3,564 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence for Resilience in Smart Grid Operations

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    Today, the electric power grid is transforming into a highly interconnected network of advanced technologies, equipment, and controls to enable a smarter grid. The growing complexity of smart grid requires resilient operation and control. Power system resilience is defined as the ability to harden the system against and quickly recover from high-impact, low-frequency events. The introduction of two-way flows of information and electricity in the smart grid raises concerns of cyber-physical attacks. Proliferated penetration of renewable energy sources such as solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind power introduce challenges due to the high variability and uncertainty in generation. Unintentional disruptions and power system component outages have become a threat to real-time power system operations. Recent extreme weather events and natural disasters such as hurricanes, storms, and wildfires demonstrate the importance of resilience in the power system. It is essential to find solutions to overcome these challenges in maintaining resilience in smart grid. In this dissertation, artificial intelligence (AI) based approaches have been developed to enhance resilience in smart grid. Methods for optimal automatic generation control (AGC) have been developed for multi-area multi-machine power systems. Reliable AI models have been developed for predicting solar irradiance, PV power generation, and power system frequencies. The proposed short-horizon AI prediction models ranging from few seconds to a minute plus, outperform the state-of-art persistence models. The AI prediction models have been applied to provide situational intelligence for power system operations. An enhanced tie-line bias control in a multi-area power system for variable and uncertain environments has been developed with predicted PV power and bus frequencies. A distributed and parallel security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF) algorithm has been developed to overcome the challenges in solving SCOPF problem for large power networks. The methods have been developed and tested on an experimental laboratory platform consisting of real-time digital simulators, hardware/software phasor measurement units, and a real-time weather station

    Comparative analysis of neural networks techniques to forecast Global Horizontal Irradiance

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    Due to the continuous increasing importance of renewable energy sources as an alternative to fossil fuels, to contrast air pollution and global warming, the prediction of Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI), one of the main parameters determining solar energy production of photovoltaic systems, represents an attractive topic nowadays. Solar irradiance is determined by deterministic factors (i.e. the position of the sun) and stochastic factors (i.e. the presence of clouds). Since the stochastic element is difficult to model, this problem can benefit from machine learning techniques, like artificial neural networks. This work proposes a methodology to forecast GHI in short- (i.e. from 15 min to 60 min) and mid-term (i.e. from 60 to 120 min) time horizons. For this purpose, we designed, optimised and compared four neural network architectures for time-series forecasting, respectively based on: i) Non-Linear Autoregressive, ii) Feed-Forward, iii) Long Short-Term Memory and iv) Echo State Network. The original data-set, consisting of GHI values sampled every 15min, has been pre-processed by applying different filtering techniques. Our results analysis compares the performance of the proposed neural networks identifying the best in terms of error rate and forecast horizon. This analysis highlights that the clear-sky index results the preferred filtering technique by giving greatly improvements in data-set pre-processing, and Echo State Network gives best accuracy results

    Advanced Methods for Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting: A Review

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    Forecasting is a crucial task for successfully integrating photovoltaic (PV) output power into the grid. The design of accurate photovoltaic output forecasters remains a challenging issue, particularly for multistep-ahead prediction. Accurate PV output power forecasting is critical in a number of applications, such as micro-grids (MGs), energy optimization and management, PV integrated in smart buildings, and electrical vehicle chartering. Over the last decade, a vast literature has been produced on this topic, investigating numerical and probabilistic methods, physical models, and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. This paper aims at providing a complete and critical review on the recent applications of AI techniques; we will focus particularly on machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), and hybrid methods, as these branches of AI are becoming increasingly attractive. Special attention will be paid to the recent development of the application of DL, as well as to the future trends in this topic

