14 research outputs found

    Monitoring von Hangbewegungen mit InSAR Techniken im Gebiet Ciloto, Indonesien

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    In this doctoral thesis, the InSAR techniques are applied to detect the ground movement phenomenon and to assess the InSAR result geometrically in the Ciloto area, Indonesia. Mainly, one of those techniques, the SB-SDFP algorithm, overcomes the limitations of conventional InSAR in monitoring rural and agricultural areas and can observe extremely slow landslides. The InSAR strategy is positively known as a promising option to detect and quantify the kinematics of active landslides on a large areal scale. To minimize the bias of the InSAR displacement result, the correction of the tropospheric phase delay was carried out in a first step. This procedure is demonstrated in experiments both in the small study area in Ciloto and in a larger area. The latter is an area located in Northern Baja California, Mexico and is dominated by tectonic activity as well as groundwater-induced subsidence. A detailed investigation of the slope movement's behavior in the Ciloto district was conducted utilizing multi-temporal and multi-band SAR data from ERS1/2 (1996-1999), ALOS PALSAR (2007-2009) and Sentinel-1 (2014-2018) satellites. The region was successfully identified as a permanent active landslide prone area, especially in the vicinity of the Puncak Pass and Puncak Highway. The full 3D velocity field and the displacement time series were estimated using the inversion model. The velocity rate was classified from extremely slow to slow movement. To comprehend the landslide's behavior, a further examination of the relationship between InSAR results and physical characteristics of the area was carried out. For the long period of a slow-moving landslide, the relationship between precipitation and displacement trend shows a weak correlation. It is concluded that the extremely slow to slow deformation is not directly influenced by the rainfall intensity, yet it effectuates the subsurface and the groundwater flow. The run-off process with rainfall exceeding a soil's infiltration capacity was suspected as the main driver of the slow ground movement phenomenon. However, when analyzing rapid and extremely rapid landslide events at Puncak Pass, a significant increase in the correlation coefficient between precipitation and displacement rate could be observed.In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Anwendung von erweiterten Verarbeitungsstrategien von InSAR Daten zur Erkennung und geometrischen Bewertung der Bodenbewegungen im Ciloto - Indonesien dargestellt. Dieser Ansatz überwindet die Beschränkungen konventioneller SAR-Interferometrie und ermöglicht sowohl ein kontinuierliches Monitoring dieses landwirtschaftich geprägten Gebietes als auch die Erfassung extrem langsamer Hangrutschungen. Um eine Verzerrung der InSAR Deformationsergebnisse zu minimieren, wurde zunächst eine Korrektur der troposphärischen Phase durchgeführt. Diese neuartige Strategie wird sowohl im Forschungsgebiet Ciloto als auch an einem größeren Gebiet demonstriert. Bei letzterem handelt es sich um einen Küstenstreifen im nördlichen Niederkalifornien, Mexiko, welcher durch hohe tektonische Aktivität und grundwasserinduzierte Landsetzungen charakterisiert ist. Die detaillierte Untersuchung des Verhaltens von Hangrutschungen im Ciloto erfolgte durch die Verarbeitung multi-temporaler SAR-Daten unter Nutzung verschiedener Frequenzbänder, darunter ESR1/2 (1996-1999), ALOS PALSAR (2007-2009) und Sentinel-1 (2014-2018) Daten. Die Region konnte erfolgreich als permanent aktives Hangrutschungsgebiet identifiziert werden, wobei der Puncak Pass und der Puncak Highway ein erhöhtes Gefahrenpotential aufweisen. Ein 3D- Geschwindig-keitsfeld der Deformation und die zugehörigen Zeitreihen wurden mit dem Inversionsmodell berechnet. Die Geschwindigkeitsrate wurde als langsam bis extrem langsam klassifiziert. Um das dynamische Verhalten der Hangrutschung zu verstehen wurde, in einer weiteren Untersuchung die Beziehung zwischen dem InSAR-Ergebnis und den physikalischen Begebenheiten im Forschungsgebiet analysiert. Es wird der Schluss gezogen, dass die langsame bis extrem langsame Verformung nicht direkt von der Niederschlagsintensität beeinflusst wird, diese sich aber auf den Untergrund und die Grundwasserströmung auswirkt. Es wird vermutet, dass der Oberflächenablauf, welcher die Infiltrationskapazität des Bodens übersteigt, ausschlaggebend für das Phänomen der langsamen Bodenbewegung ist. Für die schnellen und extrem schnellen Hangrutschungen jedoch konnte eine signifikante Erhöhung des Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen Niederschlag und Verschiebungsrate bei Untersuchungen der Hangrutschung am Puncak-Pass nachgewiesen werden

