35 research outputs found

    Novi broj časopisa Istarski geodet

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    Dan je prikaz novog broja časopisa Istarski geodet

    Novi broj časopisa Istarski geodet

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    Dan je prikaz novog broja časopisa Istarski geodet

    Časopis Future Internet

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    Dani su osnovni podatci o e-časopisu Future Internet. To je znanstveni časopis otvorenog pristupa namijenjen objavljivanju rezultata znanstvenih istraživanja vezanih uz internetske tehnologije i informacijsko društvo

    Časopis Future Internet

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    Dani su osnovni podatci o e-časopisu Future Internet. To je znanstveni časopis otvorenog pristupa namijenjen objavljivanju rezultata znanstvenih istraživanja vezanih uz internetske tehnologije i informacijsko društvo

    Citizens and Institutions as Information Prosumers. The Case Study of Italian Municipalities on Twitter

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    The aim of this paper is to address changes in public communication following the advent of Internet social networking tools and the emerging web 2.0 technologies which are providing new ways of sharing information and knowledge. In particular public administrations are called upon to reinvent the governance of public affairs and to update the means for interacting with their communities. The paper develops an analysis of the distribution, diffusion and performance of the official profiles on Twitter adopted by the Italian municipalities (comuni) up to November 2013. It aims to identify the patterns of spatial distribution and the drivers of the diffusion of Twitter profiles; the performance of the profiles through an aggregated index, called the Twitter performance index (Twiperindex), which evaluates the profiles' activity with reference to the gravitational areas of the municipalities in order to enable comparisons of the activity of municipalities with different demographic sizes and functional roles. The results show that only a small portion of innovative municipalities have adopted Twitter to enhance e-participation and e-governance and that the drivers of the diffusion seem to be related either to past experiences and existing conditions (i.e. civic networks, digital infrastructures) developed over time or to strong local community awareness. The better performances are achieved mainly by small and medium-sized municipalities. Of course, the phenomenon is very new and fluid, therefore this analysis should be considered as a first step in ongoing research which aims to grasp the dynamics of these new means of public communication

    Leveraging OpenStreetMap to support flood risk management in municipalities : a prototype decision support system

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    Floods are considered the most common and devastating type of disasters world-wide. Therefore, flood management is a crucial task for municipalities- a task that requires dependable information to evaluate risks and to react accordingly in a disaster scenario. Acquiring and maintaining this information using official data however is not always feasible, especially for smaller municipalities. This issue could be approached by integrating the collaborative maps of OpenStreetMap (OSM). The OSM data is openly accessible, adaptable and continuously updated. Nonetheless, to make use of this data for effective decision support, the OSM data must be first adapted to the needs of decision makers. In the pursuit of this goal, this paper presents the OpenFloodRiskMap (OFRM)- a prototype for a OSM based spatial decision-support system. OFRM builds an intuitive and practical interface upon existing OSM data and services to enable decision makers to utilize the open data for emergency planning and response

    Pathways for an alternative tourism: from web to mobile devices

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    Le opportunità offerte all’internauta “esperto” nel complesso ambito della cartografia partecipativa sono molteplici, dalla creazione di informazione geografica nell’ambito di un progetto cartografico mondiale (come nel caso di OpenStreetMap) alla elaborazione di cartografia personalizzata su piattaforma WebGIS. Il presente contributo prende in esame la possibilità di utilizzare un’applicazione WebGIS open source lato client, OpenLayers, per sviluppare e divulgare cartografia in rete relativa a percorsi dedicati ad un turismo alternativo, attento ai beni culturali ed ambientali. Nello specifico, vengono presentate tre applicazioni: un sito Web tradizionale, la sua “versione mobile” e una App per smartphone e tablet dotati del sistema operativo di Apple mobile, iOS8. I primi due utilizzano software e piattaforme di sviluppo libere e gratuite, mentre la terza si avvale degli strumenti del circuito Apple.The Web 2.0 environment gives to Web users several opportunities, mainly in the Web Mapping activities. OpenStreetMap is perhaps the most important project, considering its increment in user-generated geographic content. However, there are many opportunities to create custom maps on WebGIS platforms. This paper deals with OpenLayers’ implementation (an Open Source map viewing framework written in JavaScript) in the touristic domain. We developed a cartographic website, by mapping several pathways dedicated to an alternative type of tourism, closer to the cultural and environmental heritage. Then we moved these geographical data to a “mobile website” for tablets or smartphones. This mobile website has been created using OpenLayers, but using different Web frameworks. Finally, we developed a dedicated App for iOS8, named “GisLab – UniTS”, the best mean in terms of portability