    An evaluation of CNN and ANN in prediction weather forecasting: A review

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    Artificial intelligence through deep neural networks is now widely used in a variety of applications that have profoundly altered human livelihoods in a variety of ways.  People's daily lives have become much more convenient. Image recognition, smart recommendations, self-driving vehicles, voice translation, and a slew of other neural network innovations have had a lot of success in their respective fields. The authors present the ANN applied in weather forecasting. The prediction technique relies solely upon learning previous input values from intervals in order to forecast future values. And also, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a form of deep learning technique that can help classify, recognize, and predict trends in climate change and environmental data. However, due to the inherent difficulties of such results, which are often independently identified, non-stationary, and unstable CNN algorithms should be built and tested with each dataset and system separately. On the other hand, to eradicate error and provides us with data that is virtually identical to the real value we need Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) algorithms or benefit from it. The presented CNN model's forecasting efficiency was compared to some state-of-the-art ANN algorithms. The analysis shows that weather prediction applications become more efficient when using ANN algorithms because it is really easy to put into practice

    Machine learning techniques to forecast non-linear trends in smart environments

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    Machine Learning based Wind Power Forecasting for Operational Decision Support

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    To utilize renewable energy efficiently to meet the needs of mankind's living demands becomes an extremely hot topic since global warming is the most serious global environmental problem that human beings are facing today. Burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil directly for generating electricity leads to environment pollution and exacerbates global warning. However, large-scale development of hydropower increases greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse effects. This research is related to knowledge of wind power forecasting (WPF) and machine learning (ML). This research is built around one central research question: How to improve the accuracy of WPF by using AI methods? A pilot conceptual system combining meteorological information and operations management has been formulated. The main contribution is visualized in a proposed new framework, named Meteorological Information Service Decision Support System, consisting of a meteorological information module, wind power prediction module and operations management module. This conceptual framework has been verified by quantitative analysis in empirical cases. This system utilizes meteorological information for decision-making based on condition-based maintenance in operations and management for the purpose of optimizing energy management. It aims to analyze and predict the variation of wind power for the next day or the following week to develop scheduling planning services for WPEs based on predicting wind speed for every six hours, which is short-term wind speed prediction, through training, validating, and testing dataset. Accurate prediction of wind speed is crucial for weather forecasting service and WPF. This study presents a carefully designed wind speed prediction model which combines fully-connected neural network (FCNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithm with eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) technique, to predict wind speed. The performance of each model is tested by using reanalysis data from European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for Meteorological observatory located in Vaasa in Finland. The results show that XGBoost algorithm has similar improved prediction performance as LSTM algorithm, in terms of RMSE, MAE and R2 compared to the commonly used traditional FCNN model. On the other hand, the XGBoost algorithm has a significant advantage on training time while comparing to the other algorithms in this case study. Additionally, this sensitivity analysis indicates great potential of the optimized deep learning (DL) method, which is a subset of machine learning (ML), in improving local weather forecast on the coding platform of Python. The results indicate that, by using Meteorological Information Service Decision Support System, it is possible to support effective decision-making and create timely actions within the WPEs. Findings from this research contribute to WPF in WPEs. The main contribution of this research is achieving decision optimization on a decision support system by using ML. It was concluded that the proposed system is very promising for potential applications in wind (power) energy management

    A Review on Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Microgrids

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    A microgrid can be formed by the integration of different components such as loads, renewable/conventional units, and energy storage systems in a local area. Microgrids with the advantages of being flexible, environmentally friendly, and self-sufficient can improve the power system performance metrics such as resiliency and reliability. However, design and implementation of microgrids are always faced with different challenges considering the uncertainties associated with loads and renewable energy resources (RERs), sudden load variations, energy management of several energy resources, etc. Therefore, it is required to employ such rapid and accurate methods, as artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, to address these challenges and improve the MG's efficiency, stability, security, and reliability. Utilization of AI helps to develop systems as intelligent as humans to learn, decide, and solve problems. This paper presents a review on different applications of AI-based techniques in microgrids such as energy management, load and generation forecasting, protection, power electronics control, and cyber security. Different AI tasks such as regression and classification in microgrids are discussed using methods including machine learning, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, support vector machines, etc. The advantages, limitation, and future trends of AI applications in microgrids are discussed.©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed