92 research outputs found

    Training text chunkers on a silver standard corpus: Can silver replace gold?

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    Background: To train chunkers in recognizing noun phrases and verb phrases in biomedical text, an annotated corpus is required. The creation of gold standard corpora (GSCs), however, is expensive and time-consuming. GSCs therefore tend to be small and to focus on specific subdomains, which limits their usefulness. We investigated the use of a silver standard corpus (SSC) that is automatically generated by combining the outputs of multiple chunking systems. We explored two use scenarios: one in which chunkers are trained on an SSC in a new domain for which a GSC is not available, and one in which chunkers are trained on an available, although small GSC but supplemented with an SSC.Results: We have tested the two scenarios using three chunkers, Lingpipe, OpenNLP, and Yamcha, and two different corpora, GENIA and PennBioIE. For the first scenario, we showed that the systems trained for noun-phrase recognition on the SSC in one domain performed 2.7-3.1 percenta

    Semantic role labeling for protein transport predicates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Automatic semantic role labeling (SRL) is a natural language processing (NLP) technique that maps sentences to semantic representations. This technique has been widely studied in the recent years, but mostly with data in newswire domains. Here, we report on a SRL model for identifying the semantic roles of biomedical predicates describing protein transport in GeneRIFs – manually curated sentences focusing on gene functions. To avoid the computational cost of syntactic parsing, and because the boundaries of our protein transport roles often did not match up with syntactic phrase boundaries, we approached this problem with a word-chunking paradigm and trained support vector machine classifiers to classify words as being at the beginning, inside or outside of a protein transport role.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We collected a set of 837 GeneRIFs describing movements of proteins between cellular components, whose predicates were annotated for the semantic roles AGENT, PATIENT, ORIGIN and DESTINATION. We trained these models with the features of previous word-chunking models, features adapted from phrase-chunking models, and features derived from an analysis of our data. Our models were able to label protein transport semantic roles with 87.6% precision and 79.0% recall when using manually annotated protein boundaries, and 87.0% precision and 74.5% recall when using automatically identified ones.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We successfully adapted the word-chunking classification paradigm to semantic role labeling, applying it to a new domain with predicates completely absent from any previous studies. By combining the traditional word and phrasal role labeling features with biomedical features like protein boundaries and MEDPOST part of speech tags, we were able to address the challenges posed by the new domain data and subsequently build robust models that achieved F-measures as high as 83.1. This system for extracting protein transport information from GeneRIFs performs well even with proteins identified automatically, and is therefore more robust than the rule-based methods previously used to extract protein transport roles.</p

    An HMM-based synthetic view generator to improve the efficiency of ensemble systems

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    One of the most active areas of research in semi-supervised learning has been to study methods for constructing good ensembles of classifiers. Ensemble systems are techniques that create multiple models and then combine them to produce improved results. These systems usually produce more accurate solutions than a single model would. Specially, multi-view ensemble systems improve the accuracy of text classification because they optimize the functions to exploit different views of the same input data. However, despite being more promising than the single-view approaches, document datasets often have no natural multiple views available. This study proposes an algorithm to generate a synthetic view from a standard text dataset. The model generates a new view from the standard bag-of-words approach using an algorithm based on hidden Markov models (HMMs). To show the effectiveness of the proposed HMM-based synthetic view generation method, it has been integrated in a co-training ensemble system and tested with four text corpora: Reuters, 20 Newsgroup, TREC Genomics and OHSUMED. The results obtained are promising, showing a significant increase in the efficiency of the ensemble system compared to a single-view approach.European Union | Ref. FP7/REGPOT-2012-2013.1, n.316265, BIOCAPSMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad de España | Ref. TIN2013-47153-C3-3-RUniversidade de Vigo | Ref. 14VI0

    Knowledge-based extraction of adverse drug events from biomedical text

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    Background: Many biomedical relation extraction systems are machine-learning based and have to be trained on large annotated corpora that are expensive and cumbersome to construct. We developed a knowledge-based relation extraction system that requires minimal training data, and applied the system for the extraction of adverse drug events from biomedical text. The system consists of a concept recognition module that identifies drugs and adverse effects in sentences, and a knowledg

    Exploiting biomedical web resources: a case study

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    An increasing number of web resources continue to be extensively used by healthcare operators to obtain more accurate diagnostic results. In particular, health care is reaping the benefits of technological advances in genomic for facing the demand of genetic tests that allow a better comprehension of diagnostic results. Within this context, Gene Ontology (GO) is a popular and effective mean for extracting knowledge from a list of genes and evaluating their semantic similarity. This paper investigates about the potential and any limits of GO ontology as support for capturing information about a set of genes which are supposed to play a significant role in a pathological condition. In particular, we present a case study that exploits some biomedical web resources for devising several groups of functionally coherent genes and experiments about the evaluation of their semantic similarity over GO. Due to the GO structure and content, results reveal limitations that not affect the evaluation of the semantic similarity when genes exhibit simple correlations but influence the estimation of the relatedness of genes belonging to complex organizations

    Term Extraction and Disambiguation for Semantic Knowledge Enrichment: A Case Study on Initial Public Offering (IPO)

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    Domain knowledge bases are a basis for advanced knowledge-based systems, manually creating a formal knowledge base for a certain domain is both resource consuming and non-trivial. In this paper, we propose an approach that provides support to extract, select, and disambiguate terms embedded in domain specific documents. The extracted terms are later used to enrich existing ontologies/taxonomies, as well as to bridge domain specific knowledge base with a generic knowledge base such as WordNet. The proposed approach addresses two major issues in the term extraction domain, namely quality and efficiency. Also, the proposed approach adopts a feature-based method that assists in topic extraction and integration with existing ontologies in the given domain. The proposed approach is realized in a research prototype, and then a case study is conducted in order to illustrate the feasibility and the efficiency of the proposed method in the finance domain. A preliminary empirical validation by the domain experts is also conducted to determine the accuracy of the proposed approach. The results from the case study indicate the advantages and potential of the proposed approach
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