231,149 research outputs found

    Random Projection in Deep Neural Networks

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    This work investigates the ways in which deep learning methods can benefit from random projection (RP), a classic linear dimensionality reduction method. We focus on two areas where, as we have found, employing RP techniques can improve deep models: training neural networks on high-dimensional data and initialization of network parameters. Training deep neural networks (DNNs) on sparse, high-dimensional data with no exploitable structure implies a network architecture with an input layer that has a huge number of weights, which often makes training infeasible. We show that this problem can be solved by prepending the network with an input layer whose weights are initialized with an RP matrix. We propose several modifications to the network architecture and training regime that makes it possible to efficiently train DNNs with learnable RP layer on data with as many as tens of millions of input features and training examples. In comparison to the state-of-the-art methods, neural networks with RP layer achieve competitive performance or improve the results on several extremely high-dimensional real-world datasets. The second area where the application of RP techniques can be beneficial for training deep models is weight initialization. Setting the initial weights in DNNs to elements of various RP matrices enabled us to train residual deep networks to higher levels of performance

    Asynchronous Optimization Methods for Efficient Training of Deep Neural Networks with Guarantees

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    Asynchronous distributed algorithms are a popular way to reduce synchronization costs in large-scale optimization, and in particular for neural network training. However, for nonsmooth and nonconvex objectives, few convergence guarantees exist beyond cases where closed-form proximal operator solutions are available. As most popular contemporary deep neural networks lead to nonsmooth and nonconvex objectives, there is now a pressing need for such convergence guarantees. In this paper, we analyze for the first time the convergence of stochastic asynchronous optimization for this general class of objectives. In particular, we focus on stochastic subgradient methods allowing for block variable partitioning, where the shared-memory-based model is asynchronously updated by concurrent processes. To this end, we first introduce a probabilistic model which captures key features of real asynchronous scheduling between concurrent processes; under this model, we establish convergence with probability one to an invariant set for stochastic subgradient methods with momentum. From the practical perspective, one issue with the family of methods we consider is that it is not efficiently supported by machine learning frameworks, as they mostly focus on distributed data-parallel strategies. To address this, we propose a new implementation strategy for shared-memory based training of deep neural networks, whereby concurrent parameter servers are utilized to train a partitioned but shared model in single- and multi-GPU settings. Based on this implementation, we achieve on average 1.2x speed-up in comparison to state-of-the-art training methods for popular image classification tasks without compromising accuracy

    Robust feature space separation for deep convolutional neural network training

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    This paper introduces two deep convolutional neural network training techniques that lead to more robust feature subspace separation in comparison to traditional training. Assume that dataset has M labels. The first method creates M deep convolutional neural networks called {DCNNi}M i=1 . Each of the networks DCNNi is composed of a convolutional neural network ( CNNi ) and a fully connected neural network ( FCNNi ). In training, a set of projection matrices are created and adaptively updated as representations for feature subspaces {S i}M i=1 . A rejection value is computed for each training based on its projections on feature subspaces. Each FCNNi acts as a binary classifier with a cost function whose main parameter is rejection values. A threshold value ti is determined for ith network DCNNi . A testing strategy utilizing {ti}M i=1 is also introduced. The second method creates a single DCNN and it computes a cost function whose parameters depend on subspace separations using the geodesic distance on the Grasmannian manifold of subspaces S i and the sum of all remaining subspaces {S j}M j=1,j≠i . The proposed methods are tested using multiple network topologies. It is shown that while the first method works better for smaller networks, the second method performs better for complex architectures

    An Evaluation of Deep CNN Baselines for Scene-Independent Person Re-Identification

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    In recent years, a variety of proposed methods based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have improved the state of the art for large-scale person re-identification (ReID). While a large number of optimizations and network improvements have been proposed, there has been relatively little evaluation of the influence of training data and baseline network architecture. In particular, it is usually assumed either that networks are trained on labeled data from the deployment location (scene-dependent), or else adapted with unlabeled data, both of which complicate system deployment. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of achieving scene-independent person ReID by forming a large composite dataset for training. We present an in-depth comparison of several CNN baseline architectures for both scene-dependent and scene-independent ReID, across a range of training dataset sizes. We show that scene-independent ReID can produce leading-edge results, competitive with unsupervised domain adaption techniques. Finally, we introduce a new dataset for comparing within-camera and across-camera person ReID.Comment: To be published in 2018 15th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV