45 research outputs found

    Comparison of four approaches to automatic language identification of telephone speech

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    Phonotactic language recognition using i-vectors and phoneme posteriogram counts

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    This paper describes a novel approach to phonotactic LID, where instead of using soft-counts based on phoneme lattices, we use posteriogram to obtain n-gram counts. The high-dimensional vectors of counts are reduced to low-dimensional units for which we adapted the commonly used term i-vectors. The reduction is based on multinomial subspace modeling and is designed to work in the total-variability space. The proposed technique was tested on the NIST 2009 LRE set with better results to a system based on using soft-counts (Cavg on 30s: 3.15% vs 3.43%), and with very good results when fused with an acoustic i-vector LID system (Cavg on 30s acoustic 2.4% vs 1.25%). The proposed technique is also compared with another low dimensional projection system based on PCA. In comparison with the original soft-counts, the proposed technique provides better results, reduces the problems due to sparse counts, and avoids the process of using pruning techniques when creating the lattices

    Language identification based on a discriminative text categorization technique

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    In this paper, we describe new results and improvements to a lan-guage identification (LID) system based on PPRLM previously introduced in [1] and [2]. In this case, we use as parallel phone recognizers the ones provided by the Brno University of Technology for Czech, Hungarian, and Russian lan-guages, and instead of using traditional n-gram language models we use a lan-guage model that is created using a ranking with the most frequent and discrim-inative n-grams. In this language model approach, the distance between the ranking for the input sentence and the ranking for each language is computed, based on the difference in relative positions for each n-gram. This approach is able to model reliably longer span information than in traditional language models obtaining more reliable estimations. We also describe the modifications that we have being introducing along the time to the original ranking technique, e.g., different discriminative formulas to establish the ranking, variations of the template size, the suppression of repeated consecutive phones, and a new clus-tering technique for the ranking scores. Results show that this technique pro-vides a 12.9% relative improvement over PPRLM. Finally, we also describe re-sults where the traditional PPRLM and our ranking technique are combined

    Language recognition using phonotactic-based shifted delta coefficients and multiple phone recognizers

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    A new language recognition technique based on the application of the philosophy of the Shifted Delta Coefficients (SDC) to phone log-likelihood ratio features (PLLR) is described. The new methodology allows the incorporation of long-span phonetic information at a frame-by-frame level while dealing with the temporal length of each phone unit. The proposed features are used to train an i-vector based system and tested on the Albayzin LRE 2012 dataset. The results show a relative improvement of 33.3% in Cavg in comparison with different state-of-the-art acoustic i-vector based systems. On the other hand, the integration of parallel phone ASR systems where each one is used to generate multiple PLLR coefficients which are stacked together and then projected into a reduced dimension are also presented. Finally, the paper shows how the incorporation of state information from the phone ASR contributes to provide additional improvements and how the fusion with the other acoustic and phonotactic systems provides an important improvement of 25.8% over the system presented during the competition


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    Effective decision-making in industry conditions requires access and proper presentation of manufacturing data on the realised manufacturing process. Although the frequently applied ERP systems allow for recording economic events, their potential for decision support is limited. The article presents an original system for reporting manufacturing data based on Business Intelligence technology as a support for junior and middle management. As an example a possibility of utilising data from ERP systems to support decision-making in the field of purchases and logistics in  small and medium enterprises