1,939 research outputs found

    RPPM : Rapid Performance Prediction of Multithreaded workloads on multicore processors

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    Analytical performance modeling is a useful complement to detailed cycle-level simulation to quickly explore the design space in an early design stage. Mechanistic analytical modeling is particularly interesting as it provides deep insight and does not require expensive offline profiling as empirical modeling. Previous work in mechanistic analytical modeling, unfortunately, is limited to single-threaded applications running on single-core processors. This work proposes RPPM, a mechanistic analytical performance model for multi-threaded applications on multicore hardware. RPPM collects microarchitecture-independent characteristics of a multi-threaded workload to predict performance on a previously unseen multicore architecture. The profile needs to be collected only once to predict a range of processor architectures. We evaluate RPPM's accuracy against simulation and report a performance prediction error of 11.2% on average (23% max). We demonstrate RPPM's usefulness for conducting design space exploration experiments as well as for analyzing parallel application performance

    BarrierPoint: sampled simulation of multi-threaded applications

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    Sampling is a well-known technique to speed up architectural simulation of long-running workloads while maintaining accurate performance predictions. A number of sampling techniques have recently been developed that extend well- known single-threaded techniques to allow sampled simulation of multi-threaded applications. Unfortunately, prior work is limited to non-synchronizing applications (e.g., server throughput workloads); requires the functional simulation of the entire application using a detailed cache hierarchy which limits the overall simulation speedup potential; leads to different units of work across different processor architectures which complicates performance analysis; or, requires massive machine resources to achieve reasonable simulation speedups. In this work, we propose BarrierPoint, a sampling methodology to accelerate simulation by leveraging globally synchronizing barriers in multi-threaded applications. BarrierPoint collects microarchitecture-independent code and data signatures to determine the most representative inter-barrier regions, called barrierpoints. BarrierPoint estimates total application execution time (and other performance metrics of interest) through detailed simulation of these barrierpoints only, leading to substantial simulation speedups. Barrierpoints can be simulated in parallel, use fewer simulation resources, and define fixed units of work to be used in performance comparisons across processor architectures. Our evaluation of BarrierPoint using NPB and Parsec benchmarks reports average simulation speedups of 24.7x (and up to 866.6x) with an average simulation error of 0.9% and 2.9% at most. On average, BarrierPoint reduces the number of simulation machine resources needed by 78x

    A methodology for analyzing commercial processor performance numbers

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    The wealth of performance numbers provided by benchmarking corporations makes it difficult to detect trends across commercial machines. A proposed methodology, based on statistical data analysis, simplifies exploration of these machines' large datasets

    Epoch profiles: microarchitecture-based application analysis and optimization

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    The performance of data-intensive applications, when running on modern multi- and many-core processors, is largely determined by their memory access behavior. Its most important contributors are the frequency and latency of off-chip accesses and the extent to which long-latency memory accesses can be overlapped with useful computation or with each other. In this paper we present two methods to better understand application and microarchitectural interactions. An epoch profile is an intuitive way to understand the relationships between three important characteristics: the on-chip cache size, the size of the reorder window of an out-of-order processor, and the frequency of processor stalls caused by long-latency, off-chip requests (epochs). By relating these three quantities one can more easily understand an application’s memory reference behavior and thus significantly reduce the design space. While epoch profiles help to provide insight into the behavior of a single application, developing an understanding of a number of applications in the presence of area and core count constraints presents additional challenges. Epoch-based microarchitectural analysis is presented as a better way to understand the trade-offs for memory-bound applications in the presence of these physical constraints. Through epoch profiling and optimization, one can significantly reduce the multidimensional design space for hardware/software optimization through the use of high-level model-driven techniques

    A Detailed Analysis of Contemporary ARM and x86 Architectures

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    RISC vs. CISC wars raged in the 1980s when chip area and processor design complexity were the primary constraints and desktops and servers exclusively dominated the computing landscape. Today, energy and power are the primary design constraints and the computing landscape is significantly different: growth in tablets and smartphones running ARM (a RISC ISA) is surpassing that of desktops and laptops running x86 (a CISC ISA). Further, the traditionally low-power ARM ISA is entering the high-performance server market, while the traditionally high-performance x86 ISA is entering the mobile low-power device market. Thus, the question of whether ISA plays an intrinsic role in performance or energy efficiency is becoming important, and we seek to answer this question through a detailed measurement based study on real hardware running real applications. We analyze measurements on the ARM Cortex-A8 and Cortex-A9 and Intel Atom and Sandybridge i7 microprocessors over workloads spanning mobile, desktop, and server computing. Our methodical investigation demonstrates the role of ISA in modern microprocessors? performance and energy efficiency. We find that ARM and x86 processors are simply engineering design points optimized for different levels of performance, and there is nothing fundamentally more energy efficient in one ISA class or the other. The ISA being RISC or CISC seems irrelevant

    Interval simulation: raising the level of abstraction in architectural simulation

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    Detailed architectural simulators suffer from a long development cycle and extremely long evaluation times. This longstanding problem is further exacerbated in the multi-core processor era. Existing solutions address the simulation problem by either sampling the simulated instruction stream or by mapping the simulation models on FPGAs; these approaches achieve substantial simulation speedups while simulating performance in a cycle-accurate manner This paper proposes interval simulation which rakes a completely different approach: interval simulation raises the level of abstraction and replaces the core-level cycle-accurate simulation model by a mechanistic analytical model. The analytical model estimates core-level performance by analyzing intervals, or the timing between two miss events (branch mispredictions and TLB/cache misses); the miss events are determined through simulation of the memory hierarchy, cache coherence protocol, interconnection network and branch predictor By raising the level of abstraction, interval simulation reduces both development time and evaluation time. Our experimental results using the SPEC CPU2000 and PARSEC benchmark suites and the MS multi-core simulator show good accuracy up to eight cores (average error of 4.6% and max error of 11% for the multi-threaded full-system workloads), while achieving a one order of magnitude simulation speedup compared to cycle-accurate simulation. Moreover interval simulation is easy to implement: our implementation of the mechanistic analytical model incurs only one thousand lines of code. Its high accuracy, fast simulation speed and ease-of-use make interval simulation a useful complement to the architect's toolbox for exploring system-level and high-level micro-architecture trade-offs