10,194 research outputs found

    Comparing Conventional and Augmented Reality Instructions for Manual Assembly Tasks

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    Blattgerste J, Strenge B, Renner P, Pfeiffer T, Essig K. Comparing Conventional and Augmented Reality Instructions for Manual Assembly Tasks. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. PETRA '17. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2017: 75-82.Augmented Reality (AR) gains increased attention as a means to provide assistance for different human activities. Hereby the suitability of AR does not only depend on the respective task, but also to a high degree on the respective device. In a standardized assembly task, we tested AR-based in-situ assistance against conventional pictorial instructions using a smartphone, Microsoft HoloLens and Epson Moverio BT-200 smart glasses as well as paper-based instructions. Participants solved the task fastest using the paper instructions, but made less errors with AR assistance on the Microsoft HoloLens smart glasses than with any other system. Methodically we propose operational definitions of time segments and other optimizations for standardized benchmarking of AR assembly instructions

    An evaluation of the Microsoft HoloLens for a manufacturing-guided assembly task

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    Many studies have confirmed the benefits of using Augmented Reality (AR) work instructions over traditional digital or paper instructions, but few have compared the effects of different AR hardware for complex assembly tasks. For this research, previously published data using Desktop Model Based Instructions (MBI), Tablet MBI, and Tablet AR instructions were compared to new assembly data collected using AR instructions on the Microsoft HoloLens Head Mounted Display (HMD). Participants completed a mock wing assembly task, and measures like completion time, error count, Net Promoter Score, and qualitative feedback were recorded. The HoloLens condition yielded faster completion times than all other conditions. HoloLens users also had lower error rates than those who used the non-AR conditions. Despite the performance benefits of the HoloLens AR instructions, users of this condition reported lower net promoter scores than users of the Tablet AR instructions. The qualitative data showed that some users thought the HoloLens device was uncomfortable and that the tracking was not always exact. Although the user feedback favored the Tablet AR condition, the HoloLens condition resulted in significantly faster assembly times. As a result, it is recommended to use the HoloLens for complex guided assembly instructions with minor changes, such as allowing the user to toggle the AR instructions on and off at will. The results of this paper can help manufacturing stakeholders better understand the benefits of different AR technology for manual assembly tasks

