20,637 research outputs found

    Comparison of Balancing Techniques for Multimedia IR over Imbalanced Datasets

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    A promising method to improve the performance of information retrieval systems is to approach retrieval tasks as a supervised classification problem. Previous user interactions, e.g. gathered from a thorough log file analysis, can be used to train classifiers which aim to inference relevance of retrieved documents based on user interactions. A problem in this approach is, however, the large imbalance ratio between relevant and non-relevant documents in the collection. In standard test collection as used in academic evaluation frameworks such as TREC, non-relevant documents outnumber relevant documents by far. In this work, we address this imbalance problem in the multimedia domain. We focus on the logs of two multimedia user studies which are highly imbalanced. We compare a naiinodotve solution of randomly deleting documents belonging to the majority class with various balancing algorithms coming from different fields: data classification and text classification. Our experiments indicate that all algorithms improve the classification performance of just deleting at random from the dominant class

    Embedding Feature Selection for Large-scale Hierarchical Classification

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    Large-scale Hierarchical Classification (HC) involves datasets consisting of thousands of classes and millions of training instances with high-dimensional features posing several big data challenges. Feature selection that aims to select the subset of discriminant features is an effective strategy to deal with large-scale HC problem. It speeds up the training process, reduces the prediction time and minimizes the memory requirements by compressing the total size of learned model weight vectors. Majority of the studies have also shown feature selection to be competent and successful in improving the classification accuracy by removing irrelevant features. In this work, we investigate various filter-based feature selection methods for dimensionality reduction to solve the large-scale HC problem. Our experimental evaluation on text and image datasets with varying distribution of features, classes and instances shows upto 3x order of speed-up on massive datasets and upto 45% less memory requirements for storing the weight vectors of learned model without any significant loss (improvement for some datasets) in the classification accuracy. Source Code: https://cs.gmu.edu/~mlbio/featureselection.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016

    Feature enrichment through multi-gram models

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    We introduce a feature enrichment approach, by developing multi-gram cosine similarity classification models. Our approach combines cosine similarity features of different N-gram word models, and unsupervised sentiment features, into models with a richer feature set than any of the approaches alone can provide. We test the classification models using different machine learning algorithms on categories of hateful and violent web content, and show that our multi-gram models give across-the-board performance improvements, for all categories tested, compared to combinations of baseline unigram, N-gram, and sentiment classification models. Our multi-gram models perform significantly better on highly imbalanced sets than the comparison methods, while this enrichment approach leaves room for further improvements, by adding instead of exhausting optimization options