la santé structurale (CSS), le remplacement de piles est particulièrement problématique puisque les noeuds peuvent se trouver en des endroits difficiles d’accès. De plus, toute intervention sur un pont implique une perturbation de l’opération normale de la structure, par exemple un arrêt du traffic. Dans ce contexte, les antennes intelligentes à commutation de faisceau en combinaison avec les réseaux de capteurs sans fils ont démontré un grand potentiel pour réduire les coûts de réalisation et d’entretien de systèmes de CSS. L’objectif principal de l’intégration d’antennes à commutation de faisceau dans notre application réside dans la réduction de la consommation énergétique, réalisée en concentrant l’énergie radiée uniquement là où elle est nécessaire. Les systèmes de CSS capturent l’information dynamique de vibration d’une structure de pont en temps réel de manière à évaluer la santé de la structure et prédire les failles. Les systèmes courants de CSS sont basés sur des senseurs piézoélectriques planaires. De plus, la collecte de données à partir de la pluralité de senseurs distribués sur l’étendue du pont est typiquement effectuée par le biais d’un ensemble coûteux et encombrant de câbles blindés qui véhiculent l’information jusqu’à un point de collecte à une extremité de la structure. L’installation, l’entretien, et les coûts opérationnels de tels systèmes sont extrêmement élevés étant donné la consommation de puissance élevée et le besoin d’entretien régulier. Les réseaux de capteurs sans fils représentent une alternative attrayante, en termes de coût, facilité d’entretien et consommation énergétique. Toutefois, la vie de réseau en termes de la durée de vie des piles doit être très longue (idéalement de 5 à 10 ans) étant donné le coût et les problèmes liés à l’intervention manuelle. Dans ce contexte, ce projet se concentre sur la réduction de la consommation de puissance globale d’un système de CSS en y intégrant des antennes intelligentes à commutation de faisceau conjointement avec une couche d’accès au médium (couche MAC) optimisée. Dans la première partie de la thèse, une plateforme de réseau de capteurs sans fils pour le CSS d’un pont incorporant des antennes à commutation de faisceaux est modélisé et simulé, avec pour considération principale l’optimisation des paramètres de sélection de faisceau, de la couche MAC et de la consommation d’énergie. Le modèle de simulation, construit dans le logiciel de simulation de réseaux Omnet++, incorpore les profils de consommation d’énergie de composants réels sélectionnés (microcontrôleur, puce d’interface radio). La consommation d’énergie et le taux de livraison de paquets du réseau avec antennes à commutation de faisceau est comparé avec un réseau équivalent basé sur des antennes omnidirectionnelles. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, le modèle système proposé est mis à contribution pour examiner deux aspects distrincts mais interreliés : le glânage d’énergie à partir de cellules solaire à base d’arséniure de Gallium (GaAs) et les stratégies liées aux antennes à commutation de faisceau. La considération principale ici est l’optimisation conjointe du glânage d’énergie et des antennes à commutation de faisceau, en ayant pour base de comparaison un réseau équivalent à base d’antennes omnidirectionnelles

    Survey and Benchmark of Block Ciphers for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cryptographic algorithms play an important role in the security architecture of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Choosing the most storage- and energy-efficient block cipher is essential, due to the facts that these networks are meant to operate without human intervention for a long period of time with little energy supply, and that available storage is scarce on these sensor nodes. However, to our knowledge, no systematic work has been done in this area so far.We construct an evaluation framework in which we first identify the candidates of block ciphers suitable for WSNs, based on existing literature and authoritative recommendations. For evaluating and assessing these candidates, we not only consider the security properties but also the storage- and energy-efficiency of the candidates. Finally, based on the evaluation results, we select the most suitable ciphers for WSNs, namely Skipjack, MISTY1, and Rijndael, depending on the combination of available memory and required security (energy efficiency being implicit). In terms of operation mode, we recommend Output Feedback Mode for pairwise links but Cipher Block Chaining for group communications

    KALwEN: a new practical and interoperable key management scheme for body sensor networks

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    Key management is the pillar of a security architecture. Body sensor networks (BSNs) pose several challenges–some inherited from wireless sensor networks (WSNs), some unique to themselves–that require a new key management scheme to be tailor-made. The challenge is taken on, and the result is KALwEN, a new parameterized key management scheme that combines the best-suited cryptographic techniques in a seamless framework. KALwEN is user-friendly in the sense that it requires no expert knowledge of a user, and instead only requires a user to follow a simple set of instructions when bootstrapping or extending a network. One of KALwEN's key features is that it allows sensor devices from different manufacturers, which expectedly do not have any pre-shared secret, to establish secure communications with each other. KALwEN is decentralized, such that it does not rely on the availability of a local processing unit (LPU). KALwEN supports secure global broadcast, local broadcast, and local (neighbor-to-neighbor) unicast, while preserving past key secrecy and future key secrecy (FKS). The fact that the cryptographic protocols of KALwEN have been formally verified also makes a convincing case. With both formal verification and experimental evaluation, our results should appeal to theorists and practitioners alike

    Automatic Fire Detection: A Survey from Wireless Sensor Network Perspective

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    Automatic fire detection is important for early detection and promptly extinguishing fire. There are ample studies investigating the best sensor combinations and appropriate techniques for early fire detection. In the previous studies fire detection has either been considered as an application of a certain field (e.g., event detection for wireless sensor networks) or the main concern for which techniques have been specifically designed (e.g., fire detection using remote sensing techniques). These different approaches stem from different backgrounds of researchers dealing with fire, such as computer science, geography and earth observation, and fire safety. In this report we survey previous studies from three perspectives: (1) fire detection techniques for residential areas, (2) fire detection techniques for forests, and (3) contributions of sensor networks to early fire detection