7 research outputs found


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    This paper proposes a preliminary analysis of whether a schema matching approach can be applied for the comparison and possible the selection of geospatial standards. Schema matching is tested in the context of underground utility network modelling and, as an initial experiment, three geospatial standards are compared with user requirements: CityGML UtilityNetwork ADE, infraGML and IFC. The schema comparison is enabled by XSD files, and carried out from syntactic, structural and semantic points of view, making use of existing software. The findings of this preliminary investigation show that schema matching is applicable for the comparison of user needs and existing geospatial standards, and does show some potential, but the matching results are varied and not easy to interpret. In particular, the similarity scores between user needs and standards are very low and the comparison and the selection is not straightforward. Having a strategy - an iterative process - is required. While for this preliminary examination, the focus of this paper is on assessing the schema matching approach (which parameters to take into consideration, how to proceed, tools available, automation aspect), further work will include examining software options and performance, as well as exploring how to take the relatively complex preliminary results obtained here and use them to assist the selection of a specific standard

    Structural Graph-based Metamodel Matching

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    Data integration has been, and still is, a challenge for applications processing multiple heterogeneous data sources. Across the domains of schemas, ontologies, and metamodels, this imposes the need for mapping specifications, i.e. the task of discovering semantic correspondences between elements. Support for the development of such mappings has been researched, producing matching systems that automatically propose mapping suggestions. However, especially in the context of metamodel matching the result quality of state of the art matching techniques leaves room for improvement. Although the traditional approach of pair-wise element comparison works on smaller data sets, its quadratic complexity leads to poor runtime and memory performance and eventually to the inability to match, when applied on real-world data. The work presented in this thesis seeks to address these shortcomings. Thereby, we take advantage of the graph structure of metamodels. Consequently, we derive a planar graph edit distance as metamodel similarity metric and mining-based matching to make use of redundant information. We also propose a planar graph-based partitioning to cope with large-scale matching. These techniques are then evaluated using real-world mappings from SAP business integration scenarios and the MDA community. The results demonstrate improvement in quality and managed runtime and memory consumption for large-scale metamodel matching

    Ähnlichkeitsbasierte Suche in Geschäftsprozessmodelldatenbanken

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    Die Wiederverwendung von Prozessmodellen bietet sich zur Reduzierung des hohen Modellierungsaufwands an. Allerdings ist das Auffinden von ähnlichen Modellen in großen Modellsammlungen manuell nicht effizient möglich. Hilfreich sind daher Suchmöglichkeiten nach relevanten Modellen, die als Vorlage zur Modellierung genutzt werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden Ansätze beschrieben, um innerhalb von Prozessmodellbibliotheken nach ähnlichen Modellen und Aktivitäten zu suchen