    Interaktiiviset kokoonpano-ohjeet

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    Industrial products are increasingly varying, and the assembly of customized or unique products is slow, expensive, and prone to errors. Conventional static assembly drawings and instructions are suboptimal in supporting complex and dynamic assembly operations. The main objective of the study was to investigate if interactive assembly instructions could substitute the current documents instructing assembly in the case company. Two approaches, 3D instructions and augmented reality (AR) instructions, were developed based on literature review. 3D instructions presented the assembly procedure in steps in which the assembly of the parts is animated. The instructions were based directly on the 3D model of the assembly object. AR instructions utilized the same assembly sequence as 3D instructions. AR instructions were viewed using a head-mounted display, which presented the assembly step animations spatially overlaid on the physical assembly. The developed instructions were evaluated in a user study. The tests were observed by the author, and the participants answered to a post-study questionnaire that concerned subjective efficiency and user acceptance. Both AR instructions and 3D instructions received positive feedback and were evaluated more efficient than the currently used assembly drawings. The features of the interactive assembly drawings address directly the problems of the current assembly documents. Hence, it was concluded that interactive assembly instructions could be used instead of the current assembly drawings and work instructions. However, the complexity of the case company products require that the instructions must be configurable to enable their implementation.Teolliset tuotteet kehittyvät jatkuvasti monipuolisemmin muunneltaviksi, ja samalla niiden kokoonpano muuttuu hankalammaksi ja kalliimmaksi. Perinteiset kuviin ja tekstiin perustuvat kokoonpanokuvat ja työohjeet ovat monin tavoin riittämättömiä ohjeistamaan monimutkaisia ja dynaamisia kokoonpanotehtäviä. Tässä työssä tavoitteena oli tutkia, voisiko interaktiivisilla kokoonpano-ohjeilla korvata kohdeyrityksessä nykyisin käytössä olevat työohjeet ja kokoonpanokuvat. Työssä kehitettiin aikaisempien tutkimusten pohjalta kaksi erilaista interaktiivista ohjeistustapaa. 3D-ohjeet opastavat kokoonpanoa vaihe vaiheelta näyttäen jokaisen osan asennuksen animoidusti. 3D-ohjeet luodaan suoraan kokoonpanon 3D-mallin pohjalta. Toiseksi menetelmäksi valikoitui lisättyä todellisuutta (augmented reality, AR) hyödyntävät ohjeet. AR-ohjeet perustuvat 3D-ohjeita varten luotuihin vaiheistuksiin sekä animaatioihin. AR-ohjeita katsotaan silmikkonäytöllä, joka näyttää ohjeiden virtuaaliset komponentit todellisen kokoonpanon päällä. Ohjeiden toimivuutta testattiin käyttäjäkokeissa. Testeissä havainnoitiin koehenkilöiden toimintaa, ja lisäksi he vastasivat kyselyyn. Kyselyllä selvitettiin, miten tehokkaana koehenkilöt pitivät testattuja ohjeita verrattuna heidän tavallisesti käyttämiin kokoonpanokuviin. Sekä AR- että 3D-ohjeet saivat positiivista palautetta, ja koehenkilöt kokivat niiden toimivan tavallisia kokoonpanokuvia paremmin. Interaktiiviset ohjeet ja niiden tärkeimmät ominaisuudet vastaavat nykyisten kokoonpanokuvien ja työohjeiden ongelmakohtiin. Työn johtopäätöksenä voidaankin todeta, että interaktiiviset kokoonpano-ohjeet sopisivat korvaamaan nykyiset kokoonpanokuvat sekä työohjeet. Tuotteiden monimutkaisuus kuitenkin edellyttää, että ohjeet pitää pystyä konfiguroimaan varianttikohtaisesti

    Smart operators: How augmented and virtual technologies are affecting the worker's performance in manufacturing contexts

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    Purpose: The correct interaction between the workforce and augmented, virtual, and mixed reality technologies represents a crucial aspect of the success of the smart factory. This interaction is, indeed, affected by the variability of human behavior and its reliability, which can strongly influence the quality, safety, and productivity standards. For this reason, this paper aims to provide a clear and complete analysis of the impacts of these technologies on the performance of operators. Design/methodology/approach: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was conducted to identify peer-reviewed papers that focused on the implementation of augmented and virtual technologies in manufacturing systems and their effects on human performance. Findings: In total, 61 papers were selected and thoroughly analyzed. The findings of this study reveal that Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality can be applied for several applications in manufacturing systems with different types of devices, that involve various advantages and disadvantages. The worker’s performance that are influencing by the use of these technologies are above all time to complete a task, error rate and mental and physical workload. Originality/value: Over the years Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality technologies in manufacturing systems have been investigated by researchers. Several studies mostly focused on technological issues, have been conducted. The role of the operator, whose tasks may be influenced positively or negatively by the use of new devices, has been hardly ever analyzed and a deep analysis of human performance affected by these technologies is missing. This study represents a preliminary analysis to fill this gap. The results obtained from the SLR allowed us to develop a conceptual framework that investigates the current state-of-the-art knowledge about the topic and highlights gaps in the current researchPeer Reviewe

    The Analysis of design and manufacturing tasks using haptic and immersive VR - Some case studies