    Itinerari per un turismo alternativo: dal Web alla portabilit\ue0 mobile

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    Le opportunit\ue0 offerte all\u2019internauta \u201cesperto\u201d nel complesso ambito della cartografia partecipativa sono molteplici, dalla creazione di informazione geografica nell\u2019ambito di un progetto cartografico mondiale (come nel caso di OpenStreetMap) alla elaborazione di cartografia personalizzata su piattaforma WebGIS. Il presente contributo prende in esame la possibilit\ue0 di utilizzare un\u2019applicazione WebGIS open source lato client, OpenLayers, per sviluppare e divulgare cartografia in rete relativa a percorsi dedicati ad un turismo alternativo, attento ai beni culturali ed ambientali. Nello specifico, vengono presentate tre applicazioni: un sito Web tradizionale, la sua \u201cversione mobile\u201d e una App per smartphone e tablet dotati del sistema operativo di Apple mobile, iOS8. I primi due utilizzano software e piattaforme di sviluppo libere e gratuite, mentre la terza si avvale degli strumenti del circuito Apple

    Accuracy Evaluation of the Canadian OpenStreetMap Road Networks

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    Volunteered geographic information (VGI) has been applied in many fields such as participatory planning, humanitarian relief and crisis management. One of the reasons for popularity of VGI is its cost-effectiveness. However, the coverage and accuracy of VGI cannot be guaranteed. The issue of geospatial data quality in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project has become a trending research topic because of the large size of the dataset and the multiple channels of data access. This paper provides details on a national study of the Canadian OSM street network data for the assessment ofcompleteness, positional accuracy, attribute accuracy, semantic accuracy and lineage. The findings of the map quality can potentially guide cartographic product selection for interested parties and offer a better understanding of future improvement of OSM quality. In addition, the study presents the complex processes behind OSM contributions possibly influenced by data import and remote mapping

    Cartography 2.0 for an innovative tourism: along the Slovenian routes among nature, art and history: Kojnik’s ring

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    Scopo di questo contributo è mostrare come la cartografia prodotta tramite l’ausilio delle nuove tecnologie possa risultare utile per “confezionare” e rendere disponibile una proposta di turismo nella natura, capace di incontrare diverse forme di interesse e motivazione turistica. L’itinerario descritto, infatti, variamente combinato e articolato, ben si presta a soddisfare differenti tipi di esigenze e segmenti di domanda, che vanno dal semplice escursionismo giornaliero a pacchetti più elaborati. Questi ultimi si possono iscrivere sia nell’ambito di un’offerta turistica marcatamente orientata verso gusti naturalistici come anche essere pensati in funzione integrativa e complementare verso altre tipologie, che possono andare dal turismo urbano, a quello congressuale, a quello sportivo o culturale, ecc. Si vuole, inoltre, sottolineare l’importanza e il “valore aggiunto” di una cartografia prodotta attraverso mezzi innovativi di relativamente facile utilizzo per itinerari di questo tipo, situati in ambiti marginali (aree confinarie), in cui è molto difficile reperire informazioni e soprattutto dettagli di tipo cartografico che, invece, possono contribuire a promuovere una conoscenza e valorizzazione adeguata di molti territori rurali.Aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the new possibilities offered by digital cartography can be very useful in order to promote tourism with a special focus on the less known destinations. The Author presents a peculiar naturalistic but also cultural route in the nearest Slovenia, describing it by means of the traditional tourism approach integrated with the new digital tools. The result is the production of additional information, both cultural and practical, easily available for responsible tourists