3 research outputs found

    Comparison of evolutionary multi objective algorithms for the dynamic network design problem

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    In traffic and transport a significant portion of research and application is focused on single objective optimization, although there is rarely only one objective that is of interest. The externalities of traffic are of increasing importance for policy decisions related to the design of a road network. The optimization of externalities using dynamic traffic management measures is a multi objective network design problem. The presence of multiple conflicting objectives makes the optimization problem challenging to solve. Evolutionary multi objective algorithms has been proven successful in solving multi objective optimization problems. However, like all optimization methods, these are subject to the free lunch theorem. Therefore, we compare the NSGAII, SPEA2 and SPEA2+ algorithms in order to find a Pareto optimal solution set for this optimization problem. Because of CPU time limitation as a result of solving the lower level using a dynamic traffic assignment model, the performance by the algorithms is compared within a certain budget. The externalities optimized are noise, climate and accessibility. In a numerical experiment the SPEA2+ outperforms the SPEA2 on all used measures. Comparing NSGAII and SPEA2+, there is no clear evidence of one approach outperforming the other

    Development of an Optimisation Model for Scheduling of Street Works Schemes

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    The coordination of street works activities in urban networks has been highlighted by the Government as one of the most important aspects of street works practice, benefiting street authorities, undertakers and road users alike (Department for Transport, 2012c). The present research aims to develop an optimisation model for minimising the overall costs and disruptions incurred by all stakeholders as a result of implementing a number of street works schemes in an urban traffic network. The output of the optimisation model consists of optimum values for the underlying decision variables of the model such as start time of each street works scheme, type of traffic management strategy for each link, sequence of link closures and the level of resources allocated to undertake each scheme. The following two distinct objective functions, which are subject to minimisation by the optimisation model, have been developed: A primary objective function which captures the monetised effects of street works schemes such as cost of delays to road users, and cost of undertaking street works schemes. A secondary objective function (developed as a fuzzy inference system) to capture the non-monetised disruptive effects of street works schemes. The fuzzy variables of this inference system correspond to the level of ‘accessibility degradation’ of the network links, ‘connectivity degradation’ of the origin-destinations of the network, and ‘time sensitivity’ of the disruptive events (i.e. street works schemes). Next the street works optimisation problem was mathematically formulated as a bi-level optimisation programming problem, where the higher level problem is associated with minimising the aforementioned objective functions, and the lower level problem deals with predicting traffic flows, and thus the amount of delays incurred by the road users. Subsequently this study developed a genetic algorithm solution method to solve the resulting non-convex and NP-hard optimisation problem with integer or mixed type variables. Finally the performance of the optimisation algorithm was verified by a number of experimental tests on a small hypothetical network for three street works schemes