    Land Deformation Monitoring using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry

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    ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Calibration, Validation, Science and Applications

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    Twelve edited original papers on the latest and state-of-art results of topics ranging from calibration, validation, and science to a wide range of applications using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2. We hope you will find them useful for your future research

    Elevation and Deformation Extraction from TomoSAR

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    3D SAR tomography (TomoSAR) and 4D SAR differential tomography (Diff-TomoSAR) exploit multi-baseline SAR data stacks to provide an essential innovation of SAR Interferometry for many applications, sensing complex scenes with multiple scatterers mapped into the same SAR pixel cell. However, these are still influenced by DEM uncertainty, temporal decorrelation, orbital, tropospheric and ionospheric phase distortion and height blurring. In this thesis, these techniques are explored. As part of this exploration, the systematic procedures for DEM generation, DEM quality assessment, DEM quality improvement and DEM applications are first studied. Besides, this thesis focuses on the whole cycle of systematic methods for 3D & 4D TomoSAR imaging for height and deformation retrieval, from the problem formation phase, through the development of methods to testing on real SAR data. After DEM generation introduction from spaceborne bistatic InSAR (TanDEM-X) and airborne photogrammetry (Bluesky), a new DEM co-registration method with line feature validation (river network line, ridgeline, valley line, crater boundary feature and so on) is developed and demonstrated to assist the study of a wide area DEM data quality. This DEM co-registration method aligns two DEMs irrespective of the linear distortion model, which improves the quality of DEM vertical comparison accuracy significantly and is suitable and helpful for DEM quality assessment. A systematic TomoSAR algorithm and method have been established, tested, analysed and demonstrated for various applications (urban buildings, bridges, dams) to achieve better 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging results. These include applying Cosmo-Skymed X band single-polarisation data over the Zipingpu dam, Dujiangyan, Sichuan, China, to map topography; and using ALOS L band data in the San Francisco Bay region to map urban building and bridge. A new ionospheric correction method based on the tile method employing IGS TEC data, a split-spectrum and an ionospheric model via least squares are developed to correct ionospheric distortion to improve the accuracy of 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging. Meanwhile, a pixel by pixel orbit baseline estimation method is developed to address the research gaps of baseline estimation for 3D & 4D spaceborne SAR tomography imaging. Moreover, a SAR tomography imaging algorithm and a differential tomography four-dimensional SAR imaging algorithm based on compressive sensing, SAR interferometry phase (InSAR) calibration reference to DEM with DEM error correction, a new phase error calibration and compensation algorithm, based on PS, SVD, PGA, weighted least squares and minimum entropy, are developed to obtain accurate 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging results. The new baseline estimation method and consequent TomoSAR processing results showed that an accurate baseline estimation is essential to build up the TomoSAR model. After baseline estimation, phase calibration experiments (via FFT and Capon method) indicate that a phase calibration step is indispensable for TomoSAR imaging, which eventually influences the inversion results. A super-resolution reconstruction CS based study demonstrates X band data with the CS method does not fit for forest reconstruction but works for reconstruction of large civil engineering structures such as dams and urban buildings. Meanwhile, the L band data with FFT, Capon and the CS method are shown to work for the reconstruction of large manmade structures (such as bridges) and urban buildings

    Integration of Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for monitoring mining induced surface deformations