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    The use of virtual reality in interactive design and manufacture has been researched extensively but the practical application of this technology in industry is still very much in its infancy. This is surprising as one would have expected that, after some 30 years of research commercial applications of interactive design or manufacturing planning and analysis would be widespread throughout the product design domain. One of the major but less well known advantages of VR technology is that logging the user gives a great deal of rich data which can be used to automatically generate designs or manufacturing instructions, analyse design and manufacturing tasks, map engineering processes and, tentatively, acquire expert knowledge. The authors feel that the benefits of VR in these areas have not been fully disseminated to the wider industrial community and - with the advent of cheaper PC-based VR solutions - perhaps a wider appreciation of the capabilities of this type of technology may encourage companies to adopt VR solutions for some of their product design processes. With this in mind, this paper will describe in detail applications of haptics in assembly demonstrating how user task logging can lead to the analysis of design and manufacturing tasks at a level of detail not previously possible as well as giving usable engineering outputs. The haptic 3D VR study involves the use of a Phantom and 3D system to analyse and compare this technology against real-world user performance. This work demonstrates that the detailed logging of tasks in a virtual environment gives considerable potential for understanding how virtual tasks can be mapped onto their real world equivalent as well as showing how haptic process plans can be generated in a similar manner to the conduit design and assembly planning HMD VR tool reported in PART A. The paper concludes with a view as to how the authors feel that the use of VR systems in product design and manufacturing should evolve in order to enable the industrial adoption of this technology in the future

    The Role of Head-Up Display in Computer-Assisted Instruction

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    Comparative study of AR versus video tutorials for minor maintenance operations

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    [EN] Augmented Reality (AR) has become a mainstream technology in the development of solutions for repair and maintenance operations. Although most of the AR solutions are still limited to specific contexts in industry, some consumer electronics companies have started to offer pre-packaged AR solutions as alternative to video-based tutorials (VT) for minor maintenance operations. In this paper, we present a comparative study of the acquired knowledge and user perception achieved with AR and VT solutions in some maintenance tasks of IT equipment. The results indicate that both systems help users to acquire knowledge in various aspects of equipment maintenance. Although no statistically significant differences were found between AR and VT solutions, users scored higher on the AR version in all cases. Moreover, the users explicitly preferred the AR version when evaluating three different usability and satisfaction criteria. For the AR version, a strong and significant correlation was found between the satisfaction and the achieved knowledge. Since the AR solution achieved similar learning results with higher usability scores than the video-based tutorials, these results suggest that AR solutions are the most effective approach to substitute the typical paper-based instructions in consumer electronics.This work has been supported by Spanish MINECO and EU ERDF programs under grant RTI2018-098156-B-C55.Morillo, P.; García García, I.; Orduña, JM.; Fernández, M.; Juan, M. (2020). Comparative study of AR versus video tutorials for minor maintenance operations. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 79(11-12):7073-7100. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-08437-9S707371007911-12Ahn J, Williamson J, Gartrell M, Han R, Lv Q, Mishra S (2015) Supporting healthy grocery shopping via mobile augmented reality. 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    Smart augmented reality instructional system for mechanical assembly

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    Quality and efficiency are pivotal indicators of a manufacturing company. Many companies are suffering from shortage of experienced workers across the production line to perform complex assembly tasks such as assembly of an aircraft engine. This could lead to a significant financial loss. In order to further reduce time and error in an assembly, a smart system consisting of multi-modal Augmented Reality (AR) instructions with the support of a deep learning network for tool detection is introduced. The multi-modal smart AR is designed to provide on-site information including various visual renderings with a fine-tuned Region-based Convolutional Neural Network, which is trained on a synthetic tool dataset. The dataset is generated using CAD models of tools augmented onto a 2D scene without the need of manually preparing real tool images. By implementing the system to mechanical assembly of a CNC carving machine, the result has shown that the system is not only able to correctly classify and localize the physical tools but also enables workers to successfully complete the given assembly tasks. With the proposed approaches, an efficiently customizable smart AR instructional system capable of sensing, characterizing the requirements, and enhancing worker\u27s performance effectively has been built and demonstrated --Abstract, page iii
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