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    Surface subsidence induced by mining is a source of risk to people, equipment and environment. It may also disrupt mining schedules and increase the cost of mine safety. To provide accurate assessment of the surface subsidence and its level of impact on mine production and environment, it is necessary to develop and introduce comprehensive subsidence monitoring systems. Current techniques for monitoring of surface deformation are usually based on classical survey principles. In general these techniques have disadvantages that limit their applicability: they follow point-by-point data collection techniques, they are relatively time-consuming and costly, they usually cover only a small area, they are not applicable for the monitoring of inaccessible areas and they are not able to collect data continuously.As a complementary or alternative technique, the thesis discusses the applicability of SAR interferometry for monitoring mining induced deformations. InSAR is a remote sensing technique that makes use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) observations to acquire change in terrain topography. In spite of the widespread application of the technique for monitoring large-scale deformations of the Earth crust, specific modifications are necessary for utilising the technology within a mining context. Limitations, such as difficulty to resolve deformation for a high gradient slope, difficulty to retrieve subsidence for localised highly dynamic ground movements and the unavailability of SAR images with the desired specifications restrict the potential to monitor high rate, localised mine subsidence on day-to-day basis.The secondary aim of the thesis is to present integration of InSAR and GIS in order to propose an optimum methodology for processing of InSAR data to determine mine subsidence. The presented research also involves detailed analysis of InSAR limitations. This in consequence has led to suggestions on how to improve current InSAR capability with respect to the mining needs.The thesis introduces a set of new GIS-based tools and methodologies that are integrated into a conventional InSAR processing technique, to further improve and facilitate application of InSAR in mining. The developed tools and techniques cover the three main stages of data processing (pre-processing, processing and postprocessing). The researcher tried to address InSAR.’s limitations associated with mining related applications and also to provide practical solutions to resolve these issues

    Applications of Satellite Earth Observations section - NEODAAS: Providing satellite data for efficient research

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    The NERC Earth Observation Data Acquisition and Analysis Service (NEODAAS) provides a central point of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data access and expertise for UK researchers. The service is tailored to individual users’ requirements to ensure that researchers can focus effort on their science, rather than struggling with correct use of unfamiliar satellite data

    Satellite monitoring of harmful algal blooms (HABs) to protect the aquaculture industry

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can cause sudden and considerable losses to fish farms, for example 500,000 salmon during one bloom in Shetland, and also present a threat to human health. Early warning allows the industry to take protective measures. PML's satellite monitoring of HABs is now funded by the Scottish aquaculture industry. The service involves processing EO ocean colour data from NASA and ESA in near-real time, and applying novel techniques for discriminating certain harmful blooms from harmless algae. Within the AQUA-USERS project we are extending this capability to further HAB species within several European countries

    Growing stock volume estimation in temperate forsted areas using a fusion approach with SAR Satellites Imagery

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    Forest monitoring plays a central role in the context of global warming mitigation and in the assessment of forest resources. To meet these challenges, significant efforts have been made by scientists to develop new feasible remote sensing techniques for the retrieval of forest parameters. However, much work remains to be done in this area, in particular in establishing global assessments of forest biomass. In this context, this Ph.D. Thesis presents a complete methodology for estimating Growing Stock Volume (GSV) in temperate forested areas using a fusion approach based on Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery. The investigations which were performed focused on the Thuringian Forest, which is located in Central Germany. The satellite data used are composed of an extensive set of L-band (ALOS PALSAR) and X-band (TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, Cosmo-SkyMed) images, which were acquired in various sensor configurations (acquisition modes, polarisations, incidence angles). The available ground data consists of a forest inventory delivered by the local forest offices. Weather measurements and a LiDAR DEM complete the datasets. The research showed that together with the topography, the forest structure and weather conditions generally limited the sensitivity of the SAR signal to GSV. The best correlations were obtained with ALOS PALSAR (R2 = 0.61) and TanDEM-X (R2 = 0.72) interferometric coherences. These datasets were chosen for the retrieval of GSV in the Thuringian Forest and led with regressions to an root-mean-square error (RMSE) in the range of 100─200 m3ha-1. As a final achievement of this thesis, a methodology for combining the SAR information was developed. Assuming that there are sufficient and adequate remote sensing data, the proposed fusion approach may increase the biomass maps accuracy, their spatial extension and their updated frequency. These characteristics are essential for the future derivation of accurate, global and robust forest biomass maps

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Principles and Application

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    Demonstrates the benefits of the usage of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in applications of Earth remote sensing, with educational and development purposes. Includes numerous up-to-date examples with real data from spaceborne platforms and possibility to use a software to support lecture practicals. Reviews theoretical principles in an intuitive way for each application topic. Covers in depth five application domains (forests, agriculture, cryosphere, urban, and oceans), with reference also to hazard monitorin